Make React Wheels with TypeScript by hand
“This is the first day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022.” This article is based on my own practice and supplement after reading the React Learning series. I also want to deepen my understanding of TS and type ideas by making wheels in Typescript recently. After all, REACT supports TS quite well. The best way to understand the source code is probably to make one yourself. Here are most of my coding ideas of some sort, I hope to help you. If there is something wrong or inaccurate, I hope you can point it out to
1. Logic of component rendering
Now that we’ve rendered the native DOM element, let’s render the component. In BOTH JSX and TSX, components are used in the form of
- If it is a DOM element, execute the mountDOMElement method
- If it is a component, determine the type of component
- Render functional components
- Render class components
- Determine the type of virtual DOM rendered
- If it is a component, recursively render
- If it is a DOM element, render recursively
2. Distinguish between components and DOM elements
The first step is to determine if a virtual DOM is a component. Let’s look at what the component looks like when compiled by creatElement:
Define the functional component Greeting and the class component Welcome, respectively, and print them to the console using console.log.
Here I inherit react.componentdirectly when defining the class component, and make a hole for it later when implementing the life cycle or Fiber.
const Greeting = function () {
return (
<h1>Hello React</h1>
</div>)}class Welcome extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<h1>Hello React</h1>
</div>)}}console.log(<Greeting />);
console.log(<Welcome />)
Copy the code
The result printed in the figure below is the result of the createElement method we wrote earlier — both functional and class components will look like this when printed by console.log. You can see that the virtual DOM of the Welcome component (Figure 1), whose type(Welcome()) is different from the “div” of the native DOM element (Figure 2), is a function.
So we can start fromtype
Whether a virtual DOM is a component is determined by whether the property is a function
/* shared/utils.ts */
/** * Determine whether the specified virtual DOM should be rendered as a component or as a native DOM node, using the component virtual DOM's type attribute as function@param type
* @returns boolean* /
export const isFunction = <T>(type: T): boolean= > {
return type && type instanceof Function
/* demo/index.tsx */
console.log(isFunction(vDOM)); // false
console.log(isFunction(Greeting.type)); Property 'type' does not exist on type' () => Element'.
console.log(isFunction(Welcome.type)); Property 'type' does not exist on type' typeof Welcome'.
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There is a problem. If we try to determine whether the type of Greeting and Welcome is a function, TS will report an error because they are pure TSX code at this point and have not been compiled into the virtual DOM by the createElement method. The Type attribute exists in the virtual DOM;
const greeting = Greeting() // const welcome = new Welcome({}).render() / / the console. The log (isFunction (the Greeting. Type))
console.log(isFunction(greeting.type)) / / ️ true / / the console. The log (isFunction (Welcome. Type))
console.log(isFunction(welcome.type)) // true Copy the code
3. Distinguish between functional components and class components
If we look closely at the type attribute in the component, we can see the difference between the type function returned by Welcome and Greeting:
If you tried to print a protype for both, it would look like this:
Welcome inherits from the react.componentparent class, React distinguishes Class and Function components by adding the isReactComponent property to Component.
/ / the React within
class Component {}
Component.isReactClass = {};
// We can check it like this
class Welcome extends React.Component {}
console.log(Welcome.isReactClass); / / {}
Copy the code
So I can use the following method to distinguish function-style components from class components:
/* src/shared/utils.ts */
export const isFunction = () = > { / *... * / }
/** * You can use the isReactComponent attribute on the prototype of the class component to determine whether the class component is functional or class *@param type
* @returns * /
export const isClassComponent = <T extends Function>(type: T): boolean => { return type && !! type.prototype.isReactComponent }Copy the code
4. Render components
The isFunction and isClassComponent methods now implement the logic mentioned above:
- If it is a DOM element, execute
methods - If it is a component, execute
To determine the type of the component- Render functional components
- Render class components
- Determine the type of virtual DOM rendered
- If component, execute recursively
- If it is a DOM element, it is executed recursively
- If component, execute recursively
export const mountComponent = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: HTMLElement) = > {
// Get the constructor and properties
const { type: C, props } = virtualDOM
let newVirtualDOM: MyReactElement
// If it is a class component
if (isClassComponent(virtualDOM.type)) {
console.log('rendering class component')
// Create an instance and return
