Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

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The source code

Subway line information, executed only once, stored in substrain.txt
Const subMessage = {'1 ': 'Guangzhou East Railway Station @3 North Extension = Sports Center = Tiyu West Road @3 @3 North Extension = Yangji @5 = Dongshankou @6 = Martyrs' Cemetery = Nongzhuosuo = Park Front @2 = West Gate = Chenjiaci = Changshou Road = Huangsha @6 = Fangcun = Huatiwan = Pothole = Xilang @ Guangfo ', '2 ': 'guangzhou south station @ 7 = = rock @ 7 will jiang nanpu multitude of = = = = east xiao nan = = jiangtai road south state chang gang @ = = Jiang Naxi = 8, 2 palace hiazhu square @ # 6 = park before @ # 1 = = = memorial hall, yuexiu park, guangzhou railway station @ 5 = = = = white clouds fly park park in ternary baiyun cultural square = Xiao Gang = jiangxia = = golden harvest as huang gang @ # 3 north Delay period ', '3' : 'the tianhe bus @ 6 top = = = = middle five mountain hills, ling bridge = 1 sports road west @ @ # 3 north extension period of = = guangzhou pearl river new town @ 5 tower @ APM @ 8 = DaTang = = guest village drain kau = mansion kau = stone = han creek long lung = = panyu city bridge square', 'no. 3 north extension period of' : 'Airport South = Renhe = Longgui = Jiahe Wanggang @ # 2 = Baiyun Avenue North = Yongtai = Tonghe = Jingxi Nanfang Hospital = Meihuayuan = Yantang @ # 6 = Guangzhou East Railway Station @ # 1 = Linhe West @APM= Tiyu West Road @ # 1 @ # 3 ', '4 ': 'huangcun = car vicious = vicious south @ = 5 maxell @ around 8 north = = = officer state university university made = = new stone acer = south of the city waterfront huangge motor city of = = = low swell = tung chung huangge = = jinzhou Manila door', '5' : 'beijiao port = = temple tail @ 6 zhongshan eight = = west village west field = guangzhou railway station @ # 2 little north gold = = = @ # 6 = = zoo zhuang Yang basket @ # 1 = wuyang estate = zhujiang new town @ 3 = hunting DE = = = member pool village village family rhyme road = car vicious @ south east nursery = = 4 sanxi = fish bead = big sand = ShaDong = wen chong', '6' : 'invertors peak arrival bei river sand of = = = = horizontal sand sand jotham tail @ # 5 = best fang = sand @ # 1 = = a-de way culture park = hiazhu square @ # 2 = = = mass of a big square Beijing road east east lake = pass @ = 1 zhuang @ 5 = Huang Huagang = = = balance frame shahe top yan tong @ # 3 north long delay period of bus terminal @ # 3 = = tianhe Ban = longdong = = botanical garden kembat long = Gao Tang stone Huangpi = Jinfeng = Siem Gang = Suyuan = Luogang = Xiangxue ', 'No. 7 ': 'Guangzhou South Railway Station @2 = Shibi @2 = Xecun = Zhongcun = Hanxi Chimelong @3 = Nancun Wanbo = Yuangang = Banqiao = South of university City ', '8' : 'maxell @ around 4 = pazhou = = = red post grinding disc sand Newport @ # 3 = = guest village lujiang = = cuhk hiu kong @ # 2 = = chang hills, Po road garden phoenix saemaul undong = = = sand and the west cultural park @ # 6 = = = waring temple Chen clan academy @ # 1 = = = west village bridge @ 5 lantern temple = with DE = shangbu = julong = so dragon pond = small flat = ishii = = kau pavilion Heart ', '9', 'fly eling = huadu auto city = guangzhou north station @ 8 = = = = flower square huaguo mountain park huacheng road ma on shan park = clear then LianTang Village = = white eel pond = increase @ # 3', 'the guangfo' : 'new east lotus lanshi = = = dongping = century chief strange way = = = temple, tongji road = PuJun JiHua garden north road = the Ann = keijo = south guangxi road = = = financial thousand lamp lake high-tech zone Lei hills, stream of = = chrysanthemum tree = west lang @ = hedong = sand boil = 1 sand garden @ = 8 YanGang = = = stony brook south state drain kau', 'APM' : 'and west @ # 3 north Lin delay period of south = = sports center day henan = = = = children center huangpu avenue huacheng avenue theatre = = tower in guangzhou sea heart sand @ # 3', '13' : 'fish bead @ = 5 yu fung wai @ 7 = = double hills, the south China sea temple = Xia Yuan @ 5 = nangang = WenChong = Bai Jiang = xintang @ 16 = = after chang officer lake bridge', '14' : At post = baiyun dongping = 'golden tai Xia Liang = = = bamboo material clock fell tam Ma Li = new and = = peace = = = = god hills, deng village conghua passenger stations of dongfeng', '14 side: 'Xinhe = North of Knowledge City = Matouzhuang = Fengxia Village = Knowledge City = South of Knowledge City = Wangcun = Kangda = Zhenlongbei = Zhenlong@ No.21 ', '21 ':' Yuancun @5 = Tianhe Park = Tangdong = Huangcun @4 = Daguan South Road = Tianhe Smart City = Shenzhou Road = Science City = Suyuan @6 = Shuixi @7 = Changping = Jinkeng = Zhenlong west = Zhenlong @14 Branch line = Zhongxin = Kengbei = Fenggang = Zhucun = Shantian = Zhonggang = Zengcheng Square '} for (let key in subMessage) { // console.log(key); // console.log(subMessage[key]); fs.appendFileSync('./subway.txt', key + ':' + subMessage[key]+'\n','utf-8'); }Copy the code

