Step 1: Copy the project test directly into the Webapps directory of the Tomcat installation directory.

C: \ Program Files \ apache tomcat — 7.0.70 \ webapps \


Step 2 in the Tomcat installation directory, open the conf folder that contains the configuration file server. XML, open the configuration file, and insert the following statements between <host> and </host>.

<Context path=”/hello” docBase=”C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-7.0.70\webapps\test” debug=”0″ privileged=”true”></Context>

Where, docBase is the path to set the project. Hello is the virtual path used by the URL.


Step 3: Test validation

Run the C: \ Program Files \ apache tomcat — 7.0.70 \ bin \ startup bat

Open a browser, visit

And you’re done!
