Listen to the audio version. Shouldn’t I just like that?

In the evening, I was chatting with my friends. When the topic of ability came up, I suddenly remembered an article I had written a long time ago but had never published publicly.

I opened the old computer in the corner and searched through the folders for a long time. Finally, it came to light.

After reading it carefully, I have a feeling that I can’t tell. I’ve been obsessed with these abilities, big and small, since I was a kid.

Published here today in memory of lost youth.

It is important to note that the content of this article, based solely on my own life experience, is not guaranteed to be valid for everyone.

As for the various superpowers mentioned in the book, if you feel inspired, please try them carefully.

If you don’t believe this bullshit, just listen to a friend bragging when you’re bored. It’s fun anyway, because we order a lot of chicken soup every day.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m willing to believe that this article is worthwhile and I hope you read it to the end.

In fact, 98 percent of what people communicate is useless information. But if you can accurately capture the useful 2 percent, then the conversation is productive.

Writing is also a form of communication. I hope this is not in vain.


I saw a movie the other day, Doctor Strange. I really enjoyed it and personally think it’s one of the coolest Marvel movies in recent years.

What makes it handsome is not only the special effects are good, but also the story is great.

The main character is a successful surgeon. Unfortunately, after a car accident, his hands were hurt. For a surgeon, your hands are life.

He tried all kinds of treatments, but nothing cured him. Then he was a guest, looking for help.

Later I met a master. The master told him he could heal his hands with his mind. The main character does not believe it, think it is wrong.

Here’s the coolest scene of the whole movie. The master thrust out the hero’s soul and sent him into the multiverse.

And said:

You are in a hole, looking out at the world, and despite your attempts to expand the size of the hole, your view is still limited. And when someone tells you there’s another way to understand the world, you don’t believe it. Because this is not what you get by expanding your familiarity with the hole, the heart cannot accept it. Unfortunately, you miss out on the best way to learn the truth about the world.

That sounds like a big idea, doesn’t it?

Is there something that other people think is normal that you think is a superpower? Or conversely, what you take for granted is unthinkable to others?

So, what are these so-called superpowers?

I think the super power is to look very novel, nothing can give people a show, let the other party feel very awesome. But crucially, it’s not a mystery, and anyone can learn to master it.

The following are some of the skills or abilities THAT I thought were new to me, and most of them are now on my own. So here, I’m going to go from small to large.

1. Naked eye 3D images

When I brought it home, my mom could actually see it. At the time, I thought it was incredible. I thought it was a superpower. Unexpectedly, my mother taught my father in the blink of an eye.

Oh my god! Are superpowers even learnable?

I asked my mother how to make eye contact. My mom says you can see two dots as three, so it’s cross-eyed.

I’ve been practicing all night, and I still can’t. Until I found a good way to practice.

Hold your index finger to your nose and you will see it break into two. Then move the hand slowly forward away from the eyes, still keeping the index finger as seen in two. When you’re far enough away, you’re cross-eyed.

Cross your eyes and you will be able to see the 3d image in the above image.

It may seem like a small thing, but it had an impact on my whole life.

Because from then on, I learned that some seemingly superhuman things can be learned!

2. Poker magic

When I was a kid, my brother showed me a magic trick. Asked me to draw a card from a deck of poker, he looked it up three times in quick order. And then you can guess what card I drew.

When I was young, I saw my brother’s performance many times, and I came to the conclusion that his memory was excellent.

When I learned how he did it, the picture of his brother as a genius was shattered in my mind.

Here’s how he checked it three times:

The first time, check how many red cards there are now, say 26. So the card THAT I draw is black.

The second time, he checks how many spades there are, like 12, so I draw a spades.

The third time, check again to find out which spade was drawn, this requires memorizing 12 numbers.

After knowing the truth, I carried out a lot of practice, for the child at that time, the difficulty is to check the memory of the third time.

Later, I invented a method that only needs to be checked twice: base 2, the difference is that you can determine the color of the suit exactly by using it once.

For example, the order is six of hearts, two of spades, nine of grass, two of hearts…


Why don’t we use four numbers? If the final result is 111, THEN I know that hearts, spades and diamonds are odd. So it’s grass flowers that are being taken away.

And then I invented a way to figure it out once, and then I showed it to my brother, and he was shocked. The method is simple: count and add.

3. Read without sound

Many friends know that I read fast. One of the reasons is that I read without speaking. But that’s not the main reason. More on this later in the article.

How do we read books as children?

Look => pronunciation => understand meaning

Eventually, we learned to read silently, that is, silently in our minds. Although silent, when there is still the desire to pronounce, even throat will wriggle.

The silent way of reading is direct:

Look => understand the meaning

Without pronunciation that step, no doubt saved a lot of time.

But is it really possible? I did it. It’s doable.

In fact, there are theoretical support, such as many words do not know how to read, but it does not affect your reading.

There are two steps to the exercise.

