Markdown learning

The title

Level 3 title

Level 4 titles

Method: The title can be generated by #+ space + title press Enter, the more #, the larger the title series

The font

Hello, World! 支那

Hello, World! *

Hello, World! * * *

Hello, World! ~ ~


Method: > + space

The divider

Method: — or *** + Enter

The picture

Methods:! + [image name] + (image address)


Click adjust to Baidu

Method: [name] + (hyperlink address)

The list of

  1. An ordered list
  2. 2
  3. 3

Method: 1 +. + space

Unordered list:

  • A
  • B

Method: – + space


Method: Right-click insert table (shortcut key: CTRL + T)


The console. The log (' code ')Copy the code

Method: + Enter

A small piece of code