Generate mazes of different shapes and arbitrary sizes

Maze generator can create rectangular, hexagonal, honeycomb and circular mazes. Maze generation can be done using Kruskal’s algorithm, depth-first search or breadth-first search. Mazes can be rendered in svg or png format (using gnuplot as intermediate in the latter case).


Maze generator uses gnuplot (with a system call gnuplot) to render png mazes. So make sure that gnuplot 5.0+ is installed with pngcairo terminal support and is in the path if you wish to use png.

The code is written in C++ 11, you will need a not-too-ancient C++ compiler to build it.


Usage: mazegen [--help] [-m <maze type>] [-a <algorithm type>]
               [-s <size> | -w <width> -h <height>]
               [-t <output type] [-o <output prefix>]

Optional arguments
  --help  Show this message and exit
  -m      Maze type
          0: Rectangular
          1: Hexagonal (triangular lattice)
          2: Honeycomb
          3: Circular
          4: Circular (triangular lattice)
  -a      Algorithm type
          0: Kruskal's algorithm
          1: Depth-first search
          2: Breadth-first search
  -s      Size (non-rectangular mazes)
  -w,-h   Width and height (rectangular maze)
  -t      Output type
          0: SVG output
          1: png output using gnuplot (.plt) intermediate
  -o      Prefix for .svg, .plt and .png outputs
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