The target

  • masterObject.definePropertyThe use of
  • Master js observer mode
  • Implement the V-Model manually

1- Pre-knowledge

1. Object.defineProperty

  • DefineProperty defines a new property directly on an Object or modifies an existing property object.defineProperty.

  • Object attributes can also be modified and deleted when assigned directly, but defining attributes with Object.defineProperty() allows more precise control of Object attributes through descriptor Settings

  var Person={}
  var reactiveName = "zhangsan"
  Object.defineProperty(Person, 'name', {
      / / can be configured
      configurable: true./ / can be enumerated
      enumerable: true.Accessor property 'get'
      // Method triggered when reading 'person. name'
      get () {
        return reactiveName
      // Accessor property 'set'
      // Method triggered when modifying 'person. name'
      set (newValue) {
        reactiveName = newValue
  console.log(; // 'zhangsan' = 'lisi';
  console.log(; // 'lisi'
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2. Observer mode

    / / subscriber
    class Dep {
      constructor() {
        this.watchers = []
      // Add an observer
      addWatcher (watcher) {

      / / notice
      notify  () {
        this.watchers.forEach(watcher= > {

    / / observer
    class Watcher {
      constructor(callback) {
        this.callback = callback
      update () {
        this.callback(); }}// Create a subscriber
    const dep = new Dep();
    // Create an observer
    const watcher1 = new Watcher(() = > console.log('watcher1'));
    const watcher2 = new Watcher(() = > console.log('watcher2'));
    // Add an observer
    // Trigger notification
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3. Summary

  • Object.definePropertyA property used to define an object that can be configured with getter and setter accessors
  • The observer mode has two subscribers and an observer object, and the subscriber can collect the observer and trigger the observer to perform the update operation at the appropriate time
  • The V-Model is implemented by collecting observers in the GET method and triggering updates in the set method

2 – v – model

1. Use a Vue invocation method

  <div id="app">
    <input type="text" v-model="msg" />

  const vm = new MyVue({
    el: '#app'.data: {
      msg: 'abc'}})</script>
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So we’re going to create MyVue objects

  class MyVue {
    constructor({el, data}) {
      this.container = document.querySelector(el); = data; }}</script>
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2. Initialize data

  • Define each attribute in data using Object.defineProperty
  class MyVue {
    constructor({el, data}) {
      this.container = document.querySelector(el); = data;
      // Initialize data
    initData(vm, data) {
      for (let key in data) {
        let initVal = data[key];

        Object.defineProperty(vm, key, {
          get() {
            return initVal
          set(val){ initVal = val; }})// Call initData recursively to determine if it is an object
        if ([key]) === "[object Object]") {
          this.initData(vm[key], data[key])
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  const vm = new MyVue({
    el: '#app'.data: {
      msg: 'abc'}});console.log(vm.msg) // abc
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3. Initialize the V-Model form

	class MyVue {
      constructor({ el, data }) {
        this.container = document.querySelector(el); = data;

        // Initialize data

        // Initialize the V-Model form
      initVModel () {
        // Get all the V-Model elements
        const nodes = this.container.querySelectorAll('[v-model]');

        nodes.forEach(node= > {
          const key = node.getAttribute('v-model');
          // Initialize the assignment
          node.value = this[key];

          // Listen for input events
          node.addEventListener('input'.ev= > {
            this[key] =;
          }, false)}); }}</script>  
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The above code can only fetch the first layer of data in the data, if it is bound like this:

<input type="text" v-model="obj.a" />
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This [‘obj. A ‘] = ‘obj. A ‘;

getData(str) {
  const arr = str.split('. '); // ["obj", "a"]

  const res = arr.reduce((target, item) = > {
    // Target equals data for the first pass
    return target[item] // Target = target[item] ===> data.obj
    // Target equals data.obj for the second pass
    // Target equals data.obj.a after return
  }, this)

  return res;
initVModel () {
  // Get all the V-Model elements
  const nodes = this.container.querySelectorAll('[v-model]');

  nodes.forEach(node= > {
    const key = node.getAttribute('v-model');

    // Initialize the assignment
    // node.value = this[key]; // If key is "obj
    node.value = this.getData(key); 

    // Listen for input events
    node.addEventListener('input'.ev= > {
      // this[key] =; // Also handle strings whose key is "obj.a"
      const arr = key.split("."); // ["obj", "a"]

      // If arr has only one element, assign it directly
      if (arr.length === 1) {
        this[key] = node.value;
      // Get the penultimate object (for 'obj.a', get this.obj)
      const res = this.getData(key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("."))) // this.obj
      // Assign the last level (this.obj.a = node.value)
      res[arr[arr.length - 1]] = node.value;
    }, false)}); },Copy the code

At this point, the view change triggers the model change, and then the model change triggers the view change

4. Model changes trigger view updates

1. Introduce observer mode

	/ / subscriber
    class Dep {
      constructor() {
        this.watchers = []
      // Add an observer
      addWatcher (watcher) {

      / / notice
      notify  () {
        this.watchers.forEach(watcher= > {

    / / observer
    class Watcher {
      constructor(callback) {
        this.callback = callback
      update () {
        this.callback(); }}Copy the code

2. noticeTrigger time

Model-driven view updates, where dom updates are triggered when vm. MSG is modified (e.g. Vm. MSG =”123″). So we need to call dep.notify() in the set method.

