This article has participated in the third “High Yield more text” track of the Denver Creators Training Camp, check out the details:Digg project | Creator Boot Camp phase 3 is underway, “write” to make a personal impact.

Introduction to the background

The situation is that some time ago, the developers asked me to help them realize a function with UI automation: in some cases, the system will fail when generating reports, but it will not be generated again. They need manual Edit and submit to generate reports, because PNG is generated by the current HTML page. But as a test, I have a question, right? Isn't it common to start with scheduled tasks or retry after failure? Why not? Or is there another way to make it work? Then the development of their own optimization, the silent success, this thing even if the past, did not think a few days ago again resurrected, I need to help, and then asked, this thing can not use the interface to complete? Development explanation: No, why? The reason is HTML to PNG: the front end takes the interface response data, dynamically draws the HTML, and then generates PNG. The question is: Why did it fail? What are the conditions for failure?Copy the code

Development and implementation

The author of python development environment that is several sets, interface, UI automation environment that is ready to use, here used to demonstrate the steps, not screenshots.

Deploy the Python native development environment
PIP install SeleniumCopy the code

Then download the chromedriver browser driver

Start code <demo for ideas only >

In addition, the author has a systematic idea of UI automation testing, first of all, Po mode, but this requirement is one-time, so I don't want to complicate it.

#! /bin/python3
# -*-coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import logging
from time import sleep
import time

import requests
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import expected_conditions as EC
from import WebDriverWait

# log system
log_format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(filename="scoreSys.log", filemode='a+'.format=log_format, level=logging.DEBUG)

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

Initialize the page object
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=".. /chromedriver.exe", options=options)

""" Open your browser. ""
#">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Open the oral reporting system <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
# driver.get("")

Login page, page element
account_input = (By.XPATH, "//input[@placeholder='Email']")
passwd_input = (By.XPATH, "//input[@placeholder='Password']")
verify_code = (By.XPATH, "//input[@placeholder='Code']")
signIn_btn = (By.XPATH, "//span[text()=' Sign In ']")
Procedure for logging in
driver.find_element(*signIn_btn).click()"> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > user login oral report system < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <")

Get the token attribute in the request header after login
headers = {"content-type":"application/json"}
# User name element after login
account_text = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".user_name")
change_passwd = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".pwdBtn")

""" Check login status """
account_info = driver.find_element(*account_text).text"> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > check whether the user login system success < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <")
    assert account_info == "xxxx"."Assertion failed"
except:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user :{}, login failed!! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <".format(account_info))
else:">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user :{}, login successful!! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <".format(account_info))
    userInfo = json.loads(driver.execute_script('return localStorage.getItem("userInfo"); '))
    v = json.loads(userInfo.get("v"))
    token = v.get("token")
    headers["token"] = token

# search criteria
select_box = (By.XPATH, "//input[@placeholder='Report status']")
select_input = (By.XPATH, "//span[text()='Failed']")
select_btn = (By.XPATH, "//span[text()='Search']")

""" Enter fail and click query """
# query operation

Whether the list has a failed state
fail_status = "//td//div[text()='Fail']"
Find the failed Edit button
edit_btn = (By.XPATH, "{} /.. /parent::td[1]//following-sibling::td//span[text()='Edit']".format(fail_status))
submit_selector = (By.XPATH, "//div[contains(text(),'Submit')]")

""" Submit a report """
Select * from 'fail'
Find more buttons to edit
status_eles = driver.find_elements(*edit_btn)
ele_nums = len(status_eles) # Page element find element not unique
The interface obtains the total number of fail and id list
nums, fail_li = get_fail_nums()

count = 0    # Record the actual number of compensations
success_li = []    Record the success compensation report ID
while ele_nums > 0:
    status_eles = driver.find_elements(*edit_btn)
        for ele in status_eles:
            clicked = ele.is_displayed() Because the element is not unique, we need to determine whether the element is displayed
            if clicked:
                driver.find_element(*submit_selector).click()    # submit
                Whether the page element to jump to appears after submission
                WebDriverWait(driver, 50).until(EC.presence_of_element_located(change_passwd)) 
                count += 1
        ele_nums -= 1
        ele_nums -= 1
        click_search() You need to query again each time
Copy the code
Thought analysis
  1. The first step is to develop a special account for me to remove the verification code login, after all, there are costs to implement the verification code login.
  2. Add report query conditions on the home page: Success or failed;
  3. You need to send a pin notification.
  4. Operation process: Login – check login status – query fail condition data – enter the edit page – click submit- query fail condition again – continue edit-submit, as before until there is no fail data – close the browser
The difficulty parsing