  1. Silent reading in the mind pronunciation is a great habit, it is difficult to get rid of all at once. To start with, say something unrelated: 123456789 over and over while reading a book. Try again to see if you can understand the passage.

  2. If you think you can do it, try not to pronounce words in your heart and read silently.

And you’re done. People will only see the appearance of you reading fast, but do not know your method.

See, what really matters is the awareness of “silent reading.” Knowing this concept, the method comes naturally.

I read several books about speed reading, many of them memorized on the right side of my brain.

For example, “seven tian true photographic memory technique”, it is the most can boast force, said that after practice, casually glance can put the book as a photo in mind. Maybe I didn’t practice enough. Haha, anyway, this book is too vague.

In addition, I have also read 63 Fast Reading, Whole Brain Speed and other books. So far, still feel the practical way, or this silent reading method.

4. The word

Learning to write should have been taken for granted. But for me, it was a big psychological breakthrough. After reading the storm of Li Guangzhi practicing Chinese characters, I realized that practicing Chinese characters is not art but technology.

That’s it. That’s what woke me up. It turns out that a lot of things are just a matter of whether you have this concept. My handwriting is not quite mature yet, but it looks better than before. Emma…

5. Bead mental arithmetic

When children watch TV, they can calculate in their head faster than they can press a calculator. At that time, I thought what a genius!

Later in high school, I found a classmate who was particularly good at mental arithmetic. Ask clear, originally use is “abacus mental calculation” this kind of way. Take the abacus first, and then gradually practice into the hands of no dish, the heart of the realm.

When I was in college, I bought an abacus and went to the library to look for books that taught me how to use the abacus, hoping that I would succeed in my study. Unfortunately, the books were very old and did not teach abacus calculations.

However, there is an unexpected harvest, found that many words are from how to “abacus”. For example, two adds one to five, and three divides five into two.

Toss about a month, abacus calculation did not eventually lian. Or I didn’t practice enough, or I didn’t do it right.

However, after seeing people around me make it, I form a belief: there must be a way, but I don’t know it.

Speaking of, abacus arithmetic is not a very useful ability, as adults we really do not need to practice. But don’t you want your son to grow up envied?

6. Rubik’s cube

When I was a kid, I thought anyone who could twist a Rubik’s cube was a genius. How strong spatial thinking and logical thinking, to play the Rubik’s cube.

When I got to college, I went online to find rubik’s Cube tutorials. Learned to twist the Rubik’s cube, and even invented their own twist method, but also taught a few friends.

You know how to twist a Rubik’s cube. You’re not a genius. Or they’re just geniuses at practicing. Using the formula is the fastest way to twist. You don’t memorize formulas with your head, you memorize them with your finger muscles.

Remember a holiday, I twist that a few formulas every day, feel with muscle memory is reliable. After half a year, the fingers will unconsciously twist up.

I could make six, and then I went to blind twist. Which is to observe the initial state, and then close your eyes and follow the formula. Finally in the blind twist restore a Rubik’s cube, I have no interest in the rubik’s cube. There is no genius, just deliberate practice.

7. Blind to play

Most people can type blind these days. Qq may be the main communication tool played a large role. The reason for this is that I have noticed that many programmers even need to look at the keyboard to type code.

I learned it in about three weeks. I learned it in college, too. Remember that for a while, in class, fingers on the table under the air simulation from a to Z, even the teacher just said, I have to try to use pinyin dozen.

A lot of repetition is the only way to become a good player. It’s not too late, if you haven’t made it your mantra yet.

8. Visual presentation

Visualizing is an ability.

I remember the wonderful experience when I first read the online novel “Jade Queen”.

I only mention this because it’s the core of right brain thinking. Personally, I think this is a very important basic ability, which has deeply affected my current life.

The rest of the superpowers are related to it.

9. Turn the book 180 degrees before reading

10. Summarize the main idea

When the primary school language literature is not good, because their most will not, is to summarize the central idea of this article.

When I saw that other people answered well. I thought, this is awesome.

Later, when I went to college, my reading increased and I had to write something to master this ability.

What’s the best way to learn? If you can teach someone else, you know it. Because the first to pass their own language logic that close.

I can’t finish a book now without summarising its core ideas. Then you can give it to someone else. If I don’t know, keep looking.

11. Listen to

I used to like watching teaching videos, but I always felt that the teacher spoke slowly. Fortunately, the storm video is playing at double speed. Suddenly I realized that listening fast was also an ability.

And it can be practiced. It’s 1.5 times at first, but it’s still slow when you get used to it.

Knowledge can be divided into comfort zones, learnable zones and panic zones.

The so-called ambition is to constantly turn the learning area into their own comfort zone. And you’ll see that the learnable area is getting bigger. So it’s never too old to learn.

People’s ability to adapt, in my opinion, is the same. It can be divided into three zones: the comfort zone, the adaptive zone and the panic zone. Trust your ears to adapt.

