This is the 13th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge
Series of articles:
- Introduction to Browser Plug-ins
- Manifest V3
- Essential concept for browser plug-in development – user interaction
- Essential concepts for browser plug-in development – Common techniques
- Essential concepts for browser plug-in development – Customizing the browser experience
- Essential concepts for browser plug-in development – customizing the Web experience
- Key concepts for browser plug-in development — Experience optimization
- Browser plug-in development and debugging
Each extender requires a configuration manifest manifest.json document, which provides basic information about the extender, such as required permissions, names, versions, and so on.
The most recent version of the current Manifest type is Manifest V3, or MV3, and extensions that follow this Manifest version have increased security and user privacy, improved performance, and improved ease of development and functionality.
Support for Manifest V3 extensions is available from Chrome 88, and support for distribution of Manifest V3 extensions will begin in The Chrome Web Store in January 2021.
Google introduced Manifest V3 at the Chrome Dev Summit 2019. You can check out this video at
The characteristics of an overview of the
The MV3 has multiple new features. The common functions are as follows:
Background pages are replaced by Service Workers
Background script runs in the Service workers environment, and its working mode is based on the mode of listening-response. It does not reside in the background to improve performance. But because the runtime environment has no background pages, you can’t use the DOM-related apis.
Getting code, such as JavaScript scripts or Wasm files, from an external server (typically a CDN) is no longer supported
Extensions can only execute scripts that are inside the application to improve security. If the extender needs to rely on external data, it is recommended to pass it as a configuration parameter file.
Many apis support Promise
For asynchronous methods you can now operate with promise chains or async/await. Asynchronous methods are traditionally handled as callback functions, and are still supported (for compatibility, asynchronous methods do not return promises), and for some scenarios, such as event listening, callback functions need to be set up (as event handlers).
Unified Action API
The global icon interaction control Browser Action and the page-specific icon interaction control Page Action are merged into the Action API
will add more features in the future:
- Content scripts support dynamic registration and placement at run time
- Provide a new APIGet the favicons for the web pageAs an alternative to
- The Storage API provides a new StorageArea type to allow data to be stored in memory for quick reading when the service worker restarts
Document format
Each extender requires a configuration manifest manifest.json document, which provides basic information about the extender, such as required permissions, names, versions, and so on.
The following lists common configuration items in THE MV3. For details about each item, see the official documents:
/ / must
"manifest_version": 3.// The latest version of the current configuration list is 3
"name": "My Extension".// Extension name
"version": "versionString".// The version of the extension
/ / recommend
"action": {... },// Settings related to the Action interaction control, which is a set of Settings related to the extension icon on the browser toolbar
"default_locale": "en".// Default language
"description": "A plain text description".// The description of the extension program
"icons": {... },// The extension icon
/ / is optional
"author":... ."automation":... ."background": {
// Required
"service_worker": "service-worker.js".// Optional
"chrome_settings_overrides": {... },"chrome_url_overrides": {... },"commands": {... },"content_capabilities":... ."content_scripts": [{...}],
"content_security_policy": {... },"converted_from_user_script":... ."current_locale":... ."declarative_net_request":... ."devtools_page": "devtools.html"."differential_fingerprint":... ."event_rules": [{...}],
"externally_connectable": {
"matches": ["*://**"]},"file_browser_handlers": [...]. ."file_system_provider_capabilities": {
"configurable": true."multiple_mounts": true."source": "network"
"homepage_url": "https://path/to/homepage"."host_permissions": [...]. ."import": [{"id": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"}]."incognito": "spanning, split, or not_allowed"."input_components":... ."key": "publicKey"."minimum_chrome_version": "versionString"."nacl_modules": [...]. ."natively_connectable":... ."oauth2":... ."offline_enabled": true."omnibox": {
"keyword": "aString"
"optional_permissions": ["tabs"]."options_page": "options.html"."options_ui": {
"chrome_style": true."page": "options.html"
"permissions": ["tabs"]."platforms":... ."replacement_web_app":... ."requirements": {... },"sandbox": [...]. ."short_name": "Short Name"."storage": {
"managed_schema": "schema.json"
"system_indicator":... ."tts_engine": {... },"update_url": "https://path/to/updateInfo.xml"."version_name": "aString"."web_accessible_resources": [...]. }Copy the code
Migration guide
Here are some common points to note when migrating from MV2 to MV3:
Upgrade the configuration manifest manifest.json document
Change version option Manifest_version: 3
The host_permissions option has been added to MV3 to declare which secure domain names extenders are allowed to access
You do not have to declare content script match patterns in
in order to inject content scripts. However, they are treated as host permissions requests by the Chrome Web Store review process. -
Combine the options page_action and broser_action as necessary
Script execution