In Selenium UI automation, the most difficult task is not to implement a functional block of code, but to locate element expressions, but to write css_selector\xpath instead of unique elements such as ID and name

  • The HTML result page is a table, so find its Edit at the level of the fail element, as shown below; Is not quite confused circle
# list fail_status = "//td//div[text()='Fail']" /parent::td[1]//following-sibling::td//span[text()='Edit']". Format (fail_status)) # Parent :: sibling:: sibling:: sibling:: parent:: sibling:: sibling:: siblingCopy the code
  • This is not necessary after the implementation, because the first query is the fail condition, so the rest of the query is fail, directly find edit.
  • The difficulty is the combination of UI + interface; Because at the beginning of the above code, the number of reports that need to be re-submitted is not correct, because the elements are repeated and not unique.

Clicked = el.is_displayed () # clicked = el.is_displayed () #

  • Therefore, I want to determine the number of fail items through the interface, so I log in UI first, obtain token and pass it to the interface request.

# This is a new skill point, and every time you try different requirements, there are always different problems, UserInfo = json.loads(driver.execute_script('return localstorage.getitem ("userInfo")); ')) # this userInfo is a key, not a tokenCopy the code
  • It can be seen from the demo that the author’s Po idea is to extract and save the identification of positioning elements separately, instead of directly putting it in the method

Code upgrade

In the testing world, layered testing does not mean that the UI does not support interface automation, it means that certain scenarios need to be combined with it.

Add interface Request

Send pin request Yes Interface Log in to the system Yes Interface Query or interface

#! /bin/python3
# -*-coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import logging
from time import sleep
import time

import requests
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import expected_conditions as EC
from import WebDriverWait

# log system
log_format = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(filename="scoreSys.log", filemode='a+'.format=log_format, level=logging.DEBUG)

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

Initialize the page object
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=".. /chromedriver.exe", options=options)

def send_dingding(before_of_after, nums, fail_li, time) :
    "" Send pin service notification before and after data processing
    dingDing_robot = ""
# dingDing_robot = ""
    title = "[Teacher Work Platform \n Business warning prompt :{}]".format(time)
    if before_of_after == "before":
        warning_msg = {"msgtype": "text"."text": {"content":"{}: \n You have {} section oral foreign teacher report ID :{} to be compensated!!".format(title, nums, fail_li)}}, json=warning_msg, headers={"content-type":"application/json"})
    elif before_of_after == "after":
        warning_msg = {"msgtype": "text"."text": {"content":"{}: \n has successfully compensated ID :{},{} oral foreign teacher report!!".format(title,fail_li, nums)}}, json=warning_msg, headers={"content-type":"application/json"})

def open_browser() :
    """ Open your browser. ""
    #">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Open the oral reporting system <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
# driver.get("")

Login page, page element
account_input = (By.XPATH, "//input[@placeholder='Email']")
passwd_input = (By.XPATH, "//input[@placeholder='Password']")
verify_code = (By.XPATH, "//input[@placeholder='Code']")
signIn_btn = (By.XPATH, "//span[text()=' Sign In ']")
def login_system() :
    """ Login to the reporting system """
    # User login information
    driver.find_element(*signIn_btn).click()"> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > user login oral report system < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <")

Get the token attribute in the request header after login
headers = {"content-type":"application/json"}
# User name element after login
account_text = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".user_name")
change_passwd = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".pwdBtn")
def check_status() :
    """ Check login status """
    account_info = driver.find_element(*account_text).text"> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > check whether the user login system success < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <")
        assert account_info == "xxxx"."Assertion failed"
    except:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user :{}, login failed!! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <".format(account_info))
    else:">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user :{}, login successful!! < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <".format(account_info))
        userInfo = json.loads(driver.execute_script('return localStorage.getItem("userInfo"); '))
        v = json.loads(userInfo.get("v"))
        token = v.get("token")
        headers["token"] = token

def login_by_accout() :
    """ Login to the system by account """
    # url=""
    data={"password": "xxx"."email": ""."captcha":2953."uuid":"12344"},json=data,headers={"content-type":"application/json"}).json()

def get_fail_nums() :
    """ Number of failed records obtained through the interface """
    url = ""
    # url = ""
    data = {"reportStatus":0."curPage":1."limit":8}
    res = requests.get(url, params=data, headers=headers).json()
    nums = res.get("content").get("total")
    fails = res.get("content").get("list")
    fail_li=[] # Record fail report ID
    for fail in fails:
    return nums, fail_li

