
  • Other contents of the series
✓ The popular manipulation of markdown (1) ✓ Popular manipulation of latex (2)Copy the code
  • In this paper, the target
    • It mainly introduces markdown anchor points, index footnotes, check box and selection box, table display position and symbol display position, drawing flow chart
    • Some commonly used markdown commands

The anchor

  • Home directory setting anchor point:

    • Return to home directory:[#markdown]-The higher the title
  • Anchor points set in the paper:

    • Set anchor points:<b id=" anchor test 1"> Set anchor 1</b>Set anchor point 1
    • Reference anchor point:[Anchor test 1](# anchor test 1)-Anchor point test 1
    • Set anchor point 2:<a name=" anchor test 2"> Set anchor 2</a>-Set anchor point 2
    • Reference anchor point:<a href="#锚点测试2">锚点测试2</a>-Anchor test 2
  • Markdown sets the anchor point. GIF

Index & footnote

  • This is an index test

    • Set up the index^ [1] : "insight into your server performance." "
    • Navigate to Insight into Your Server Performance by referencing the index^ [1]-1 ^
    • Reference the index to navigate to “Keyword Extraction”(2 ^]-2 ^
  • This is a footnote test

    • Set the footnotes[^1]: Here is footnote 1
    • Footnote. There’s a footnote here[^ 1]– > footnotes1.
    • Footnote. There’s a footnote here[^ 2)– > footnotes2.
  • Markdown sets indexes and footnotes

The hook

  • Optional box source
* [x] check * [] discheck <ul> <li class="task-list-item"><input type="checkbox"> Java</li> <li class="task-list-item"><input type="checkbox" disabled="" checked=""> Php</li> </ul>Copy the code
  • check
  • discheck
  • Java
  • Php
  • Check and cross
Copy the code

  • Check images are available on Github
toDo | date
:------------ | :-------------
:white_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:
Copy the code

Table display position

  • Table on the left
%%html <style> table {margin-left: 0 ! important; } </style>Copy the code
abc def
bar baz

Character position

$\sum_{I =1 \to \infty}^{\infty}$Copy the code

i = 1 up up \sum_{i=1 \to \infty}^{\infty}

$\ displayStyle \sum_{I =1 \to \infty}^{\infty}$Copy the code

i = 1 up up \displaystyle \sum_{i=1 \to \infty}^{\infty}

$\sum\limits_{I =1 \to \infty}^{\infty}$Copy the code

i = 1 up up \sum\limits_{i=1 \to \infty}^{\infty}

$\sum\nolimits_{I =1 \to \infty}^{\infty}$Copy the code

i = 1 up up \sum\nolimits_{i=1 \to \infty}^{\infty}

Piecewise function, derivation function

$$\begin{aligned} P_1 &= P(X_n=i_n|X_0=i_0,X_1=i_1,\dots,X_{n-1}=i_{n-1})P(X_0=i_0,X_1=i_1,\dots,X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}) \\&= P_ {i_ (n - 1} i_n} P (X_0 = i_0, X_1 = i_1, \ dots, X_ {}, n - 1 = i_ {}, n - 1)} {aligned \ \ end tag derivated} {function $$Copy the code

P 1 = P ( X n = i n X 0 = i 0 . X 1 = i 1 . . X n 1 = i n 1 ) P ( X 0 = i 0 . X 1 = i 1 . . X n 1 = i n 1 ) = p i n 1 i n P ( X 0 = i 0 . X 1 = i 1 . . X n 1 = i n 1 ) (Function derivation) \begin{aligned} P_1 &= P(X_n=i_n|X_0=i_0,X_1=i_1,\dots,X_{n-1}=i_{n-1})P(X_0=i_0,X_1=i_1,\dots,X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}) \\&= P_ {i_ (n – 1} i_n} P (X_0 = i_0, X_1 = i_1, \ dots, X_ {}, n – 1 = i_ {}, n – 1)} {aligned \ \ end tag derivated} {function
$$\begin{aligned} P(X_0=i_0,\dots,X_n=i_n)&=P(X_n=i_n|X_0=i_0,\dots,X_{n-1}=i_{n-1})P(X_0=i_0,X_1=i_1,\dots,X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}) \\ P (X_0 = i_0, \ dots, X_n = i_n) & = p_ {i_ i_n} {n - 1} P (X_0 = i_0, \ dots, X_ {}, n - 1 = i_ {}, n - 1)} {aligned \ \ end tag alignment} {equation $$Copy the code

