
Hi, it’s June 22nd, and you’re ready to record your past weekend and find the small blessings of ordinary life ❤. No matter how ordinary your life is, keep trying to be happy every day.

First of all this is not a technical post, if you want technology, you can read my other articles.

All right, without further ado, here we go.

Buy vegetables

On Saturday morning, I got up, boiled an egg and went shopping.

Although the community is quite large, I only take one road every day, so this time I can take another path and see other scenery.

Found that the community is quite a lot of green, fresh air.

Buy food on the way back, see slide no one, quickly slip past play. Because every day when I go to work, I can see a bunch of children playing. I feel embarrassed to go to work. Now there is no one.

As for the photos, I can only say that Huang’s classmates are very bad.


I cooked a dish and a soup for lunch, but I was afraid it wasn’t enough, so I tossed kelp and cucumber, which turned out to be too much. (Note that kelp should be cooked. When I bought it, they said it was raw. I didn’t know it was cooked at first, but then I checked the kitchen.)

Soup with gourd and kelp

Peel and slice wax gourd, cut kelp short and set aside. Put a little oil in the pot, fry the wax gourd a little, let him have oil fragrance, otherwise feel tasteless not delicious. Then pour in cold water and let it simmer. When the water comes to a boil, add the kelp. Season with salt and white pepper. I have the same persistent white pepper mystery, salt can not be put, but white pepper must be put 😄.

Mushroom and chicken

We bought ready-made chicken nuggets, so we came straight back to wash them and blanched them, so we could put some cooking wine in them.

We had quail eggs, so we burned them together. Bring the quail eggs to a boil and set them inside. Rinse with cool water and slowly peel off the shell. Have to say, this is a careful work, can not make too much strength, otherwise it will break the egg white.

Wash fresh shiitake mushrooms and slice them.

Put the oil in the pot, be sure to put more oil, or the chicken is not delicious, fry the chicken, then pour water, add soy sauce and other spices, mushrooms, quail eggs, stew together. Finish with green peppers (you can leave them out if you like). Once you’ve got the juice, plate it up.

The big picture

Big group photo came, mushroom roast chicken and bean paste dumplings less, that is to eat huang, I haven’t had time to take a big group photo, uncomfortable.

Work overtime

After dinner, I went to the company to work overtime. Actually, I went to dilly-dally for rest. I can ask for leave to play later.


Eat a bit less in the evening, come mix cold powder, be the person that wants to reduce weight unexpectedly, cannot too indulgent. But you need more meat, or you can’t eat it. So I fried some ham. It was delicious.


It’s time to catch up on the show. Day night chase fierce also too good-looking, elder brother mature, younger brother lovely lovely, is my dish, hey hey hey. Chase after this drama, still point brain, main each case should remember the name is too much, the brain can not remember.

I love Pan Yueming. His acting is amazing. Blind guess left brother, right brother.