MV3 does not allow the execution of script files obtained from external servers (usually CDN). This part of the code logic needs to be updated, and the dependent module scripts need to be pre-integrated into the extender. If you need to rely on external servers, there are two solutions:
- Split the code logic into configuration drivers, externalizing the configuration files on the server
- Externalize logic with a remote service
Embedded content of the script method change to chrome. Scripting. ExecuteScript (). Similarly, the incorporation of CSS-related methods insertCSS() and removeCSS() was changed from the Chrome.tabs API to the Chrome.scripting API
The content script code executed in MV3 can only be a script file (array) files: [‘content-script.js’] or a function func: FunctionName (execution environment context is not synchronized and is passed as args), not as an arbitrary string
// Manifest V3 // background.js async function getCurrentTab() {/ *... * /} let tab = await getCurrentTab(); // file format chrome.scripting.executeScript({ target: {tabId:}, files: ['content-script.js']});// function format function showAlert(givenName) { alert(`Hello, ${givenName}`); } let name = 'World'; chrome.scripting.executeScript({ target: {tabId:}, func: showAlert, args: [name], }); Copy the code
Background scripts are executed in the Service Workers environment
This is an obvious non-compatible change to MV3, which will affect the upgrade of most MV2 extensions and require refactoring of the original background page code logic. There are two things to keep in mind when migrating:
- The function of Service workers is based on the event-response mode. Just like the event Pages of MV2 before, it does not stay in the background and only runs again when the corresponding event is triggered.
- DOM is not accessible in the Service Workers environment, so the associated API is not available
Json option background.service_work to register the (single) background script to run
{ // ... "background": { "service_worker": "background.js"}},Copy the code
In the logic code of background script, the registration of event listeners should be completed in the first round of the event cycle, that is, the event listeners should be written in the top-level scope of background script, and should not be embedded in other logic codes (because Service Workers will terminate after executing the code and will not reside for a long time, It runs again when there are events to dispatch, and it cannot respond to events if listeners are not registered in the first event poll).
// background.js["badgeText"].({ badgeText }) = > { chrome.action.setBadgeText({ text: badgeText }); }); // Listener is registered on startup chrome.action.onClicked.addListener(handleActionClick); Copy the code
Since Service Workers cannot reside in the background, data that needs to be persisted can be saved using Storage API and read from the database when Service Workers restart.
// background.js chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(({ type, name }) => { if (type === "set-name") {{ name }); }}); chrome.action.onClicked.addListener((tab) => {["name"], ({ name }) => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, { name }); }); }); Copy the code
The Service workers cannot use the methods window.settimeout () and window.setinterval () because they do not have access to the DOM and associated apis. There is no window variable object in the Service Workers environment. If the background script needs to use the dispatch implementation function, you can use the Alarms API instead.
// background.js chrome.alarms.create({ delayInMinutes: 3 }); chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(() = > { chrome.action.setIcon({ path: getRandomIconPath(), }); }); Copy the code
Some defunct apis need to be implemented using alternative methods
There are also some defunct apis that are not explicitly declared in the documentation
can use the ** migration list ** for comparison check in actual operation:
The API to check
In MV3’s manifest manifest, host_permissions has a new option for setting domain permissions
Whether background page is used in the original project, background script needs to be migrated to Service workers in MV3.
- You need to configure the list first
The option tobackground.service_work
Register a (single) background script that needs to be run - Remove the original
options - The background script code needs to be refactored to fit the Event-based response-based pattern of Service Workers
- Communication between background pages and content scripts cannot be implemented using the relevant API, such as
, need to useMessage Passing API
- You need to configure the list first
Whether browser_action or Page_Action interactive controls were declared in the original project’s configuration manifest, they are consolidated into actions in MV3. Accordingly, the Chrome. browserAction API and Chrome. pageAction API need to be replaced with chrome.action API in background script
Whether chrome. WebRequest was used in the original project to listen or intercept web requests is replaced with the declarativeNetRequest API in MV3
Did you use the Chrome. tabs API to embed scripts and style files in the original project?
Manifest V2 Manifest V3 chrome.tabs.executeScript()
Whether scripts obtained from external servers need to be run in the original project, code obtained from external servers is not allowed to be executed in MV3, and these scripts need to be pre-integrated into the extender.
Safety check
- Whether to use content script for cross-domain request in the original project? As MV3 content script meets the restriction of same-origin policy, network request needs to be migrated to Service Workers background script
- Whether it was customized in the configuration manifest in the original project
Is used in MV3content_security_policy.extension_pages
Instead, remove Settings related to external domains, such asscript-src