const c = new C()
newVirtualDOM = c.render(props || {} )
// If it is a function component
else {
console.log('rendering functional component')
newVirtualDOM = C(props || {})
// Record the virtual DOM to facilitate diff algorithm comparison
container.__virtualDOM = newVirtualDOM
// Determine whether newVirualDOM is a function
if (isFunction(newVirtualDOM.type)) {
mountComponent(newVirtualDOM, container)
} else {
mountDOMElement(newVirtualDOM, container)
Copy the code
Key points:
- Functional components: used during rendering
newVirtualDOM = C(props)
- Class components: must be created during renderingCAn instance of thecBefore it can be used
- Determine the type of the virtual DOM after the successful assignment to newVirtualDOM
- If it is a component, it must be rendered recursively
- If it is a DOM element, it is executed recursively
- If it is a component, it must be rendered recursively
There is a special case to consider here: when we wrap a component around a native DOM element, as in the following case
const vDOM = ( <div> <Todos> </div> ) Copy the code
Since the outermost layer is
, the mountDOMElement method is executed first, but in the previous section we only considered rendering the native DOM scene for child elements. We also need to make a few minor changes to the mountDOMElement method to match the case where the child element is a component:
/* MyReact/MyReactDOM.ts */
/** * Render native DOM elements *@param VirtualDOM virtualDOM *@param Container Indicates the parent container */
export const mountDOMElement = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: HTMLElement | null) = > {
/ * * / has been eliminated
else {
// Create the element
newElement = document.createElement(type)
// Update attributes
attachProps(virtualDOM, newElement)
// Recursively render child elementsprops? .children.forEach((child: MyReactElement) = > {
// mountDOMElement(child, newElement)
mountElement(child, newElement) // You need to take into account the fact that the child elements are components})}//* Record the current virtual DOM when creating the DOM elementnewElement.__virtualDOM = virtualDOM container? .appendChild(newElement) }Copy the code
The mountElement method separates the code that determines the virtual DOM type and renders it:
/* MyReact/MyReactRender.ts */
/** * Render method *@param virtualDOM
* @param container
* @returns * /
export const mountElement = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: MyHTMLElement) = > {
if(! container)return
// Render components render DOM elements
if (isFunction(virtualDOM.type)) {
// Render component
mountComponent(virtualDOM, container)
} else {
// Render native DOM elements
console.log('Rendering DOM Element')
mountDOMElement(virtualDOM, container)
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So our mountComponent can now be written more succinctly like this:
export const mountComponent = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: HTMLElement) = > {
// Get the constructor and properties
const { type: C, props } = virtualDOM
let newVirtualDOM: MyReactElement
// If it is a class component
if (isClassComponent(virtualDOM.type)) {
console.log('rendering class component')
// Create an instance and return
const c = new virtualDOM.type()
newVirtualDOM = c.render(props || {} )
// If it is a function component
else {
console.log('rendering functional component')
newVirtualDOM = C(props || {})
// Record the virtual DOM to facilitate diff algorithm comparison
container.__virtualDOM = newVirtualDOM
// Determine the type of element to render recursively
mountElement(newVirtualDOM, container)
Copy the code
5. Test
Next we can test the completion of this component rendering logic in rendering multi-layer components. The main tests are:
- Todo is a class component that renders native DOM elements
- Todos is a class component. Todos renders multiple Todo components and passes props from the App component as well as its own props
- App is the component for the function that passes props to Todos
Here is our demo code:
/* demo/index.tsx */
// react.component.props
accepts two parameters, P = props and S = state
export class Todo extends React.Component<{ task: string, completed? :boolean, event? : MouseEventHandler<HTMLLIElement> }> {render() {
const { completed, task, event } = this.props
return (
<li className={completed ? 'completed' : 'ongoing'} onClick={event}>
</li>)}}Todos is a functional component
export const Todos = (props: { type: string }) = > {
const { type } = props
const engList = (
<section className="todos eng" role="list">
<Todo task="createElement" completed={true} />
<Todo task="render" completed={true} />
<Todo task="diff" completed={false} />
const cnList = (
<section className="todos chi" role="list">
<Todo task="createElement" completed={true} />
<Todo task="render" completed={true} />
<Todo task="diff" completed={false} />
<Todo task="Virtual DOM" completed={true} />
<Todo task="Rendering" completed={true} />
<Todo task="Diff algorithm" />
return type= = ='one' ? engList : cnList
export const App = function (props: { type: string }) {
return (
<Todos type={props.type} />)}const root = document.getElementById('app') as MyHTMLElement
MyReact.render(<App type="two" />, root)
Copy the code
The choice of test framework is recommended to use JEST, just need to use jest-DOM basic can cover the above demo.