12. Memory

Behavior becomes habit, habit becomes character, character becomes destiny. We’ve all heard that.

Have you ever thought about the question: What causes behavior?

In general, psychological motivation, and even in physical terms, supramonial impulses of nerve cells on axons and dendrites. The most useful term for us is the subconscious mind.

And then what we’re going to do is, we’re going to reinforce some good subconscious. How do you reinforce that, by constantly bringing the good things from the subconscious to the conscious level. This is memory.

12.1 Have a movie before bed

Every time before you go to sleep, remember what you did today.

Use the way is also the picture, do not underestimate your right brain. The events of the day are not only recalled. I can even remember some of the details. For example, when I was brushing my teeth, THE toothpaste dropped on the floor, or a colleague said something to me when he passed me to fetch water.

12.2 Recall Movies

I’ve been working on this for a while. Every time I watch a movie, I have to recall the plot. Not only training the image recall ability, but also better understand the plot and film.

When you review the movie, you notice details that you didn’t notice before.

12.3 Recall your dreams

I was raised not to believe in the idea that a dream of fire meant something bad.

After reading the Interpretation of Dreams, I know that dreams are subconscious activities.

And dreams are compensations of desires.

Consciously recall your dream and find out why you created it.

Think of it as right-brain training.

I realized that all my dreams were in the first person. I do not know when to become the third person, that is, in the dream to see their own picture. Sometimes it’s the first person and the third person.

13. Code screen ability

Can you imagine how these letters will appear in your editor when you type document.getelementById (‘#username’)?

Some of the most common function packages, like Extend, when you think of the code that pops up in front of you, you say it’s not cool.

It’s nice to know that you can do it, even if no one else does. I’m a programmer, so I use my right brain to code.

It takes time, and I usually think about it when I’m on the subway. It hasn’t been a real power yet, but it has helped me a lot. Some common implementation logic is associated with being readily available.

14. Read a book a day

I like to read books, and when recommended, it’s moderate difficulty, three or four hundred pages. A weekend or two, you can finish it. I like to read books related to social science. If I have some depth, I can read more for a day or two. You can read fast, was the conclusion others drew.

In my opinion, it’s not that I’m a fast reader, but that I have a long concentration span. One man said he needed a month to read a book. In fact, we know that it doesn’t mean he does nothing but read books for a month. I just said I watched it with Lesbians for a month.

And the length of concentration can be practiced? Once you can ask the question, you often have the answer. The average person can concentrate for 45 minutes straight, but with training it can last up to four hours.

There is a saying that the darkest minute is no more than 60 seconds. So the darkest hour is only 60 minutes. A movie lasts two hours, and many people watch it intently. Why can’t you read for two hours straight? There is one exception, and that is fiction.

One day in college, I was on my way to my dorm after watching the first season of Prison Break in an Internet cafe, and I wondered what would happen if I applied this mental energy to my studies.

An idea sprang up in my mind. I wanted to read all the basic courses of all the majors in the school.

The way to choose is to watch videos. However, soon encountered difficulties, can not look into.

What’s the problem? Is a state of mind.

Are you watching it for fun, or are you watching it for learning? When it comes to learning, we subconsciously feel like we need to remember and understand everything.

In fact, there are two ways to learn, with the theory of digging holes, the thinking of science students is, first to dig deep, and then horizontal digging. And the thinking of liberal arts students, first dig out a big box, and then deepen over and over again. Get the big picture first, then the details. In fact, this is consistent with the pyramid principle. Over and over again is the concept of repetition, and once you realize you don’t need to understand all the details, the mindset changes.

During my postgraduate study, I successfully completed the plan of listening to all the basic professional courses of the school (note that there are only a few courses in a major).

That’s theory. The rest is practice. I actually got four hours of focus by watching instructional videos.

In fact, 4 hours is 240 minutes, on average, 2 minutes to read a page, so I can read 120 pages, which is almost 6 chapters. You can finish a book in 12 hours on a weekend.


Thank you for reading this. Some of the so-called superpowers mentioned in this article are actually not that unusual.

Some of them have really had a big impact on me. Here’s what I’m still doing.

Silent reading is something I’ve been using up to now, especially for books that don’t require intensive reading.

Reading backwards? Tired eyes, seldom do…

Although I still insist on reading every day, but certainly not a day so exaggerated. Energy is limited, recently read a lot less extracurricular books than before.

Recall the movie, this is a must do homework after watching the movie. Every time I ask myself to describe the plot of the movie in my own words. Sometimes I write about it and post it on moments.

Listen fast. I do this all the time. I hear it every day, twice as fast.

Forming a sense of painting this, we should focus on. Mainly on listening to novels, recently found a good novel in the Himalayas, “Xiuzhen Chat group”, very funny. Besides, I rarely listen to novels at double speed.

Recently, I tried to practice visualizing how CSS works while looking at it, and it worked in theory.

The above.

Thank you again for being here.

The warrior! The warrior! Click “like” before you go!!