This article is the third in TypeScript Hand-to-hand Make React Wheels. Let’s talk about a simple implementation of the Diff algorithm. The source code for the project is here. Welcome to Star and fork🥺🥺🥺.

    1. What is the Diff algorithm (props)
    1. The key to Diff algorithm
    • 2.1. Key: is it the first rendering
    • 2.2. Key: Get the last rendered virtual DOM
    • 2.3. Key: Render component or DOM element?
    1. Updating DOM elements
    • 3.1. Update the text node
    • 3.2. Updating the props properties (In depth comparison)
    • 3.3. Recursive loop updates child elements
    • 3.4. Determine whether the properties on the old virtual DOM have been deleted
    1. Update the components
    • 4.1. Component updates === Class component updates
    • 4.2. Check whether it is the same component
    • 4.3. Complete the Diff algorithm of components
    1. Test and Demo
    • 5.1. The Demo
    • 5.2. Test

1. What is the Diff algorithm (props)

Since we haven’t introduced the concept of state yet, the diff algorithm in this section is limited to updates to props for a given element!

As mentioned earlier, React uses the virtual DOM to minimize direct manipulation of the DOM. According to our previous logic, every time a virtual DOM is rendered, the MyReact engine iterates recursively through the current virtual DOM tree to complete the rendering. However, in practical application scenarios, sometimes we just modify a style information below the component. If we repeatedly render this component regardless of the situation, it will waste a lot of resources and affect the user experience. So we need some mechanism to identify the smallest component that has changed. This mechanism is the React Diff algorithm. Directly using the example from the previous component rendering article:

In this case, because we are just adding new children to the list, it is best to render the three more children on top of the existing ones. The key is to 1) compare virtual DOM at the same level under different virtual DOM trees and 2) update the DOM object corresponding to the virtual DOM. Let’s take a look at this classic comparison of the virtual DOM

In the previous chapters, we used the __virtualDOM attribute so that when changes are made, we can compare the __virtualDOM attribute with the current virtualDOM to make a peer comparison. The advantage of peer comparison is that we only need to traverse the virtualDOM tree once (comparing the current virtualDOM to the container’s __virtualDOM), so the time complexity isO(n), where n is the number of all nodes under the virtual DOM tree.

export const mountComponent = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: HTMLElement) = > {
  // Get the constructor and properties
  / *... * /
  // If it is a class component
  / *... * / 
  // If it is a function component
  / *... * /
  // Record the virtual DOM to facilitate diff algorithm comparison
  container.__virtualDOM = newVirtualDOM
  // Determine the type of element to render recursively
  / *... * /
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Conclusion: Before Fiber was introduced, React’s Diff algorithm was “efficient” because it implemented minimal granularity updates with the help of the virtual DOM Tree. When prop or state of a component or element changed, React compared the old and new virtual DOM trees using peer comparisons. Find the smallest tree node where the change occurred and render the difference.

So we need to extend and modify the original render:

  • If it is rendering for the first time, no comparison is required and render directly
  • Read the value of __virtualDOM (previously the virtualDOM) from the parent container if it is not the first rendering
    • If it’s a component
      • Read the previous component __virtualdom.component
      • If it is the same component, determine whether it needs to be rerendered
      • If not the same component, render directly
    • If it’s a DOM node
      • If it is text, compare props. TextContent
      • If it is a DOM element, compare the props object in the old and new virtual DOM in depth
    • If there are children, recursively iterate over all children

These are roughly what the React Diff algorithm does. The first render function itself can not meet the requirements, we need to use the Diff algorithm to achieve efficient page update function.

2. The key to Diff algorithm

2.1. The key: is it the first render

The first key to the Diff algorithm is to determine whether a virtual DOM is being rendered for the first time. All we need to do is determine whether the root in MyReact. Render (App, root) has child elements.

Do you know why React requires that we only wrap JSX in a single tag when rendering components? This specification makes it easy for React to use Node.firstChild to determine if a virtual DOM has been rendered.