The introduction of package
const fs = require('fs')
const readline = require('readline')
const lodash = require('lodash')
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A partial method of encapsulation
Read the file and get the array of objects
function readSubwayFlie() {
    let showLine = fs.readFileSync('./subway.txt', 'utf-8');
    let subStr = showLine.split('\n');
    showLine = [];
    let stred = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < subStr.length; i++) {
        stred = subStr[i].split(':');
            name: stred[0],
            line: stred[1]
    return showLine;
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Reads an array of route objects corresponding to a station name
function stationToLine(station) { let subMessage = readSubwayFlie(); let Lines = []; for (let i = 0; i < subMessage.length; i++) { if (subMessage[i].line.includes(station)) Lines.push(subMessage[i]) } return Lines; } stationToLine(' Jiahe Wanggang ')Copy the code

Pass in name and an array of checked names to determine if the route has been checked

function isChecked(line, lineStr) {
    for (let i = 0; i < lineStr.length; i++) {
        if (lineStr[i] === line) return true
    return false;
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Pass in an array of route objects and a checked array of names to get a changeStation array, each of which is an object, {start:,changeToLine:}
function LineToChangeStation(Lines, checked) { let changeStation = []; let t; for (let i = 0; i < Lines.length; i++) { if (typeof (Lines[i].line) == 'string') { t = Lines[i].line.split('='); for (let j = 0; j < t.length; j++) { if (t[j].indexOf('@') > 0) { if (t[j].split('@').length === 2) { if (! isChecked(t[j].split('@')[1], checked)) { changeStation.push({ start: t[j].slice(0, t[j].indexOf('@')), changeToLine: t[j].slice(t[j].indexOf('@') + 1) }) } } else { if (! isChecked(t[j].split('@')[1], checked)) { changeStation.push({ start: t[j].slice(0, t[j].indexOf('@')), changeToLine: t[j].split('@')[1] }) } if (! isChecked(t[j].split('@')[2], checked)) { changeStation.push({ start: t[j].slice(0, t[j].indexOf('@')), changeToLine: t[j].split('@')[2] }) } } } } } } return changeStation; }Copy the code

Check if the route is in the destination route array, pass in name and the route route object array
function lineIsRequest(line, str) {
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        if (line === str[i].name) return true
    return false
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  • Gets the route line with the name name
function getOneLine(lineName) {
    let subMessage = readSubwayFlie();
    for (let i = 0; i < subMessage.length; i++) {
        if (subMessage[i].name == lineName) return subMessage[i].line
    return null;
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  • Put the path of the buffer into “memory” and the buffer is cleared
function bufferToRAM(buffer, checked) {
    for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
    buffer = [];
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Algorithm implementation function