5.1 Preparations for using THE Jest test
First install dependencies:
- Install the jest:
yarn add -D jest babel-jest ts-node
- Install jEST test library:
yarn add -D @testing-library/dom @testing-library/jest-dom
- Install TS code tips:
yarn add -D @types/jest
Then there is the simple configuration of JEST
/* jest.config.ts */
export default {
// Provide test coverage with V8 engines
coverageProvider: "v8".// Test the root directory, where React is written in the __tests__ folder
roots: [
"<rootDir>/__tests__"].// Automatically find the suffix name
moduleFileExtensions: [
"js"."jsx"."ts"."tsx"."json"."node"].// Test environment, because the main test is DOM rendering, so use jsDOM
testEnvironment: "jsdom".// Specify the converter
transform: {
'^.+\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$': '<rootDir>/node_modules/babel-jest',},// The converter re is ignored
transformIgnorePatterns: [
'[/\\\\]node_modules[/\\\\].+\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$'.'^.+\\.module\\.(css|sass|scss)$']}Copy the code
Since the test files will be written in Typescript, @babel/preset- Typescript is needed at the end of the Babel configuration
"presets": [
"pragma": "MyReact.createElement"}]."@babel/preset-typescript"]}Copy the code
For more on React testing in action, see the article Try Front-end Automated Testing, Portal
5.2 Writing unit tests
For the two components in the demo, Todo, Todos(ignoring App), we can write the following two simple unit tests. The test cases are roughly as follows
The main test is
- Can you put the incomingtaskString output to
In this element - Is there sufficient evidencecompletedBooleans for this field render different styles
- Whether to insert insert the event that is passed in
Elements of theeventListener
In the
import React from 'react'
import * as MyReact from ".. /src/MyReact";
import { Todo } from '.. /demo'
import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
import { getByText } from '@testing-library/dom'
let container: any
beforeEach(() = > {
container = document.createElement('div')
afterEach(() = > {
container = null
describe('Todo components'.() = > {
describe('Can render the backlog item name correctly'.() = > {
// Can pass task attributes correctly
it('should render task correctly'.() = > {
MyReact.render(<Todo task='add testing' completed={false} />, container)
expect(getByText(container, 'add testing')).toBeInTheDocument()
describe('Able to render styles correctly'.() = > {
// The render style completed: false
it('should render class correctly => completed: false'.() = > {
MyReact.render(<Todo task='add testing' completed={false} />, container)
expect(getByText(container, 'add testing')).toHaveClass('ongoing')})// The render style completed: true
it('should render class correctly => completed: true'.() = > {
MyReact.render(<Todo task='add testing' completed={true} />, container)
expect(getByText(container, 'add testing')).toHaveClass('completed')})// Render the style correctly completed: Not given
it('should render class correctly => completed: not given'.() = > {
MyReact.render(<Todo task='add testing' />, container)
expect(getByText(container, 'add testing')).toHaveClass('ongoing')
describe('Can trigger click events correctly'.() = > {
it('should trigger click event correctly'.() = > {
// Create a mock method
const clickSpy = jest.fn()
// Click the event as a mock method
MyReact.render(<Todo task='add testing' event={clickSpy} />, container)
// Trigger the click event
const todo = getByText(container, 'add testing')
Copy the code
The main test is
- Can you according totypeThis field renders the Chinese and English listings separately
- Can we be together
Render multiple times inTodo
import React from 'react'
import * as MyReact from ".. /src/MyReact";
import { Todos } from '.. /demo'
import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
import { getByText, getByRole } from '@testing-library/dom'
let container: any
beforeEach(() = > {
container = document.createElement('div')
afterEach(() = > {
container = null
describe('Todos components'.() = > {
describe('Can display Chinese and English lists correctly'.() = > {
it('should diplay English list'.() = > {
MyReact.render(<Todos type="one" />, container)
expect(getByRole(container, 'list')).toHaveClass('eng')
it('should diplay Chinese list'.() = > {
MyReact.render(<Todos type="two" />, container)
expect(getByRole(container, 'list')).toHaveClass('chi')
describe('Ability to render multiple Todo components'.() = > {
it('Eng list should have 3 todos'.() = > {
MyReact.render(<Todos type="one" />, container)
expect(getByRole(container, 'list').childElementCount).toBe(3)
it('Chinese List should have 6 todos'.() = > {
MyReact.render(<Todos type="two" />, container)
expect(getByRole(container, 'list').childElementCount).toBe(6)})})})Copy the code
5.3 If you don’t care about testing
If you’ve already skipped the unit tests section, take a look at these two screenshots.
In this section, we implement it
- When rendering the virtual DOM, we distinguish between components and native elements
- Functional and class components are rendered correctly
- After the perfect
The method passed the unit test without a hitch
That concludes the rendering of the component! If you are interested, you can also go to my Github to have a look at the source code (update Diff algorithm in the next article)