Since we don’t render the virtual DOM directly, we first use the Diff algorithm to determine that the container has rendered the virtual DOM, we need to rewrite the render function to look like this:

/** * Render with Diff *@param virtualDOM 
 * @param container 
export const render = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: MyHTMLElement) = >{ diff(virtualDOM, container, container? .firstChildas MyHTMLElement)

/** * Diff algorithm *@param virtualDOM 
 * @param element 
 * @param preVirtualDOM 
export const diff = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: MyHTMLElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  // If element does not exist, it means that this is the first render, no comparison is required, just render directly
  if(! element)return mountElement(virtualDOM, container)
  // TODO retrieves the previous virtual DOM
  / *... * /

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2.2. Key: Get the last rendered virtual DOM

Since we stored the virtualDOM in __virtualDOM when the virtualDOM was first rendered, all we need to do is read the __virtualDOM value when we update the virtualDOM.

/* ./src/MyReact/MyReactRender.ts */

export const diff = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: MyHTMLElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  // If element does not exist, it means that this is the first rendering and does not need to be directly rendered
  if(! element)return mountElement(virtualDOM, container)
  // Get the previous virtual DOM
  const oldVirtualDOM = element.__virtualDOM
  const { type, props } = virtualDOM
  // Determine whether it is a component or a DOM node
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2.3. Key: Render component or DOM element?

Determining whether the virtual DOM is a component or a DOM element can be easily done by referring to the previous component rendering:

export const diff = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: MyHTMLElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  // If element does not exist, it means that this is the first rendering and does not need to be directly rendered
  if(! element)return mountElement(virtualDOM, container)
  // Get the previous virtual DOM
  const oldVirtualDOM = element.__virtualDOM
  const { type, props } = virtualDOM
  // Determine whether it is a component or a DOM node
  if (isFunction(type)) {
    // Update the component
  } else {
    / / update the DOM}}Copy the code

3. Updating DOM elements

When updating a DOM element we need to do:

  • If it is a text node, replace the text directly
  • Compare the properties of the props on the new virtual DOM and the props on the old virtual DOM
  • The DOM element loops over if it has child elements
  • Determines whether attributes on the old virtual DOM have been deleted
  • Record the new virtual DOM

3.1. Update text node

If we were comparing text nodes, we could easily do this:

/** * Updates the DOM text node *@param virtualDOM 
 * @param oldVirtualDOM 
 * @param element 
export const updateText = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldVirtualDOM: MyReactElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  if(virtualDOM.props.textContent ! == oldVirtualDOM.props.textContent) {// Change the text
    element.textContent = virtualDOM.props.textContent
    // Save as __virtualDOM
    element.__virtualDOM = virtualDOM
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3.2. Update the props property (Depth comparison)

If it is a DOM element node, we need to pass three parameters from the diff method: virtualDOM and oldVirtualDOM. The third argument is element, because we need to know where the update happened;

/* ./src/MyReact/MyReactDOM.ts */

/** * Update the DOM element => Update the attribute below the element *@param virtualDOM 
 * @param oldVirtualDOM 
 * @param element 
export const updateDOMElement = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldVirtualDOM: MyReactElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {}
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The next step is to compare the differences between props. Considering that one of the properties in props could be references to objects, arrays, methods (which are essentially objects), we need to consider deep comparisons when comparing. Here we’re going to use lodash’s isEqual method directly, but isn’t the fun of building a wheel in doing everything you can do yourself? So let’s implement the depth comparison ourselves:

/* ./src/shard/utils.ts */

export const isEqual = <T>(firstObj: T, secondObj: T): boolean= > {
  // 1. If it is not a complex type, judge directly
  if(! isReference(firstObj) || ! isReference(secondObj))return firstObj === secondObj

  // 2. Compare whether to reference the same memory address
  if (firstObj === secondObj) return true

  // 3. Start depth comparison if both are objects or arrays
  const firstKeys = Object.keys(firstObj)
  const secondKeys = Object.keys(secondObj)
  // 3.1 If the lengths are not equal
  if(firstKeys.length ! == secondKeys.length)return false
  // 3.2 Recursive judgment
  for (let key in firstObj) {
    const result = isEqual(firstObj[key], secondObj[key])
    if(! result)return false
  return true

/* Determine if a value is a complex type */
export const isReference = <T>(value: T): boolean= > {
  return value && typeof value === 'object'
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Depth comparisons allow us to iterate over the differences between properties on the new virtual DOM and those on the old one

export const updateDOMElement = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldVirtualDOM: MyReactElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  const newProps = virtualDOM.props
  const oldProps = oldVirtualDOM.props
  const propsKeys = Object.keys(newProps)
  const oldPropsKeys = Object.keys(oldProps)
  // From the new than the old
  propsKeys.length && propsKeys.forEach((key: string) = > {
    if(key === 'textContent') { 
      updateText(virtualDOM, oldVirtualDOM, element)
    else if (key === 'children' ) {
      // If there are child elements, recursive Diff is required
    else {
      // If the attribute value changes
      if(! isEqual(newProps[key], oldProps[key])) {console.log(newProps[key])
        updateProp(key, newProps[key], element) // Update a specific attribute value on a DOM node
        console.log(` -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --${key} has been updated---------`)}}})// Compare the old with the new