# search criteria
select_box = (By.XPATH, "//input[@placeholder='Report status']")
select_input = (By.XPATH, "//span[text()='Failed']")
select_btn = (By.XPATH, "//span[text()='Search']")
def click_search() :
    """ Enter fail and click query """
    # query operation

Whether the list has a failed state
fail_status = "//td//div[text()='Fail']"
Find the failed Edit button
edit_btn = (By.XPATH, "{} /.. /parent::td[1]//following-sibling::td//span[text()='Edit']".format(fail_status))
submit_selector = (By.XPATH, "//div[contains(text(),'Submit')]")
def submit_report() :
    """ Submit a report """
    Select * from 'fail'
    Find more buttons to edit
    status_eles = driver.find_elements(*edit_btn)
    ele_nums = len(status_eles) # Page element find element not unique
    The interface obtains the total number of fail and id list
    nums, fail_li = get_fail_nums()
    # compensate for the current time
    now_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) 
    if nums >= 1:    # Send pins only when there is data
        send_dingding("before", nums, fail_li, now_time)
    else:"> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > without fail status data need to deal with the < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <")
        return None
    count = 0    # Record the actual number of compensations
    success_li = []    Record the success compensation report ID
    while ele_nums > 0:
        status_eles = driver.find_elements(*edit_btn)
            for ele in status_eles:
                clicked = ele.is_displayed() Because the element is not unique, we need to determine whether the element is displayed
                if clicked:
                    driver.find_element(*submit_selector).click()    # submit
                    Whether the page element to jump to appears after submission
                    WebDriverWait(driver, 50).until(EC.presence_of_element_located(change_passwd)) 
                    count += 1
            ele_nums -= 1
            ele_nums -= 1
            click_search() You need to query again each time
    duration_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) 
    send_dingding("after", count, success_li, duration_time)

def close_browser() :
    """ Exit browser """
if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
        # keep iterating through fail data and compensating for it
        if nums:
            print("Fail data to be compensated")
            print("Make up for it.")
            print("No compensation data available")
        if driver:
Copy the code
Code implementation ideas
  1. Notice the code block in main: Log in through the interface, query the data of the FAIL condition, and notify the execution of the UI test code
  2. Besides, the interface: by obtaining the total number and ID of fail, the data will be sent to the group for notification through the pin, and finally count the compensated data and ID
  3. This upgrade code is a step-by-step improvement on the actual environment validation. It was fine in the UAT environment at first, but there was always a problem in production: the reason was that the author mixed the number of elements with the edit count, and the counter control loop should be separated

Linux deploys the Selenium runtime environment

Install Chrome

Yum install…

Notice During the installation, run the Following command to obtain the Driver version of the Google Chrome browser: Google Chrome

# Install chrome version: Package: X86_64 (Google-chrome) # Need to bring - no - the sandbox parameters (6367-6367:0817/170516.458662: ERROR: zygote_host_impl_linux. Cc (90)] Running as root with out --no-sandbox is not supported. See the code

Error: ChromeDriver is not crashed, assuming that Chrome has crashed

In Linux, the Settings of the headless browser are as follows

Chrome_options = webdriver.chromeoptions () chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') # The browser does not provide visual pages. Chrome_options. add_argument('--no-sandbox')# Resolve DevToolsActivePort file does not exist # Chrome_options. add_argument('--disable-gpu') # Google Docs mentions the need to add this property to avoid bugs chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage')Copy the code
Download the chromedriver # is to choose the corresponding Linux version of the browser

Decompress the package to obtain chromedriver. If the following information is displayed, it is correct:

Starting ChromeDriver 92.0.4515.107 (87 a818b10553a07434ea9e2b6dccf3cbe7895134 - refs/branch - heads / 4515 @ # {1634}) on the port 9515 Only local connections are allowed. Please see for [1629191031.401][SEVERE]: Bind () failed: Cannot assign requested address (99) ChromeDriver was started successfully.Copy the code

Note that the Chrome version and ChromeDriver version must match. Otherwise, errors will be reported during actual operation. Of course, you can usually install the latest version of Chrome, so just select the latest version of Chrome Driver

Selenium environment code for Linux environment testing is as follows:

#! /bin/python3
# -*-coding: utf-8 -*- 
from selenium import webdriver 
opt.set_headless() # Automatically adapt corresponding parameters
opt.add_argument('--no-sandbox') Unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist. DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist
Copy the code

UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ASCII’ codec can’t encode characters; On Linux, if the py script has Chinese comments, the package character decoding will be incorrect when executed

Add a comment to the file header ==>>> #-*-coding: UTF-8 -*-


The above is the whole process of this article, if you have wrong or better method, welcome to clap brick!!