3. Refresh The URL is automatically refreshed after 2 seconds
< meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”2; URL=http://www.net.cn/ “>
4. Set-cookie The page expires, then the saved Cookie will be deleted
The < meta HTTP – equiv = “Set – the Cookie” content = “cookievalue = XXX; Expires =Wednesday, 20-Jun-2007 22:33:00 GMT; Path = / “>
5. Window-target(the display Window setting forces the page to be displayed as a separate page in the current Window to prevent others from calling their own page in the frame)
< meta http-equiv=” window-target “content=”_top” / >
Content-type (display character set Settings)
The < meta HTTP – equiv = “content-type” content = “text/HTML. Charset = gb2312 “/ >