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What is a markdown

Markdown is a lightweight markup language created in 2004 by John Gruber. Markdown replaces typography with a concise syntax and uses no more than 10 symbols. Here's the magic: with a few simple symbols, you can do typography. Markdown is much lighter and cheaper to learn than the more complex HTML markup language. Documents written by Markdown can be exported in HTML,Word, image,PDF,Epub and many other formats. Markdown can be used to write electronic books, such as Gitbooks. Typora supports MacOS, Windows and Linux platforms, and contains a variety of themes. After editing, the effects can be directly rendered.Copy the code

Generated directory

[TOC] with this instruction, you can automatically generate directories based on the hierarchical headings you set.Copy the code

Markdown title

Using # tags # marks can be used to indicate level 1-6 headings, with level 1 headings corresponding to a # sign followed by a space, level 2 headings corresponding to two # signs followed by a space, and so on. # 1 title # # 2 headlines # # # # # # # 3 4 headlines # # # # # # # 5 # # # # six levels of headingsCopy the code

Markdown paragraph

There is no special format for Markdown paragraphs; just write text. If you want to start a new paragraph, add more than two Spaces after it and press EnterCopy the code

Markdown font

Markdown can use the following fonts: * Italic text *** bold text ** *** bold italic text ***Copy the code

Markdown line

You can create a line with more than three asterisks (*), minus (-), and the bottom line (also known as the underscore)_ on one line. Nothing else can be in the line. Asterisks (*) can have Spaces between them, as long as there are three or more asterisks in the line. You can also insert Spaces between asterisks and minus signs. Here an asterisk, a minus sign Each of the following is written can establish separation line * * * * * * * * * * * -- - ___________Copy the code

Markdown strikethrough

If a paragraph is marked with a deletion line, you only need to add two wavy lines at each end of the text. The wavy lines here refer to the Wavy lines in English mode, not in Chinese mode. Example: RUNOOB.COM GOOGLE.COM ~~BAIDU.COM~~Copy the code

Markdown underline

Underlining can be done with HTML <u> tags: <u> text </u> for example, <u> is underlined here </u>Copy the code

Markdown footnotes

Footnotes are supplementary to the text. The format of a Markdown footnote is as follows: [^ Text to note] The following example demonstrates the use of a footnote: Create a footnote format similar to this [^RUNOOB]. [^RUNOOB]: Rookie tutorial - learn not only technology, but also dream!!Copy the code

Markdown list

Markdown supports both ordered and unordered lists.Copy the code

Unordered list

Use asterisks *, +, or - as list markers, followed by a space, and then write: * first item * second item * third item + first item + second item + third item - first item - second item - third itemCopy the code

An ordered list

Use numbers and add. 1. First item 2. Second item 3. The thirdCopy the code

Makrdown block

Markdown block references use the > symbol at the beginning of the paragraph, followed by a space, and then write the content > block references >Copy the code

In addition, blocks can be nested, one > symbol is the outermost layer, two > symbols are the first layer, and so on:Copy the code

Markdown code

   import pandas as pd
   import numnpy as bp
   def main() :
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Markdown link

Markdown pictures

Markdown image syntax format is as follows: [Alt attribute text](image address)! [Alt attribute text](image address "optional title ") begins with an exclamation mark! This is followed by square brackets with the image's replacement text followed by regular brackets with the image's url, and finally enclosed in quotation marks with the optional 'title' attribute.Copy the code

Markdown form

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