Two attributes in TD

  • Colspan: Specifies the number of columns across the cell.
  • Rowspan: Specifies the number of rows across a cell vertically.

Within the framework of


Format: < iframe > < iframe >

  • SRC property: the address of the document to load when loading the framework.
  • Frameborder property: Whether to display a border. If set to 0, no border is displayed.
  • Width and height Set the width and height of the frame.
  • Name attribute: Give this iframe a name that can be used in conjunction with the target attribute of the A tag.

The target property of A can also be _parent, which means open in the parent window, or _top.

The form

  • The

    tag tells the browser that the content contained in the double tag is the content of the form.
    • Action property: Submit data to submit to where, inside write you want to submit the address.

    • Method property: Specifies the method to submit. The default value is GET. You can change it to POST. Get is passed over the URL using a query string. POST transfers the value and URL separately.

  • tag: Defines the input box

    • Type attribute: Defines the type of the input box (with other attributes depending on the value of type)

      • Text value: Represents a text input field.

        • Name property: Represents the identity that this text box passes to the server.

        • Value Property: Default value.

        • Maxlength property: The maximum character entered.

        • Disabled Property: Disables the input box. Full format: disabled=”disabled”

        • Readonly property: read-only. Readonly =”readonly”

          The difference between read-only and disabled is that disabled values are not passed to the server, while read-only values are.

      • Password value: indicates a password box.

        • nameProperty that represents the identity that the password box passes to the server.

        Note: The value of the password box is submitted in plaintext.

      • Submit value: Represents a submit button.

        • valueProperty: Changes the value displayed by the button.

* Radio value: indicates a single box, only one can be selected. * Name property: The identity that this checkbox passes to the server. (Also used for grouping) * value property: The value passed to the server when selected. * 'checked' property: This option is selected by default and can be either 'checked="checked" or' checked '__ Note: __ 1. Multiple checkboxes in the same group must have the same value of their name, otherwise there will be no radio effect. * 'checkbox' value: checkbox, multiple boxes, can select multiple. * Name attribute: The identity passed to the server. * value property: The value of each option. * Checked properties: The checkbox is selected by default and can be either 'checked="checked"' or 'checked' __ Note: __ 1. We need to specify a value for this checkbox using the value property because the user can't enter it. 2. Checked can have more than one. * file value: Upload box * 'multiple' property: With this property you can select multiple files at once by holding down the CTRL key. * reset value: reset (no need)Copy the code

<label>Tags: Used for<input/>Tag definition Tag

  • For attribute: used to bind input to the same value as the ID of the input field.

<select>Tags: Define a drop-down list @@@@

  • Name attribute: Defines the name of the drop-down list.
  • Disabled Property: Disables the entire drop-down listdisabled="disabled"

<option>Tags: Define each item in the drop-down list @@@@

  • Value property: The value given to the server.
  • Disabled Property: Disables the option option.disabled="disabled"
  • Selected property: Selected by default.selected="selected"

<optgroup>Group options.

  • Label property: Describes the description of this grouping.
  • Disbaled disables the entire grouping.


  • Multiple attribute: Whether multiple selections can be made.
  • Size property: Used to control how many to display.

Text field

  • The name attribute: Identifies the transmission.

If it’s a short text with no line breaks you say input type=”text” if it’s a long text you say textarea.

The contents contained in the middle of the textarea are kept as default values (as are Spaces included within them).

Button label: Used to indicate a button

  • Type attributes: button, submit, reset

The default value for the Type attribute varies from browser to browser, with some being Submit and some button.

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