// Initialize data
initData(vm, data) {
  for (let key in data) {
    let initVal = data[key];
    const dep = new Dep(); 
    Object.defineProperty(vm, key, {
      get() {
        return initVal
      set(val) {
        initVal = val;
        // Notify the view of updates
        //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++}})// Call initData recursively to determine if it is an object
    if ([key]) === "[object Object]") {
      this.initData(vm[key], data[key])
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3. Create an observer

The observer needs to update the DOM, so the observer needs to be created when the V-Model form is initialized

initVModel () {
  // Get all the V-Model elements
  const nodes = this.container.querySelectorAll('[v-model]');

  nodes.forEach(node= > {
    const key = node.getAttribute('v-model');

    // Initialize the assignment
    // node.value = this[key]; // If key is "obj
    node.value = this.getData(key); 
    // Create an observer
    const watcher = new Watcher(() = > {
      node.value = this.getData(key)
    // Listen for input events
    node.addEventListener('input'.ev= > {
      // this[key] =; // Also handle strings whose key is "obj.a"
      const arr = key.split("."); // ["obj", "a"]

      // If arr has only one element, assign it directly
      if (arr.length === 1) {
        this[key] = node.value;
      // Get the penultimate object (for 'obj.a', get this.obj)
      const res = this.getData(key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("."))) // this.obj
      // Assign the last level (this.obj.a = node.value)
      res[arr[arr.length - 1]] = node.value;
    }, false)}); },Copy the code

4. Add observers

Once an observer is created, it should be added to the subscriber immediately, but how will the subscriber know that the observer has been created?

  • At this point we get the data in the observer constructor and execute itObject.definePropertyGet method defined. So we add an observer to the get method.
// Pass this and key to create an observer
const watcher = new Watcher(this, key, () = > {
  node.value = this.getData(key)

/ / observer
class Watcher {
  constructor(vm, key, callback) {
    this.callback = callback;
    // Get data and trigger get
  update () {
    this.callback(); }}// Add observer to get method
get() {
	return initVal
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5. Assign the observer instance to an attribute of the Dep

The watcher in dep.addWatcher(watcher) above does not exist. We need to assign the observer instance to an attribute of the DEP in the observer constructor before fetching data

/ / observer
class Watcher {
  constructor(vm, key, callback) {
    this.callback = callback;
    // Assign the observer instance to the Dep target property = this;
    // Get data and trigger get
  update () {
    this.callback(); }}/ / get methods
get() {
	return initVal
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6. Avoid adding observers repeatedly

Dep. AddWatcher ( was executed multiple times, so there were multiple observers in the DEP Watchers array, so the update method was executed multiple times. The solution is to retrieve the data and reset

/ / observer
class Watcher {
  constructor(vm, key, callback) {
    this.callback = callback;
    // Assign the observer instance to the Dep target property = this;
    // Get data and trigger get
    // Reset dep. target to avoid adding observers repeatedly after retrieving data = null;
  update () {
    this.callback(); }}/ / get methods
get() { && dep.addWatcher(
	return initVal
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7. Data does not need to be updated if it is set to the same value multiple times

set(val) {

  // If the values are the same, the update will not be triggered
  if (initVal === val) {

  initVal = val;

  dep.notify(); // Notify the view of updates
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The complete code

/ / subscriber
class Dep {
  constructor() {
    this.watchers = []
  // Add an observer
  addWatcher(watcher) {

  / / notice
  notify() {
    this.watchers.forEach(watcher= > {


/ / observer
class Watcher {
  constructor(vm, key, callback) {
    this.callback = callback

    // Second thing, pass the current instance to the get method = this;

    // First thing, get the current data
    const val = vm.getData(key)

    To prevent repeated additions of observers, clear immediately after the addition = null;
  update() {
    this.callback(); }}class MyVue {
  constructor({ el, data }) {
    this.container = document.querySelector(el); = data;

    // Initialize the data

    // Initialize the V-Model form

  initData(vm, data) {
    for (let key in data) {
      let initVal = data[key];
      const dep = new Dep();
      Object.defineProperty(vm, key, {
        get() {
          // As soon as we get the data, we enter the get method and add the observer
 && dep.addWatcher(
          return initVal
        set(val) {

          // If the values are the same, the update will not be triggered
          if (initVal === val) {

          // console.log(key + 'modified data ')
          initVal = val;

          dep.notify(); // Notify the view of updates}})// Call initData recursively to determine if it is an object
      if ([key]) === "[object Object]") {
        this.initData(vm[key], data[key])


  initVModel() {
    // Get all the V-Model forms
    const nodes = this.container.querySelectorAll('[v-model]')
    // console.log(nodes)

    nodes.forEach(node= > {
      // Get the value of the V-model attribute
      const key = node.getAttribute('v-model')

      // Create the form as an observer
      new Watcher(this, key, () = > {
        node.value = this.getData(key)

      // console.log(123, key, this[key])
      const val = this.getData(key)
      // console.log(234234, val)

      // Assign a value to the form
      node.value = val

      // View-driven data update: listens for form events and modifies data.
      node.addEventListener('input'.() = > {
        // this[key] = node.value // key === "obj.b"

        const arr = key.split("."); // ["obj", "b"]

        // If arr has only one element, assign it directly
        if (arr.length === 1) {
          this[key] = node.value;

        // let res = this.getData(key) // this.obj.b ===> 2
        const res = this.getData(key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("."))) // this.obj

        // res = node.value;
        res[arr[arr.length - 1]] = node.value; })})}// Pass in a string of the form 'A.B.C' to get the value of this.a.b.c
  getData(str) {
    const arr = str.split('. '); // ["obj", "a"]

    const res = arr.reduce((target, item) = > {
      // Target equals data for the first pass
      return target[item] // Target = target[item] ===> data.obj
      // Target equals data.obj for the second pass
      // Target equals data.obj.a after return
    }, this)

    returnres; }}Copy the code


  • Object.defineProperty
  • Observer model
  • V-model is implemented manually
    • throughObject.definePropertyDefine all attributes of data, collect the observer in the GET method, and trigger the observer to update the DOM in the set method