This article has been authorized to be reprinted by Hongyang wechat official account:May man endure, and move bricks no more

N did the company project development, often in my life, why do most of their time is wasted on things that move brick, every time we start a new project is in the idea, finally after so many project development, I made a ordinary people are not willing to do: template architecture and do

After the analysis of each done project, the common ground is extracted and separated, lasting more than a month, after constant modification, continuous modification, continuous modification……

Today, officially open source, this project is almost applicable to the development of any new project, can help you save a lot of time and energy, at the same time can let you avoid the common pit, standardize and unify the code of the new project, to avoid the problem of developing code chaos

I believe that this project will benefit a lot of people, especially developers like me who do outsourcing projects. It will free your hands

Let’s take a look at what’s really good in it.

Effect of general

Click here to download the APP and experience it

Code to appreciate

Integration framework

  • Permission request framework:…

  • Title bar:…

  • Toast tools:…

  • Status bar immersion:…

  • Interface slide function:…

  • Circular ImageView:…

  • Note:…

Highlights of template project,View detailed

  • APP user experience: Interface sideslip and status bar immersion framework have been integrated

  • Good frameworks: Dangerous permissions, title bar controls, toast tools, circular ImageView

  • Commonly used page templates: startup interface, home interface, login interface, registration interface, about interface, browser interface

  • Integrated Alliance statistics: Integrated Alliance statistics, and joined alliance multi-channel packaging, when releasing the release package can select channel package

  • Interface style specification: color matching in strict accordance with Material Design, unify and standardize Button and EditText control styles

  • Common custom views: circular ImageView, verification code click countdown View, EditText with clear button, Square FrameLayout, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ImageView

  • Code comment specification: code strictly in accordance with the Google level specification to do, if you need to find the friendly alliance related code, the global search “friendly Alliance” can be, any place not about the native API has very perfect comments

Fixes common Android bugs,View detailed

  • Fixed Button automatically capitalizing English strings after Android 5.1

  • Fixed bug Mc-117644 – Button still pressing shadow after setting state selector

  • Fixed an issue where the startup page of some low-configuration models stayed on a white screen for a long time

  • Fixed an issue where the layout of some models was knocked down in WebView for a long time

  • Fixed an issue where the first Activity in the task stack was started repeatedly

  • Fixed an issue with Android 9.0 limiting Http plaintext requests

Project Open Source address:AndroidProject

Android Technology discussion Q group: 78797078