Incoming to the beginning and the end

function mainFn(first, last) { let finish = false; let firstLine = stationToLine(first); let lastLine = stationToLine(last); let result = []; let checkedLine = []; // Let bufferCheckedLine = []; Let middleStation = []; let middleStation = []; For (let I = 0; i < firstLine.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < lastLine.length; j++) { if (firstLine[i].name === lastLine[j].name) { result.push({ start: first, line: firstLine[i].name }) finish = true; }} BufferCheckedLine.push (firstLine[I].name)} // Two lines to if (finish === false) {let already = 0; let one = LineToChangeStation(firstLine, bufferCheckedLine); bufferToRAM(bufferCheckedLine, checkedLine); for (let i = 0; i < one.length; i++) { if (lineIsRequest(one[i].changeToLine, lastLine)) { middleStation[0] = one[i]; finish = true; already = 1; } bufferCheckedLine.push(one[I].changetoline)}} finish) { let one = LineToChangeStation(firstLine, checkedLine); let two = []; let chang = []; BufferToRAM (bufferCheckedLine, checkedLine) for (let I = 0; i < one.length; i++) { middleStation[0] = one[i]; chang[0] = { name: one[i].changeToLine, line: getOneLine(one[i].changeToLine) }; two = LineToChangeStation(chang, checkedLine); for (let j = 0; j < two.length; j++) { if (lineIsRequest(two[j].changeToLine, lastLine)) { middleStation[1] = two[j]; finish = true; } bufferCheckedLine.push(two[j].changeToLine) } if (finish) break; If (finish === false) {checkedLine = []; bufferCheckedLine = []; let chang = []; for (let i = 0; i < firstLine.length; i++) { bufferCheckedLine.push(firstLine[i].name) } bufferToRAM(checkedLine, bufferCheckedLine) middleStation = []; let one = LineToChangeStation(firstLine, bufferCheckedLine); for (let i = 0; i < one.length; i++) { middleStation[0] = one[i]; chang[0] = { name: one[i].changeToLine, line: getOneLine(one[i].changeToLine) }; for (let m = 0; m < one.length; m++) { bufferCheckedLine.push(one[m].changeToLine) } two = LineToChangeStation(chang, bufferCheckedLine); for (let j = 0; j < two.length; j++) { middleStation[1] = two[j]; chang[0] = { name: two[j].changeToLine, line: getOneLine(two[j].changeToLine) } for (let m = 0; m < two.length; m++) { bufferCheckedLine.push(two[m].changeToLine) } three = LineToChangeStation(chang, bufferCheckedLine) for (let k = 0; k < three.length; k++) { if (lineIsRequest(three[k].changeToLine, lastLine)) { middleStation[1] = three[k]; finish = true; } } if (finish) break; } if (finish) break; bufferCheckedLine = []; for (let n = 0; n < checkedLine.length; n++) { bufferCheckedLine.push(checkedLine[n]) } } } if (! Finish) {console.log(' under development '); } if (result.length ! == 0) { let i = 0; for (i = 0; i < firstLine.length; i++){ if(firstLine[i].line.includes(last))break } let f = firstLine[i].line.indexOf(first) let l = firstLine[i].line.indexOf(last) console.log(firstLine[i].name); if (f > l) { console.log(firstLine[i].line.slice(l,f+first.length)); } else { console.log(firstLine[i].line.slice(f,l+last.length)); } } else if(finish){ let i = 0; for (i = 0; i < firstLine.length; i++){ if(firstLine[i].line.includes(middleStation[0].start))break } let f = firstLine[i].line.indexOf(first) let l = firstLine[i].line.indexOf(middleStation[0].start) console.log(firstLine[i].name); if (f > l) { console.log(firstLine[i].line.slice(l,f+first.length)); } else { console.log(firstLine[i].line.slice(f,l+middleStation[0].start.length)); } for (let j = 0; j < middleStation.length; j++){ let sub = getOneLine(middleStation[j].changeToLine); console.log(middleStation[j].changeToLine); if (j ! = middleStation.length - 1) { f = sub.indexOf(middleStation[j].start) l = sub.indexOf(middleStation[j + 1].start) if (f > l) { console.log(sub.slice(l, f + middleStation[j].start.length)); } else { console.log(sub.slice(f, l + middleStation[j+1].start.length)); } } else { f = sub.indexOf(middleStation[j].start) l = sub.indexOf(last) if (f > l) { console.log(sub.slice(l, f + middleStation[j].start.length)); } else { console.log(sub.slice(f,l+last.length)); } } } } }Copy the code
The main function
function main(){
    const rl = readline.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout);
    rl.question('input now ', answer => {
        let ans = answer.split(' ')
        if (ans.length === 2) {
        } else if (ans.length === 6) {
        } else if (ans.length === 7) {
        } else {
            console.log('input error');
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Implemented functions

MainFn () : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn() : mainFn(

Existing problems

  • The subway line is copied from the Internet, but there are problems between the logic of the line and the transfer, resulting in some output errors

  • The algorithm implementation process can not take into account the user to transfer 5 or more lines of implementation, which I node.js has not been implemented

  • There was a small problem with the format of the output. I was lazy and only output the line that the user wanted to sit on instead of one station at a time