Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay contest.

A year and do, leaning on the staff of the oblique hui.

2021 has flown by so fast. I don’t feel anything yet. I have to write my year-end review again. Sitting in the sunset, lighting a cigarette, recalling this year in one stimulus after another, summed up in three words: chaos. A lot of things happened that were expected and unexpected, but when I looked back carefully, I found that everything was actually true. It crumbled like a burnt cigarette, and it was really burnt.

PS: Smoking is bad for your health.

Work in 2021

It is hard to be apart of late. At work, it’s not been a great year.

At the beginning of the year, the company’s operation is not very good, some embarrassed, but also very tired. Later, although some improvement, but get along with the colleagues are almost left. In the first half of the year, we walked intermittently, as if every day to face a parting. The experience in the first half of this year will have an impact on the whole year. The hardships of starting a business and the reluctance to leave often appear in my emotions. It’s a little stressful. I know what it’s like.

Dreams still have to have, what if it comes true?

Although there are many difficulties, but also never thought of giving up. I always feel that if I keep working hard, everything will get better. In the second half of the year, the situation gradually improved, the work became busy again, things became more and more, and the company was still in good shape.

This year’s hard work and dedication will soon come to an end. Next year, keep trying.

Thought over and over, it is impossible to write. Professionally, it’s been a rough year, so I’ll take it in.

Side projects for 2021

In recent years, IN my spare time, I have also tried to do a side business, mainly related to writing and open source.

Four open source projects

  1. Vue 3 + Element Plus + Vite 2 background management system

The development background of this project is the official launch of Vue 3.0 and Element Plus in September 2020 and November 2020 respectively. Project Vue3-Admin was developed in December 2020 when @iamkun posted an article “🎉 Element UI for Vue 3.0!” I mentioned in the article that Element Plus was officially released, so I wanted to use it to reconstruct the previous background management system. It took four months, and by the end of March 2021, all the code was open source, mainly for people to practice.

All the code and files are open source to GitHub repository, and all the front-end and back-end code is stored in the repository. There is no hidden behavior, including the back-end API interface code is all open source, will not say missing a page or an important function, such a thing is not exist, we first take a look at the article and preview pictures, feel good friends can continue to understand this project.

Vue3-admin has created a code repository on GitHub and the code cloud in China. If someone is slow to access GitHub, it is suggested to check the project on Gitee, and the two repositories will keep updated simultaneously.

  • in GitHub : vue3-admin
  • in Gitee : vue3-admin
  1. Newbee – mall upgrade version

On the basis of the original project, the second kill function, coupons, Alipay sandbox and Docker were added. After six months of development and 136 code submissions, newBee-Mall-Plus is officially open source!

The official open source date for the NewBee-Mall-Plus project is June 2, 2021:

For more information about why we want to develop newbee-mall-Plus and the previous development plan, you can read an article I wrote earlier: Newbee-Mall’s new open Source Mall plan: Second kill function, coupons and Alipay connection.

All the source code has been posted on GitHub and Gitee:

  • in GitHub : newbee-mall-plus
  • in Gitee : newbee-mall-plus
  1. My-column: Spring Boot actual combat project imitating Zhihu Column

I am not a person who can stay idle. When I have nothing to do or when I am idle, I will find something to do for myself. This project took several weekends to write. Since I have been writing practical projects for Spring Boot, I would try to implement them myself when I saw some good projects. The function is not complex, mainly for Spring Boot stack beginners practice hand.

The source code has been posted on GitHub and Gitee on 11 April 2021:

  • in GitHub : My-Column
  • in Gitee : My-Column
  1. My-bbs: Practical project of Java forum

My-bbs is a BBS forum system implemented by SpringBoot + Mybatis + Thymeleaf and other technologies. Perfect function, beautiful page, for everyone to learn, exchange use.

In 2018, I wrote a my-blog open source project, which is My first Spring Boot open source project. So far, this Blog project has received 2.4K stars. During the process, many friends asked me to write a Spring Boot actual combat project for BBS forum. In the second half of the year, I spent one month developing this project when I had time.

The source code has been posted to GitHub and Gitee on September 14, 2021:

  • in GitHub : My-BBS
  • in Gitee : My-BBS

Two physical books

In 2020, she signed a contract with Publishing house of Electronics Industry, and began writing her first book. It took almost a year, but my first book was finally published in 2021. As a developer, also can be regarded as the completion of a wish, very happy!

What side projects have I done in the six months of “2020 Mid-Year Summary”? , “A Programmer’s side hustle: I am writing to make the first income “, “# a physical book, a Denver small volumes, a lesson for plagiarism, two open source projects summary | 2021 years” and “# a small transparent authors to publish books, my journey to share with you the author of four articles mentioned that I want to write a book and first book writing and publishing process.

The book was completed in 2020, and this year was dominated by editing and correcting errors, followed by pre-publication preparation and publication.

Happy, but not very excited. After all, it has taken more than two years and the excitement has spread over more than 600 days and nights. I just felt like I had fulfilled one of my personal ambitions as a developer, and it was very satisfying to publish a book six years after graduation.

“If the first book is published, can the second be far behind?”

In April 2021, I signed a draft contract with the publishing house for the second book, and then arranged and reviewed the sample chapters. In the second half of the year, I officially started writing the second physical book. The current progress is quite good. If it wasn’t for an accident in the middle of the year, the first draft of this book might have been finished.

Two text columns

Sorted out two text columns: Spring Boot large online mall project combat tutorial and Vue 3.0 enterprise project combat.

Related introduction and writing process in the programmer’s sideline: wrote a column “Vue 3 enterprise-level project combat” and launched two years, update the course document these two articles have been written.

