1. What’s a MarkDown?

1. Know the MarkDown

MarkDown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for the Web that can generate structured HTML documents in a simple, easy-to-read and easy-to-write text format. The MarkDown format is simple, and articles written in MarkDown format can be published directly in plain text to platforms that support MarkDown editing mode, eliminating typography.

2. The advantages of MarkDown

  • Simple, intuitive and easy to learn
  • Text-only content, with no typography to worry about
  • It can be used almost anywhere there is text

What is the basic syntax of MarkDown?

1. The title

MarkDown defines level 1-6 headings by adding 1 to 6 # symbols + Spaces at the beginning of the line (some sites can recognize them without Spaces, but it’s best to add them).

  • The written form

# Level 1 title

## Secondary title



##### five level titles


Giddy #, count till your eyes hurt

  • Effect of parsing

Primary title

The secondary title

Level 3 title

Level 4 titles

Five titles
Six levels of headings

I found an interesting thing while writing this blog in Jane’s book, haha, above

I looked it up because you can use = (higher-order heading) and – (lower-order heading) to mark first – and second-order heading, and any number of = and – will work.

  • The written form

Level 1 heading = Level 2 heading –

  • Effect of parsing

Primary title

The secondary title

2. Paragraph

It’s as simple as that.

  • The written form

This is a paragraph

  • Effect of parsing

This is a paragraph

It doesn’t look like wool

3. Insert pictures

Grammar:! [The line address of the picture can be captioned or left blank]. Local pictures can use chart bed, specific methods can be consulted. ! [] ()

  • The written form

  • Effect of parsing

Note: As with HTML, an inserted image can also have the effect of having its Title displayed by hovering over the image. Simply add “Title” after the image address. Title is the Title displayed by hovering over the image.

4. Insert links

Syntax: [link display text](link address “Title”), Title is the mouse hover here to display the Title, can be added or not added.

  • The written form

[Jane](www.jianshu.com “Easy to use “)

  • Effect of parsing

Jane’s book

5. Text effects


Two ways: two (*) or an underline (_) is used as a symbol to mark words for emphasis, enclosing the text that needs to be bold.


There are two ways: an (*) or an underline (_) is used as a symbol to mark the word for emphasis, enclosing the words that need to be slanted.

Bold + italic

There are two ways: three (*) or an underline (_) is used as a symbol to mark words for emphasis.

Delete the line

Two wavy lines ~~ are used as symbols to mark emphasises. the words that need to be marked with strikeout lines can be surrounded.

  • The written form

This is plain text ** and this is bold text ** __ and this is another bold text ** and this is another slanted text *** and this is another slanted text *** and this is another bold and slanted text *** ___ ~~ this is a paragraph to add a strikeout line ~~ * this is a paragraph to be slanted but the ** before and after the white space without slanting text *

  • Effect of parsing

This is plain text and this is plain text and this is plain text and this is plain text and this is plain text and this is plain text and this is plain text and this is plain text and this is plain text and this is plain text

Note: if * or _ or ~ have Spaces around them, they are treated as normal symbols.

A list of 6.

Unordered list

– + * followed by a space.

An ordered list

**.** is followed by digits, with Spaces between the serial number and the content.

  • The written form

– I’m an unordered list + I’m also * Incidentally, I’m also 1. I’m the first ordered list 2. I’m the second ordered list. 3. I’m the third ordered list

  • Effect of parsing
  • I’m an unordered list
  • I am also
  • What a coincidence. Me too

I am the first ordered list 2. I am the second ordered list 3. I am the third ordered list

Nested list

Type three Spaces between superior and subordinate.

  • The written form

– I’m an unordered list + what a coincidence, I’m also * amazing, I’m also oh 1. I’m the first ordered list – I’m a second unordered list 2. I’m the second ordered list 3. I’m the third ordered list

  • Effect of parsing
  • I’m an unordered list
  • What a coincidence. Me too
  • Amazing, me too

1. I’m the first ordered list

  • I’m a second order unordered list

I’m the second ordered list. 3. I’m the third ordered list

Note: this is only a demonstration of an ordered list nested with an unordered list. Other nested combinations are also valid and can be tested by yourself.

Form 7.

  • Writing format (header one line away from previous content)
header header header
content content content
  • Effect of parsing
header header header
content content content
Note: The second line separates the header from the content, where more than one element is required: left-aligned content, right-aligned content, and centered on both sides.

Reference 8.

  • The written form

> This is the first reference >> this is the second reference >>> this is the third reference

  • Effect of parsing

This is the first quote

This second reference

This is the third quote

Code 9.

Single line of code

Syntax: a ‘(backquotes, symbols under the wave line on the keyboard) around the code.

  • writing

`var a = 1`

  • Effect of parsing

var a = 1

The code block

Syntax: the left and right sides of the code are wrapped with three code blocks.

  • The written form

“` var a = 1 var b = 2 “`

  • Parse the effect.
    var a = 1
    var b = 2
Copy the code

Code highlighting

When writing code that needs to be displayed, indicate the type of code. Some browsers will automatically color the code

  • The written form

“`JavaScript var a = 1 var b = 2 “`

  • Effect of parsing
    var a = 1
    var b = 2
Copy the code

The line was

Syntax: three or more * or – or _ can have a dividing line effect.

  • writing

*** — ___

  • Effect of parsing

Note: When using – as a horizontal separator – use a blank line before it to prevent it from being used as a header token.

11. Angle

Syntax: The content of the corner will be placed at the end of the text, click the corner to jump, click the back button at the end of the text to return to the corner, use [^] to define the footnote.

  • The written form

This blog is about the basic syntax of MarkDown [^1]. I hope to continue to write more blog [^2] in the future. [^2]: [Go, go, go]

  • Effect of parsing

This blog is about the basic syntax of MarkDown. I hope I can keep going and write more blog 2 in the future.

  • Below screenshot

12. Other

The backslash

Sometimes we need to refer to symbols in our articles. To avoid unnecessary formatting of these symbols as MarkDown identifiers, we can use a backslash \ before the symbol to avoid this.

  • The written form

\# I am not a first level title \- I am not an unordered list

  • Effect of parsing

MarkDown supports the following symbols preceded by a backslash to help insert normal symbols (table source) :

symbol meaning
\ The backslash
` The quotation marks
* The asterisk
_ The bottom line
{} Curly braces
[] The square brackets
(a) parentheses
# A light
+ – Add and subtract,
. English period
! Exclamation mark

Finally recommended a little game to practice basic grammar commonmark MarkDown. Cn/help/tutori…

The resources
  • Tutorial – MarkDown
  • Into the Markdown Garden
  • Basic Grammar of Markdown
  • Markdown gives you more convenience than ever

  1. [Ball Tintin’s first learning blog]↩
  2. [Refueling refueling refueling]↩