  // Record the new virtual DOM
  element.__virtualDOM = virtualDOM
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3.3. A recursive loop updates the child elements

Similar to rendering the DOM element for the first time, we need to determine whether the virtual DOM(newVirtualDOM) we want to render is a component or a DOM element:

  • If newVirtualDOM remains a component, it is updated recursively
  • If newVirtualDOM is a DOM element
    • If there are child elements, Diff is recursively performed
    • Iterate over the update props property

If newVirtualDOM is a DOM element, two points need to be noted:

First point: If the virtual DOM element needs to render a DOM element, and the DOM element has three child elements underneath it. According to the rules defined in the createElement method, the virtual DOM of these three child elements is stored in props. Children; And the type attribute in the virtual DOM of the child element (that is, the virtual DOM that the child element needs to render) can be either a function (rendering component) or a string (rendering DOM element). So we need to recursively traverse the virtual DOM in props. Children and perform the Diff algorithm.

/* MyReact/MyReactDOM.ts */

/** * Updates the child element *@param virtualDOM 
 * @param oldVirtualDOM 
 * @param element 
export const updateChildren = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldVirtualDOM: MyReactElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  const { children } = virtualDOM.props
  const { children: oldChildren } = oldVirtualDOM.props
  // If there are child elements
  // Todo should be indexed by keychildren? .forEach((newElement: MyReactElement, index: number) = > {
    console.log('oldElement: ', oldChildren[index]);
    const oldElement = oldChildren[index]
    // If not, add it directly
    if(! oldElement) { mountElement(newElement, element) }// If present, recurse Diff
    else {
      diff(newElement, element, element.childNodes[index] as MyHTMLElement)
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Second, since we need to recursively traverse the virtual DOM in props. Children and perform the Diff algorithm, we need to know the component instances in the old virtual DOM; However, storing component instances is performed at actual rendering time, in other words, given two virtual DOM’s before and after a component: NewChildVDOM and oldChildVDOM, if we go to diff(newChildVDOM, Container, Element, oldChildVDOM), OldChildVDOM has no component property. This will cause the MyReact engine to assume that the two components are not the same during Diff comparisons and simply repeat the rendering. So we need to modify the updateProp method:

/* MyReact/MyReactDOM.ts */

export const updateProp = (propName: string, propValue: any, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  // If children skip
  if (propName === 'children') {
    // The original logic => skip directly
    // return 

    If the virtual DOM traversed is a component, what is the component responsible for rendering the virtual DOM MyReactElement) = > {
      const { type: C, props } = child
      // If it is a component, add the component attribute to the children element to facilitate Diff algorithm comparison
      if (isFunction(C)) {
        if (isClassComponent(child.type)) {
          return Object.assign(child, { component: new C(props || {}) })
        } else {
          return Object.assign(child, { component: C(props || {}) })
      // If it is a DOM element
      else {
        return child
  /* other ellipses */

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3.4. Determines whether attributes on the old virtual DOM have been deleted

After comparing the changes to the props properties of the new virtual DOM, we also need to check whether the original virtual DOM has been deleted on the new virtual DOM. If the answer is yes, we need to delete it from the DOM node.

export const updateDOMElement = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldVirtualDOM: MyReactElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  const newProps = virtualDOM.props
  const oldProps = oldVirtualDOM.props
  const propsKeys = Object.keys(newProps)
  const oldPropsKeys = Object.keys(oldProps)

  /* From the new than the old, omit */ 

  // Compare the old with the new
  oldPropsKeys.length && oldPropsKeys.forEach((oldKey: string) = > {
    // If the attribute is deleted
    if(! propsKeys.includes(oldKey)) { removeProp(oldKey, oldProps[oldKey], element) } })// Record the new virtual DOM
  element.__virtualDOM = virtualDOM