The unexpected events of 2021

Originally, the first half of the year was spent smoothly. Going to work, writing projects, writing articles, every day is also quite fulfilling. Although some of the work is not satisfactory, but in the company under the efforts of colleagues, everything began to go on the right track.

However, something very unexpected and outrageous happened. Mooc was suspected of copying the open source project of Newbee-Mall as the ultimate project of Java Engineer and was sold online. Since June 6, 2021, I have published several articles to expose it. Thank you very much for your attention and support. I feel very heartwarming, and the author is more motivated and confident to complete the task of safeguarding rights. There will be a lawsuit in the future, which should be a long process. I will be patient and wait for the trial result. I will update you as soon as there is any new progress.

It messed up a lot of my plans, and it took a lot of energy to deal with and expose it, until I finally filed a lawsuit in court. That adds up to three months, and it’s totally unplanned. Those three months were a total mess, both psychologically and in real life.

June 6, 2021, was the first voice on the event, followed by a series of articles:

  • Zhihu: What do you think of mooC’s alleged copying of open source projects as the ultimate project of Java Engineer?

  • “Newbee-mall open source project was used by MOOCs as a course, but I did not know, what is this operation?”

  • “Newbee-mall open source project was taken by MOOCs to make courses. Detailed comparative records of the project are available. See here for more facts.”

  • “Spent 3680 yuan to buy a MOOC Java career course, which unexpectedly has my own open source project!”

  • “Newbee-mall open Source project was used by MOOC as a course, the lecturer apologized, but the course is still on sale”

  • Moocs have not apologized for copying open source projects, and are secretly “destroying bodies”.

  • The latest evidence: Code similarity reaches 90%!

Since choosing to expose the matter, there has been no official response or written explanation. On the contrary, the majority of netizens and the author together witnessed how the platform is “Ming Xiu Plank road secretly against Chen Cang”, the surface of the calm, secretly thinking of “destruction of body trace”. Source code is provided in the course suspected of infringement. Some personal information of the author was found in this source code before, including payment code and logo picture of Newbee-Mall, which has been completely deleted now. The preview address of the final project has also been deleted.

This kind of attitude and treatment way, also have to resort to the law:

If you dare to copy, I dare to Sue you!

Intellectual property rights should be respected. One should not only care about one’s own intellectual property rights but not respect those of others.

2021 is back on track

Due to an accident that disrupted the rhythm of many articles, the update schedule of my articles in the second half of 2021 was completely out of order, as if I had not published any articles. On the one hand, the state of mind is very messy and has not been adjusted for a long time. On the other hand, for two months, the company is very, very busy.

When I finished my busy work in the company and adjusted my mind, I found that the chaos of the first three months had led to the failure to complete many planned plans: books were not sorted out, the house was not decorated, and the fitness plan I had planned for a long time was not even taken action. Therefore, during the National Day holiday, I began to make a new plan. I put the three things, namely, book preparation, house decoration and fitness, as the top priorities. After finishing my busy work, I focused my energy on these three things.

1. Organize your book

The compilation of manuscripts for the second book began at the end of September 2021, and the work records at that time are as follows:

Up to today, I have sorted out about Chapter 20, and the manuscripts of the remaining chapters have not been sorted out. Of course, the manuscript is not the version that can be submitted, and after the completion of the manuscript, they need to correct and improve before they can be submitted to the publisher’s editor. For now, the first draft won’t be ready until the New Year at the soonest.

However, progress has been catching up, as planned. If all goes well, I’ll be publishing my second book next year.

2. The fitness

I had an operation at the end of last year. I was in bed for quite a while. Then the doctor told me when I left the hospital that in order to recover better, I should try not to work out within half a year after the surgery.

Okay, no exercise, and I ate well after the surgery. In addition, the middle of the year, busy work, anxiety, not much control of diet. I gained 20 pounds and didn’t recognize myself in the mirror.

So I dusted the treadmill and bought a new pair of running shoes. Finally, in the ninth month after the operation, I began to work out. Run every day and control your diet. Start running more than 100 kilometers a month in October 2021.

So far, I’ve lost more than 20 pounds. I will continue to insist in the future. My mental outlook has really changed a lot after exercise.

3. House decoration

Decoration is really a very troublesome thing.

Saw all kinds of strategies, decorate experience, but always don’t know where to start, don’t know which one to choose style, choose which decorate a company, select the whole bag or half bag, do not wave window, where is the shoe ark outfit, want to buy the dishwasher, the socket in the room reserved, toilet how planning, chest is custom or spread wooden floor or floor tile is playing,…

So drag ah drag, drag a year time, finally decided to decorate in this year. Find the construction team, make the budget, choose the style, and finally in late October 2021, the entrance decoration began.

It is to choose material, choose color, choose decorative pattern…… next

Every weekend, I will go to the house to check the progress. If there is anything that does not meet the requirements or that needs to be changed, I will timely communicate and confirm the plan. Ideas must not be delayed, at that time to call or communicate on the spot. After a day or two, the wall is smashed, the cement is laid, the pipes are wrapped, and the brakes are pulled and the work has to be done again.

Choosing a good construction site is really important.

Look in the past last weekend, condole top was done, floor tile and wall brick were about the same, hutch is defended also do 77 88, pass again one or two months should ok and accept.


Well, that’s 2021 for me. Start a side hustle, open source, publish a book, protect your rights, write a second book, renovate your house, work out, a messy 2021, a fulfilling 2021.

Looking back on this year, there are happy, there are lost, there are accidents, there are surprises. There are some ripples in the ordinary life. When I first started thinking about this year-end review, I came up with an adjective: “chaos”, because a lot of things really happened, and it felt like a chaotic year. However, life may be like this, ordinary, stumbling. There are wonderful things and terrible things.

No matter what, keep your mind steady. Live your life and enjoy every day. Learn to face the sea, waiting for spring.