Since the advent of jump jump applet game, overnight, the small program became a household name, also more and more rich, the functional development in WeChat search will find many big brands already have their own small program, more and more enterprises and businessmen are also settled on this tuyere, want to quickly develop a their own small program, the small program development process is how?

One, prepare the small program development to use materials

Materials required for enterprise development of small programs are:

The company’s business license, legal person’s mobile phone number, ID number, wechat signal scanning, authentication form — used for wechat public number authentication.

Bank to public account, bank opening license, enterprise e-banking — application payment interface.

Small program logo, enterprise introduction. Product information, contact information, etc. – small program development.

Note: Individuals can apply for wechat mini program, but cannot apply for wechat Pay interface.

Ii. Introduction of the complete process of wechat applets development

1. Design the prototype diagram to roughly draw the functions to be realized. This step mainly discusses logical thinking. Only when the logic is clear, the following work can be carried out more smoothly.

2. Register small program account, need to pay 300 yuan authentication fee, if need to use wechat payment function, that also need to apply for payment interface.

3. UI design, UI designers according to the prototype diagram, product characteristics, company culture and so on to design the interface, pay more attention to the appearance and details, high-quality interface will let people have a lingering feeling, let users add small programs to the collection list.

4. Back-end development: making the system background and developing related interfaces according to the prototype diagram, including the interface of background data management and interaction with the small program foreground. The applets interface needs to use HTTPS, that is, the server must follow the SSL certificate and add the related domain name to the management background.

5. Front-end development, small programs In addition to making the interface, front-end engineers also need to connect to the background interface for data interaction, so as to make a complete process, complete the production of experience version for internal testing.

6. In the testing process, small programs also pay attention to compatibility. Testers should test whether the functions developed can be used normally, and whether there will be errors in apple and Android versions to ensure that the functions of small programs are normal.

7. Finally submit the application to go online. After the test of the experience version passes, the administrator can submit it to the platform for review.
