Major learning directions and knowledge points that need to be mastered are listed roughly here and will be added later. I will update each part after learning. The main learning methods are documents and books, and then code practice.
- JavaScript:
- JavaScript Advanced Programming (The Little Red Book)
- JavaScript you don’t know
- Introduction to ES6 standards
1.JavaScript (one month)
1.1 ECMAScript
- Basic data types and some common apis
- Prototype, prototype chain, inheritance
- Scope, closure, variable promotion,
- This, the arrow function bind call apply
- Event Loop (macro task, micro task)
- Event Stream Event object event type
- Modular ideas, ES6 modular, AMD, CMD, CommonJS
- Functional programming, currification of functions, higher-order functions
- The Iterator Iterator
- Proxy,Reflect
- Use of Generator functions
- Promise
- await/async
- How the V8 engine works
- The underlying browser rendering mechanism
- Regular expression
- Ajax
1.2 the DOM
- The selectors API
- To other
1.3 BOM
- The window object
- Location object
- The navigator object
- Screen object History object