About author: May Jun, Software Designer, author of the public account “Nodejs Technology Stack”.

Writing is the best way to sort out your own way. Some things seem to be understood, but when asked to speak out, sometimes it is not really clear. Writing also helps you sort out your thoughts unconsciously. After a long time, you will realize what is the emphasis and empathy.

As my friends who follow me regularly know, I mainly exchange technical articles in daily life. In the past year, I have also gained a lot through “Nodejs Technology Stack”. I would like to record these bits and pieces before the extraordinary year 2020 comes to an end.

Who am I?

May Jun, a young man born in the 1990s who loves technology and sharing, I used to like to introduce myself like this. Some friends would ask me some questions, “Big man, what’s your name? What company do you work for?” In fact, it doesn’t matter who I am. It is fate to meet you in “Nodejs Technology Stack” and get your attention. In the following article, I will take “Nodejs Technology Stack” as the theme to make a review of my growth and some experiences.

Sometimes “what you think is not what you think” therefore, not all of the number you pay attention to are technical masters, such as ME (May Jun) is not, what technical problems are also welcome to find me at any time to discuss, I will also communicate with you, of course, in addition to personal problems.

Once I shared a writing project in the group, one of my classmates summed it up very well, which was “the product of the group master’s learning”. In fact, I have been constantly learning. If some of my sharing happened to help you, I would be very satisfied and lucky to witness my growth with you.

When does it start?

When I was in college, I had the habit of recording articles, but I was very restless at that time. From simply using some CMS templates to build a Blog to later developing a Blog system at the front and back end, registering domain names and deploying them to the server, the whole process still took a lot of time, and finally failed to maintain properly. Some of the previous articles are not well preserved.

So a person before doing things, you have to understand what your purpose is? Don’t put the cart before the horse. If the purpose is purely to record some articles, you can choose the official account, Github or some community sites, the recent use of feather finch is very good, for the habit of writing Markdown friends can try.

My first opportunity in 2018 was “MOOCs”. I applied for the certification of author on MOOCS in June, and the platform also required me to publish at least 3 technical articles every month. It was difficult at the beginning, but at the end of each month, it meant to hand in “homework”. There is also a lot of reading and learning. But when you see your article is recommended to the front page, the heart is still a little bit of pride, and it is also the first time to feel the joy of growing fans in MOOCs. Two years later, THROUGH this event, I really realized that “the precious thing is perseverance”, and ultimately benefited myself.

During this period, I always wanted to record knowledge in a more systematic way. Besides, it was written by Markdown, and Github was the best way to do it, so I had another struggle around April 2019. Open source nodeJs-roadmap (Nodejs technology Stack) with 1800+ Star to date. Docsify is used to generate document sites for better reading.

May 20 is one of my favorite dates, because it also happens to be my birthday, and it was on this special day that I bought the domain name for “Nodejs Technology Stack”www.nodejs.redNow you can easily access it by domain name.Github may be a good metadata storage of documents, but it lacks the most important point of interaction. Soon after, it picked up the public account registered in college and changed its name to “Nodejs Technology Stack”, which is also the moment when it stepped into the road of “We media”. To be precise, it should be a “We media” of technicians.

Even the smallest individual has his own brand

In the past, only writers’ works could be published in newspapers and magazines. It was difficult for ordinary people to publish some articles. Today, the age of the Internet gives us a lot of opportunities, the spread of the network speed is fast, as WeChat public that the club’s official website: “again small, also has its own brand” you can choose to share their knowledge, establish its own brand of small, published article if it can solve some of other people’s pain points, others why don’t you read?

Hard work is important, and choices are important

In the past two years, public accounts have sprung up like mushrooms, and the technical field itself will require readers to have a certain knowledge background. You may think that there are also a lot of large ah, how can I stand out? So sometimes you need a choice, big and comprehensive but sometimes it’s not necessarily detailed, and we can find some gaps and start in one of the segments.

Returning to Node.js, I am also engaged in this field and share knowledge about it. In the process of learning, I will also read some relevant public accounts, but there are not many high quality accounts related to Node.js. I also have an idea to make a high quality Node.js technical number. Spreading more node.js knowledge is where it all started.

