Making a TIME Management Tool for the CLI (part 9)

This is the 10th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see “August More Text Challenge”.


The last article focused on the logic of automatically logging transactions

Through the introduction of the previous eight articles, this tool is now ready for initial use

This article will walk you through the use of the core functionality that has been developed


The installation

  1. You need Node installed on your computer
  2. If the dependency cannot be found, switch the NPM source to the official source
npm config set registry
Copy the code

The installation

npm install -g time-control
Copy the code

View the supported commands

After eight days of hard work, you can see that we have developed a lot of instructions. Here are a few core examples:

  • Automatic recording
  • Generate weekly/daily/monthly reports (time reports)
timec --help
Copy the code

Project initialization

Create a project for recording

timec init timeLog
Copy the code

Create a file

Create a file for automatic writing

timec create
Copy the code

The created template file will have some content that can be manually cleared

Setting the file path

Set the path for the automatic recording file

timec upPath ./ 
Copy the code

Task management

View ongoing tasks

timec task 
Copy the code

Create a new task

timec task <name>
Copy the code

To switch tasks, use the same instructions and parameters as to create tasks

Choose to use this task if it already exists

timec task <name>
Copy the code

Example Delete an existing task

  • add-dOption means remove the task
timec task -d <name>
Copy the code

Transaction management

Start a new transaction

timec thing <name>
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View current ongoing transactions

timec thing
Copy the code

End the current transaction

  • add-sParameters can be
  • Ending a transaction automatically records the transaction that was just done to a file
timec thing -s
Copy the code

Start a new transaction without switching transactions

  • End the process directly, and then write the result to a file
  • Then start a new transaction
timec thing <name>
Copy the code

Note: The number of the transaction record is the time of the transaction in 5 decimal places in hours

This is the end of the demonstration of transaction-related operations

With the data from the transaction record, the next step is to generate the report

The user export function is described below

Diversification derivation

Export to JSON

Developers can use this json string to do their own personalized analysis

timec -oj <filepath>
Copy the code

Export the Markdown

Add the -t option to the md file to add detailed time, including transaction, task, and day dimensions

timec -omt <filepath>
Copy the code

Generate daily

Specify the date to view and the file to analyze:

  • The generated report includes the total time of a day, the total time of a task
timec -or -D <date> <filepath>
Copy the code

Generate monthly report

Use -m to specify the month to view

timec -or -M <month> <filepath>
Copy the code

A period of time to report

You can use this to generate weekly reports, reports for any time range

timec -or -R <startTime_endTime> <filepath>
Copy the code


The core functions are basically introduced in detail, and some bugs were found during the demonstration, which will be optimized in the next period

Data display this piece of the follow-up will also bring you a wealth of functions, inspiration is still there, only time


Because of the limited free time each day, this article will stop there

If you don’t have enough, stay tuned for updates, or keep an eye on the status of the warehouse

Welcome to comment section to raise demand, exchange discussion

This series will continue to be updated and iterated until the first generation of the product is completed

  • The warehouse address