/** * Delete attribute *@param propName 
 * @param propValue 
 * @param element 
export const removeProp = (propName: string, propValue: any, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  if (propName === 'children') return
  if (propName.toLowerCase().slice(0.2) = = ='on') {
    element.removeEventListener(propName.toLowerCase().slice(2), propValue)
  } else {
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Summary of this section

  • When updating DOM elements, we need to consider three cases:
    1. Update language
    2. Update child elements recursively
    3. Update other properties
  • After updating DOM elements, you also need to consider whether any elements were deleted
  • Finally, record the new virtual DOM
export const updateDOMElement = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldVirtualDOM: MyReactElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  const newProps = virtualDOM.props
  const oldProps = oldVirtualDOM.props
  const propsKeys = Object.keys(newProps)
  const oldPropsKeys = Object.keys(oldProps)
  // From the new than the old
  propsKeys.length && propsKeys.forEach((key: string) = > {
    if(key === 'textContent') { 
      updateText(virtualDOM, oldVirtualDOM, element)
    else if (key === 'children' ) {
      // If there are child elements, recursive Diff is required
      updateChildren(virtualDOM, oldVirtualDOM, element)
    else {
      // If the attribute value changes
      if(! isEqual(newProps[key], oldProps[key])) { updateProp(key, newProps[key], element)// Update a specific attribute value on a DOM node}}})// Compare the old with the new
  oldPropsKeys.length && oldPropsKeys.forEach((oldKey: string) = > {
    // If the attribute is deleted
    if(! propsKeys.includes(oldKey)) { removeProp(oldKey, oldProps[oldKey], element) } })// Record the new virtual DOM
  element.__virtualDOM = virtualDOM
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When the DOM element is updated, the Diff algorithm looks like this:

export const diff = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: MyHTMLElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  // If element does not exist, it means that this is the first render, no comparison is required, just render directly
  if(! element)return mountElement(virtualDOM, container)
  // Get the previous virtual DOM
  const oldVirtualDOM = element.__virtualDOM
  const { type, props } = virtualDOM
  // Determine whether it is a component or a DOM node
  if (isFunction(type)) {
    // Update the component
    // do something 
  } else {
    / / update the DOM
    updateDOMElement(virtualDOM, oldVirtualDOM, element)
Copy the code

4. Update the components

4.1. Component updates= =Updates to class components

Because of the stateless nature of a functional component, React re-renders it every time its parent component updates, regardless of whether its props are updated or not.

React introduced the memo concept in version 16.6, which was intended to avoid unnecessary duplicate rendering (props only). Read this Stackflow post or the official React. Memo to learn more.

For this reason, the concept of “component update” is, more accurately, the update of a class component.

When updating a component we need to know:

  1. Whether the new virtual DOM is the same component as the old one;
  2. Whether the virtual DOM needs to be updated. Simple pseudocode looks like this:
    • A. If the virtual DOM and the old virtual DOM render the same component
      • I. Update the component if the props is updated
      • Ii. If the props is not updated, return
    • B. If the virtual DOM and the old virtual DOM do not render the same component, directly render the new component

4.2. Check whether it is the same component

So the first thing that needs to be realized here is how to determine that two virtual DOM renderings are the same component. For components, if we compare virtualdom. type directly to the __virualdom. type attribute of the parent element node, the result is always false. Because the first rendering in the mountComponent, The __virtualDOM in container.__virtualDOM = newVirtualDOM is already a virtualDOM returned by render or return.

/* ./demo/index.tsx */
// Re-render the same component

class Todos extends React.Component<{ type: string} > {render() {
    const { type } = this.props
    return type= = ='one' ? vDOM : vDOM2

const root = document.getElementById('app') as MyHTMLElement
MyReact.render(<Todos type="one" />, root)

setTimeout(() = > {
  MyReact.render(<Todos type="two" />, root)
}, 5000);
export const diff = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, container: MyHTMLElement, element: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  // * First render
  if(! element)return mountElement(virtualDOM, container)
  // * Same level comparison
  // Get the previous virtual DOM
  const oldVirtualDOM = element.__virtualDOM

  console.log(oldVirtualDOM.type) // "div"
  console.log(virtualDOM.type) // f Todos() {/*... * /}
  console.log(virtualDOM.type === oldVirtualDOM.type) // false

  /* * * */

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When comparing two virtual DOM’s, it is certainly not elegant to directly compare the rendered results to determine whether they are the same component.

Recommended practices: Here we can take advantage of the constructor principle — on the first rendering k, When storing the component instance __virtualdom.component. Diff, compare virutaldom. type to see if it is the constructor of __virtualdom.component.

