Markdown usage

1. Block reference

The reference marker > is usually used as a reference to the main idea of the annotated document, or a famous quote

The sample

2, the title,

H1 ## 2 h2... ###### Heading 6 H6 Body does not need to add anythingCopy the code

3, list

Markdown supports both ordered and unordered lists

- Unordered list 1 - Unordered list 2Copy the code

Ordered lists are numbers plus English dots

1. Ordered list 1 2. Ordered list 2Copy the code


Two * or _ can be held together, and paragraphs with special emphasis are bolded

This is a bold field

Note: * and _ should not have Spaces around them, otherwise they will be treated as normal symbolsCopy the code

5, links,

Once wrapped in <>, markdown automatically converts to links


== Text on hyperlinks is using the link name =

==** the hyperlink of the picture is! [image name](image path)**==

Note: All images inserted by Markdown must be accessed online. Height and width cannot be specified directly in Markdown.Copy the code

6. Line class markup

Hello welcome to Markdown, welcome

7. Line feed

—– is a whole line

Copy the code