Markdown extends the syntax1


If you want to add the form, please use the three or more a hyphen (-) to create header for each column, and use the pipe (|) to separate each column. You can also add pipe characters to either side of the table.

| name gender | | | -- - | -- - | | | zhang SAN men | | and | |Copy the code

You can align text in the corresponding column to the left, right, or center by adding a colon (:) to the left or right or to both sides of the hyphen in the heading line.

| | name gender | | : - | : - : | | threes male | | | li si | |Copy the code


To create a reference to a footnote, add an caret (^) in square brackets and an identifier, which can be a number or a word, but cannot contain Spaces or tabs. Identifiers simply associate references to footnotes with the footnotes themselves, which are numbered sequentially in the output.

This is a text [^1] to show the syntax of the footnote [^ footnote]. [^ 1] :First footnote.
[^ footnotes] :Another footnote.
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Define a list

Create a list of terms and their corresponding definitions, the definition list. To create a list of definitions, type the term on the first line, and then on the next line type a colon, followed by a space and a specific definition of the term.

Item number one: This is the definition of item number one. Item 2: This is a description of item 2. : This is another description of the second term.Copy the code

Delete the line

Remove words by placing two tilde signs (~~) before and after them.

Search please use ~~ Baidu ~~ GoogleCopy the code

The task list

To create a task list, precede the task list item with a dash (-) and square brackets with a space between them ([]). To select the check box, add an X between the square brackets, that is, ([x]).

-[x] Write Markdown basic syntax-[] Write Markdown extension syntax-[] Keep writing technical documentationCopy the code


Insert an emoji by typing the emoji’s short code. A short code begins and ends with a colon, and between the colons is the name of the emoji.

Gone camping! :tent: Be back soon.

That is so funny! :joy:
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  1. Not all Markdown parsers support extended syntax. You need to make sure that the parser you are using supports the extended syntax you need to use. If not, the extension module may need to be enabled. ↩