P ( X 0 = i 0 . . X n = i n ) = P ( X n = i n X 0 = i 0 . . X n 1 = i n 1 ) P ( X 0 = i 0 . X 1 = i 1 . . X n 1 = i n 1 ) P ( X 0 = i 0 . . X n = i n ) = p i n 1 i n P ( X 0 = i 0 . . X n 1 = i n 1 ) (Equation alignment) \begin{aligned} P(X_0=i_0,\dots,X_n=i_n)&=P(X_n=i_n|X_0=i_0,\dots,X_{n-1}=i_{n-1})P(X_0=i_0,X_1=i_1,\dots,X_{n-1}=i_{n-1}) \\ P (X_0 = i_0, \ dots, X_n = i_n) & = p_ {i_ i_n} {n – 1} P (X_0 = i_0, \ dots, X_ {}, n – 1 = i_ {}, n – 1)} {aligned \ \ end tag alignment} {equation
$$dp[i][j] = \begin{cases} 0 & j = 0 \\ \min\{ dp[i][k] + dp[(i+ k + 1) \% n][j - k - 1] + sum(i,j) \} & 0 \leq k < j \end{cases} \tag{segment function}$$Copy the code

d p [ i ] [ j ] = { 0 j = 0 min { d p [ i ] [ k ] + d p [ ( i + k + 1 ) % n ] [ j k 1 ] + s u m ( i . j ) } 0 Or less k < j (Piecewise function) dp[i][j] = \begin{cases} 0 & j = 0 \\ \min\{ dp[i][k] + dp[(i+ k + 1) \% n][j – k – 1] + sum(i,j) \} & 0 \leq k < j \end{cases} \tag{segment function}

The flow chart

Graph LR (square) - - > B (rounded corners) - > B C condition of {A} -- > C | A | = 1 D results of [1] -- > C | A = 2 | E [result] 2 F [transverse flow diagram]Copy the code

Matrix formula

Copy the code

[ p 11 p 12 p 1 m p 21 p 22 p 2 m p m 1 p m 2 p m m ] \begin{bmatrix} {p_{11}}&{p_{12}}&{\cdots}&{p_{1m}}\\ {p_{21}}&{p_{22}}&{\cdots}&{p_{2m}}\\ {\vdots}&{\vdots}&{\ddots}&{\vdots}\\ {p_{m1}}&{p_{m2}}&{\cdots}&{p_{mm}}\\ \end{bmatrix}

Code block & splitter line

# This is a code block for R
Copy the code

# This is a python code block
import pandas as pd
Copy the code

Other common markdown commands

  • The Greek letter
The input According to The input According to The input According to The input According to
Alpha. \alpha
rho \rho
Beta. \beta
Σ \Sigma
gamma \gamma
Γ \Gamma
Delta t. \delta
Δ \Delta
ϵ \epsilon
sigma \sigma
zeta \zeta
tau \tau
eta \eta
tau \tau
Theta. \theta
Θ \Theta
ι \iota
κ \kappa
ϕ \phi
Φ \Phi
Lambda. \lambda
Λ \Lambda
mu \mu
χ \chi
argument \nu
N \xi
Is deduced \xi
Ξ \Xi
nu \upsilon
Υ \Upsilon
PI. \pi
Π \Pi
Bits of \psi
Ψ \Psi
Omega. \omega
Ω \Omega
  • A collection of character
The input According to The input According to The input According to
indicates \not=
  • The derivative of the integral
The input According to The input According to The input According to
\iiiint \iiiint
30 \oint
lim \lim
up \infty


  1. Here is footnote 1↩
  2. This is footnote 2↩