
Mica evolved from Lutool within Dream technology. Lutool was born in 2017 and has evolved into a core set of microservices inspired by JHipster.

Lutool was renamed MicA (Mica) in 2019 when it was opened to the public because its name and function did not quite fit, meaning it is the cornerstone of cloud services.

Mica 2.x core dependencies

Mica is based on Java 8, has no historical baggage and supports legacy servlets and Reactive (WebFlux). Use mica-Auto to automatically generate spring.factories and spring-devtools.properties. There are few core components of microservices on the market.

Rely on version
Spring Boot X 2.3.

Mica 2.0.4-GA Updated Description

  • 📝 Improve usage documentation.
  • ✨ mica-http Adds the pathParam method.
  • ✨ mica-ip2region IpInfo Adds the getAddress method.
  • ✨ Add the micA-XSS module.
  • ✨ mica- HTTP uses CompletableFuture to optimize asynchronous Github #29.
  • ✨ mica-core BeanUtil add deepClone method.
  • ✨ mica-core INetUtil Add Intranet IP address judgment.
  • ✨ mica-spider fixes readme for easy use.
  • ⬆️ Upgrade Spring Cloud to Hoxton.sr6.
  • ⬆️ Upgrade Spring Boot to 2.3.2.RELEASE.
  • ⬆️ Upgrade Knife4j to 2.0.4.
  • ⬆️ Upgrade micA-Auto to 1.2.5.

Added micA-XSS component

  • XSS filtering based on Jsoup.
  • XSS processing of string form data.
  • XSS processing of JSON data as strings.
  • provideroutingandThe controllerMethod level release rules andannotations.

The document

  • Mica source: Github: github.com/lets-mica
  • Mica source Gitee (code cloud) : gitee.com/596392912/m…
  • Document address (website) : www.dreamlu.net/mica2x/inde…
  • Documentation address (Language – subscribe to follow) : www.yuque.com/dreamlu
  • Example project: github.com/lets-mica/m…