// Store the component responsible for rendering the virtual DOM
/* .src/MyReact/MyReactComponent.ts */

// Change the mountComponent method to store the instance in __virtualDOM for the first rendering
const mountComponent = () = > {
  / *... * /
  // If it is a class component
  if (isClassComponent(virtualDOM.type)) {
    console.log('rendering class component')
    // Create an instance and return
    component = new C(props || {})
    newVirtualDOM = component.render()
    / /!!!!! Added: Record Component to facilitate diff algorithm comparison
    newVirtualDOM.component = component
  // If it is a function component
  else {
    console.log('rendering functional component')
    newVirtualDOM = C(props || {})
    // Functional components do not need to be logged because they need to be re-rendered if they are not updated}}/* src/shared/utils.ts */
/** * Check whether the components are the same *@param virtualDOM 
 * @param oldComponent 
 * @returns * /
export const isSameComponent = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldComponent: any) = > {
  return oldComponent && virtualDOM.type === oldComponent.constructor

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At present, our component update logic: when the component is updated, if the same component executes the diff algorithm to update the component; If it is not the same component (including functional components), simply remove the original __virtualDOM element from the parent container and re-render the component.

/** * Update component *@param virtualDOM 
 * @param oldComponent 
 * @param element 
 * @param container 
export const updateComponent = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldComponent: MyReactComponent, element: MyHTMLElement, container: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  // If not the same component, render directly
  if(! isSameComponent(virtualDOM, oldComponent)) {// Determine if you need to re-render
    mountComponent(virualDOM, element)
  // If it is the same component, update it
  else {
    // Determine whether the props of the component have been changed}}Copy the code

The next step is to determine whether the props under the component have been changed. We can add the concept of life cycle function here.

Because of the relationship between TS and Babel rules, in the example component is directly inherited React.Com ponent, so when I was in the echo statement hooks, is a function of use directly instead of class the following method. For now, let’s use this plan.

/* ./src/MyReact/MyReactLifecycle.ts */
// Only props are compared, with the help of depth comparison
export const shouldComponentUpdate = (prevProps: { [key: string] :any }, props: { [key: string] :any }) = > {
  return! isEqual(prevProps, props) }Copy the code

4.3. Complete the Diff algorithm for the component

So we got all the parts of the props method that triggered the Diff update component. Let’s put them together!

/** * Update component *@param virtualDOM 
 * @param oldComponent 
 * @param element 
 * @param container 
export const updateComponent = (virtualDOM: MyReactElement, oldVirtualDOM: MyReactElement, element: MyHTMLElement, container: MyHTMLElement) = > {
  // Get the component instance of the old virtual DOM
  const oldComponent = oldVirtualDOM.component
  if(! oldComponent || ! isSameComponent(virtualDOM, oldComponent)) {console.log('is not the same component, start rendering')
    mountComponent(virtualDOM, container)

  // If it is the same component, update it
  else {
    // Determine if you need to re-render
    if(! shouldComponentUpdate(oldComponent.props, virtualDOM.props))return
    // Update needs to loop through the subcomponents below
    const { type: C, props } = virtualDOM
    const newVirtualDOM = new C(props || {}).render()
    // If it is still a component
    if (isFunction(newVirtualDOM.type)) {
      // diff(newVirtualDOM, )
      updateComponent(newVirtualDOM, oldVirtualDOM, element, container)
    / / DOM elements
    else {
      / / update the props
      updateDOMElement(newVirtualDOM, oldVirtualDOM, element) 
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5. Test and Demo

5.1. Demo

In the previous component rendering section, we defined Todos components as functional components to test rendering of functional components; The functional component is rendered directly when updated, so we need to change it to a class component to test the Diff algorithm.

export class Todo extends React.Component<{ task: string, completed? :boolean, event? : MouseEventHandler<HTMLLIElement> }> {render() {
    const { completed, task, event } = this.props
    return (
      <li className={completed ? 'completed' : 'ongoing'} onClick={event}>
      </li>)}}// Change Todos to class components as well
export class Todos extends React.Component<{ type: string} > {render() {
    const { type } = this.props
    const engList = (
      <section className="todos eng" role="list">
        <Todo task="createElement" completed={true} />
        <Todo task="render" completed={true} />
        <Todo task="diff" completed={false} />
    const cnList = (
      <section className="todos chi" role="list">
        <Todo task="createElement" completed={true} />
        <Todo task="render" completed={true} />
        <Todo task="Diff" completed={true} />
        <Todo task="Virtual DOM" completed={true} />
        <Todo task="Rendering" completed={true} />
        <Todo task="Diff algorithm" />
    return type= = ='one' ? engList : cnList

const root = document.getElementById('app') as MyHTMLElement
MyReact.render(<Todos type="one" />, root)