The beginning is always the hardest

The most difficult public number is the first batch of powder, published articles read very few, the heart is inevitably lost. I am proud of my previous Blog accumulation, and I have accumulated some fans on MOOCs and Github. At the beginning, I attracted the attention of some former fans from this platform, and then I submitted some good articles to some platforms, or the owners of the same number of readers would recommend each other.

The process is always the most painful

Operating the public number is also very tired, this is a long-term adhere to the process, stick to it can also be a good exercise.

Do technical number is different from public media type, technique type is usually based on their own professional knowledge and practical experience in the work, can go to write some comments or some professional knowledge, practice, etc., this is a process of continuously consumed, therefore, to be able to write high quality articles, for a long time is not easy, There is also a lot of reading and continuous learning behind it.

And news media types will have some persistent hot spots, such as certain star XXX or some recent events, these hot spots are easy to catch the public’s psychology, of course, if you want to be different to write new ideas also need to pay attention to thinking, are not easy.

It turned out for the best

Pay will have return, nearly a year of “Nodejs technology stack” the public, to share, will receive some fans in succession of feedback: “hey, may, jun, saw you hair of this article, it helps to me”, each time everyone encouraged feedback for me, for you can help others and feel happy and proud, just want to do better next time. At the same time, I am very grateful to those friends who gave me advice and helped me.

The author is also a person who likes technology. I have been in touch with programming before entering university. I learned Node.js by myself when I was a junior. Most of my time is still spent on node.js related technology stack, which is one of the reasons WHY I am still doing this, and I am very happy. During this period, I have made some like-minded friends and broadened my horizon beyond the present.

In the past one year, the vertical field of “Nodejs technology stack” has attracted tens of thousands of followers, and there will be some commercial cooperation in 2020, which is usually the most prone to problems. For everyone who does technical we media, What if you can help others by sharing and earn some money for yourself? However, there is a limit to everything, and the ratio of advertising to output must be controlled.

According to the statistics of the New list, the total reading volume in 2020 was more than 10 million, and 163 articles with a total of about 929,000 words were published and shared. I am glad to see this data, and HOPE that these sharing can help more friends. According to the H5 page of the new list, the clip has been made, which can be viewed in the following video.

Nodejs Technology Stack 2020 Review MP4 (43.67MB)

At present, I maintain three “Nodejs technology stack” communication groups, all of which prohibit tweets for the sake of the quality of communication groups, so as to avoid falling into the tweet group. The author and I will not often send some tweets in the group. If I see some good articles or some original articles written by myself, I may share them in the group. Sometimes, I would recommend some learning resources and recruitment information in the group. I also received feedback from some partners. The overall quality of the communication group is quite good. Usually, we seldom do some promotion, and only when we open a group, we will post it on the public account. After that, most of us will apply for joining if we pay attention to it, or some friends in the group will invite some new friends to join.

What is rare is persistence

If you can stick to something for a long time, you will help more people while achieving self-growth, which is also a reflection of your self-worth. Successful personal branding is the effect that people associate with you when they hear a name in a certain field.

2021 Next Plan


Recruitment plan is one of the next things I will consider, because in the past year, some friends with node.js related recruitment needs also found me through private letters, hoping to help to send recruitment information, but at present, it is only a mass communication. Itself Node. Js hiring people might think that will be very hard, so for me, now that there is such a platform, also think about do your effort to help you do some things, job search and recruitment is also every practitioner experience, more opportunities for job seekers, also will be more opportunities for employers, This aspect has any idea can look for my private chat, the public number backstage can find me.

The pursuit of quality

Have done SEO optimization should know a sentence “content is king, outside the chain is emperor”, the essence of things or quality content. Technical type number, do not need to do too much fancy things, the focus should be more on the quality of the article, high-quality content, naturally can stay a wave of attention to your people.

Getting started guide

The author graduated in 2017, and has been engaged in Node.js related development since then. Knowing my limited experience, I have not considered to write a Guide to node.js for the time being. I will start from a young age, combined with my own study and work experience, and expect to complete “Node.js Guide for Beginners” this year. The initial phase will also be shared as open source for Node.js fans who need it.

Thank you

Thank you CCTV, thank you Channel-V, thank you MTV… Oh, oh, sorry, I think I’m on the wrong set… Without further discussion, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the fans who have been following the Nodejs technology Stack. Thank you for your continued support. Go 2021!

This article is written on February 11, 2021, the lunar New Year’s Eve of 2020 — May Jun