One, foreword
As an old JFinal player, some of my friends are using JFinal + Spring Boot, mainly using JFinal Activerecord. Therefore, micA is added based on jfinal Activerecord micA – Activerecord module, for everyone to drain holes, easy to use.
Ii. Mica (Mica)
It’s a set of microservice components, but not just components. We focus on the microservice ecosystem and continue to evolve, making it as easy to use and pit as possible out of the box. There are 40+ components in total, and many have been knocked through.
Version description
The latest version | Mica version | The spring version of the boot | Spring cloud version |
2.5.1 | Mica 2.5 x | X 2.5. | 2020 |
2.4.7 | Mica 2.4 x | X 2.4. | 2020 |
2.1.1 – GA | Mica from 2.0 x to 2.1 x | 2.2 x to 2.3 x | Hoxton |
Note: MicA has an optional dependency on Spring Cloud, and other components other than MicA-Jobs can also be used by normal Spring Boot projects.
Update records
overall code optimization reduces problems on Codacy.
mica- HTTP code optimization, support for custom Logger.
Add the mica-Activerecord module.
mica – the core optimization DisableValidationTrustManager ease of use.
mica-Redis can customize the RedisTemplate.
mica-logging Loki sender default value optimized according to dependencies, gitee #I3T68Y.
fix mica-Redis RedisTemplate initialization.
update readme. md Updates the document address.
Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2020.0.3.
Upgrade Spring Boot to 2.5.1.
overall code optimization reduces problems on Codacy.
mica- HTTP code optimization, support for custom Logger.
Add the mica-Activerecord module.
mica – the core optimization DisableValidationTrustManager ease of use.
mica-Redis can customize the RedisTemplate.
mica-logging Loki sender default value optimized according to dependencies, gitee #I3T68Y.
fix mica-Redis RedisTemplate initialization.
update readme. md Updates the document address.
Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2020.0.3.
Upgrade Spring Boot to 2.4.7.
5. Key points
5.1 Adding the MicA-Activerecord Module
Extend JFinal Activerecord for easy use in Spring Boot. The functions are as follows:
The @tablename annotation facilitates automatic Model Mapping.
Record of Jackson processing.
Druid-based executable Sql printing.
SQL Dialect, which supports multiple databases based on Druid.
JFinal ActiveRecord transactions annotated with @tx.
Customizable ActiveRecordPluginCustomizer Bean implementation custom extensions.
ModelUtil implements Model, Record -> Bean conversions.
CodeGenerator code generates a markdown format data dictionary.
5.2 MicA-Logging supports Loki
6. Mica Ecology
Mica-auto (Spring Boot starter):…
Mica-weixin (Spring Boot starter for jfinal Weixin) :…
Mica-mqtt (MQTT component based on T-IO implementation) :…
Spring Cloud Microservices Http2 Solution (H2C) :…
Mica-security (micA permission system vUE modification) :…
Seven, documentation,
Mica source Gitee (code cloud) :…
Mica source: Github:
Documentation (official website) :
Documentation address (Language – subscribe to follow) :