// Update the component after 5 seconds
setTimeout(() = > {
  MyReact.render(<Todos type="two" />, root)
}, 5000);
Copy the code

In this Demo, we can see the following 5 changes to the Todos list:

  1. The thirdtaskComponent for ‘diff’ :completedThe state of the fromfalseTurned out to betrue
  2. The thirdtaskComponent for ‘diff’ :taskFrom ‘diff’ to ‘diff’

3-5) added task as three Todo sub-components: ‘virtual DOM’, ‘render’ and ‘Diff algorithm’

According to the information printed from the console, MyReact first determines that the new and old components are rendered by the same example and need to be updated. For the three new components, the oldComponent does not exist, so it can be rendered directly.

5.2. test

As before, we can also use Jest to test whether Diff’s algorithm is correct. The first step is to ensure that the existing code passes the previously rendered test case:

The test case here performs some simple tests on DOM element updates and component updates, mainly in this case

  • The DOM element Diff can change the text
  • The DOM element Diff can update the attributes of DOM elements (using styles as an example)
  • The DOM element Diff changes the number of child elements correctly
  • The component Diff updates the props property and renders the DOM element correctly
  • Component Diff updates the child components correctly and renders them
/************************* * __tests__/diff.test.tsx *************************/

describe("test Diff with DOM".() = > {
  it('should update text'.() = > {
    let oldVirtualDOM = <p>old</p>
    let newVirtualDOM = <p>new</p>
    mountDOMElement(oldVirtualDOM, container)
    setTimeout(() = > {
      updateDOMElement(newVirtualDOM, oldVirtualDOM, container)
      expect(getByText(container, 'new')).toBeTruthy()
    }, 3000);

  it('should update class'.() = > {
    let oldVirtualDOM = <p className="cool">old</p>
    let newVirtualDOM = <p className="chill">new</p>
    mountDOMElement(oldVirtualDOM, container)
    setTimeout(() = > {
      updateDOMElement(newVirtualDOM, oldVirtualDOM, container)
      expect(getByText(container, 'new')).toHaveClass('chill')},3000);

  it('should have correect child elements'.() = > {
    let oldVDOM = (
      <ul role="list">
    let newVDOM = (
      <ul role="list">

    mountDOMElement(oldVDOM, container)
    expect(getByRole(container, 'list').childElementCount).toBe(3)
    setTimeout(() = > {
      updateDOMElement(newVDOM, oldVDOM, container)
      expect(getByRole(container, 'list').childElementCount).toBe(5)},3000);

describe('test Diff with Component'.() = > {
  it('should update props'.() = > {
    let oldVDOM = <Todo task="diff" completed={false} />
    let newVDOM = <Todo task="Diff" completed={true} />
    mountComponent(oldVDOM, container)
    setTimeout(() = > {
      updateComponent(newVDOM, oldVDOM, container.firstChild, container)
      expect(getByText(container, 'Diff')).toBeTruthy()
      expect(getByText(container, 'Diff').parentElement).toHaveClass('completed')},3000);

  it('should update child elements'.() = > {
    let oldVDOM = <Todos type="one" />
    let newVDOM = <Todos type="two" />

    mountComponent(oldVDOM, container)
    expect(getByRole(container, 'list').childElementCount).toBe(3)
    setTimeout(() = > {
      updateComponent(newVDOM, oldVDOM, container.firstChild, container)
      expect(getByRole(container, 'list').childElementCount).toBe(6)
      expect(getByRole(container, 'list').childNodes[2]).toHaveTextContent('Diff')
      expect(getByRole(container, 'list').childNodes[2]).toHaveClass('completed')},3000); })})Copy the code

Otherwise, the test case will pass. I won’t do more test cases due to time constraints, but you are welcome to test some extreme cases yourself.

Above, we completed the basic part of the React wheel Diff algorithm and realized that the MyReact engine used the depth-first algorithm to update the virtual DOM efficiently.

Happy Spring Festival, year of the Tiger. See you after.