weApp for wechat

Author’s Statement:

Ionic style library and WeUI style library are integrated into the imitation wechat Demo based on micro app development. Please check out the use of required reading! To update the log, click here

The current function

View message network request to obtain data wechat map (call API has been changed to map component) send pictures view friends circle view system information new friends real-time text search box (optimization) IDE update drop down (with some components will conflict, waiting for the official solution) picker three modesCopy the code

Currently updated daily…

Welcome to study and exchange

Developed for learning wechat small program, please attach the address for forwarding


Use required reading:

  • After October 8th, I separated the version into two demos: server side and client side
  • If you want to keep the previous static demo backup please
  • The server part is a separate project, loaded with the data needed for the project, which needs to be downloaded and run to run the project
  • Project link: > github.com/liujians/We…

After running to the server, set your OWN Ip address in app.js

About use:

Clone the project -> Add the project in wechat development tool -> select the project directory -> Start the sample server -> restart the project

Related resources:

  • Appi – appI – appI – appI – appI – appI – appI – appI – APPI – APPI – APPI – APPI – APPI – APPI
  • Eapp-server – Server example server of a project