“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

I vaguely remember when I was a child, always looking forward to winter vacation, because winter vacation not only can not get up early to go to school every day, but also represents the end of the year, the adults always give New Year’s money, set off firecrackers, do all kinds of delicious, there will be a lot of friends will come to visit and play together. Because of so much anticipation, the closer it gets, the more time feels slow. Now, when the app on my phone starts pushing year-end reports, I suddenly realize that the year is almost over. Commuting to the same places and doing the same things every day seems to make us less sensitive to time. Fortunately, I still store the mark left by time in my mind, which proves that THIS year I really come from day to day, and I was not stolen time by any unknown biological/science and technology.

In the spring

I’m staying in a place called 9D Magic City, and it’s like there’s no spring.

What could be a warmer feeling for a new family member than owning a furry?

His name is Kaka, and he serves as the president at home. He eats, poops, plays, and wreaks havoc. This little guy helped me break a lot of bad habits:

  • When you come home and see the scattered handwork and tattered paper towels, and then see innocent eyes like the one in the picture above, the fire will be put out before it starts.
  • 2, not so lazy before ten and a half months a cleaning is now completely not, the naked eye visible cat hair everywhere, but also need to regularly clean up the cat litter, change the water, place the cat food and play with it (of course, play with it because I want to play with it)
  • You needed an alarm clock in the beginning, because every time you turned off the light, it was its killing time, which can be a bit of a struggle for light sleepers, but then it became aligned with your body clock, and as soon as you turned off the light, it went to bed. He now meows on his pillow a few minutes before the alarm goes off every morning, and I still don’t understand why he keeps time so accurately. I have an alarm clock.

With its company, the dull life is really much more interesting.

In the summer

In fog city, summer is the longest season, this season is my favorite, but also the most uncomfortable; I like the “coolness” visible on the street in this season, so I can feast my eyes on it. The discomfort is that in this furnace, the temperature of 40+ + and the billowing heat are unbearable for ordinary people, surrounded by mountains, it is not hot like coastal or plain cities, but the wind is cool.

Getting laid off and joining a new company can be a blessing in disguise

Remember at that time, said of a project, particularly nasty, the team of people moved to the little black house concentrated on standby, and then wait and wait, during countless times meeting, and then slowly in fewer and fewer people, and then by the HR interview, and then quickly walk the process, then the pit of seamless access now, think about all feel the magic. I didn’t expect layoffs to be so sudden, and I didn’t expect the hiring to be so sudden.

In the autumn

In Qiaodu, it seems that there is no autumn, autumn is absorbed by summer.

Self-drive 318 say self-drive 318, actually walk 318 the first station ended.

As a senior homebody, National Day and friends rarely drive together to play, still remember when made a particularly detailed strategy, fantasizing about where to go, but the reality to never drive travel to our hard slap in the face, the first day of National Day was blocked, we had to temporarily change the plan, theDrive 318Change toSelf-drive Kangding Small loopIn addition to the traffic jam, it can be said that the first self-drive was very successful, Shouting on the hillside of 4500+ altitude, chasing flocks of cattle and sheep, watching the pure starry sky with a tent, riding a horse in short sleeves at noon, going to the toilet wrapped in cotton-padded jacket at midnight…… , the novelty that has not experienced lets those days although tired but feel to have inexhaustible energy.

In the winter

In Chongqing, there is nothing special about winter except that you don’t see much snow. The winter is just beginning. Look forward to some interesting things happening this winter.


Life seems boring all the time, but in retrospect, there are a few sweets that make your future look promising. Throughout all didn’t say what, because this year on the technology progress is too little, there is nothing to speak of, so is the title of the article, “maybe should try to break the comfort zone”, tried before, more learning records, found behind such as will make their own learning progress is slow, and then renege stopped more, However, time is squeezed, there is no excuse for yourself. It is better to stick to what you have decided to do. When you get used to giving up, it becomes serious. Recently, I am adding a very interesting function to my little wheel. Here is a small advertisement.