It’s so easy to live a boring life without reading, without taking risks, without exercising, without writing, without going out, without doing anything… However, the biggest regret in life is: I could have. – Chen Su seal

I can be

Before coming to Shanghai, I finished reading “Android Game Programming from Scratch” written by Li Huaming. I especially liked his words: “Don’t let anything be a reason for you not to study!”

Here I come, Magic capital!

On June 22, 2013, when I was full of passion, I set foot on the 16-hour train to Shanghai. I can still clearly remember the bumpy road (packaged instant noodles! Hard seat! Delay the train!

The interview!

After coming to Shanghai to settle down, I began to cast resume, find a job, write their own resume, sea cast! I invested in more than 300 companies, thinking: Shanghai is so big, there are so many companies, there is always a place for me as a rookie! . After I submitted my resume, I received dozens of interview notices consecutively. At that time, I was in a hurry to answer the phone because there were too many phone calls for the interview, and the subsequent half month was filled with interviews. When I just came to Shanghai, I was not familiar with the whole country, so I had to look up the map for the interview company. I remember that I went to three companies in one day. I went out at 8 in the morning and came back at 9 in the evening. At the end of June, the sun was so hot! The interview when the interviewer said to see what I do, only can display on your mobile phone work only in the book, learning to plane war games, in relying on his luck and a little strength, spent three days time interviewed seven companies, got four offers, I feel very lucky! .

First Job

Developed on Android, the company’s product is a language assistant APP with tens of millions of users.

In this company, I participated in the memo module, weather report module, help events, search commands, call announcement, SMS announcement, application management module, contact module, shake function, skin change function, hotel module and reconstruction and development.

Although I often work overtime, I feel fulfilled and learned a lot. I feel like a sponge, greedily absorbing in the ocean of knowledge. Usually, I will execute and complete the tasks assigned by Maomao (Android supervisor) as soon as possible. I can finish them in advance every time, and then ask Maomao for new tasks. If there is no new task, I will actively ask my colleagues if they need help.

Thank you very much for maomao’s technical guidance. Up to now, Maomao and I have kept in touch, discussing technology and life with each other. He is my good teacher and helpful friend.

No matter what tasks you do, try your best. Although each assignment will be more and more, don’t be afraid that the faster you do, the more tasks you give, the more you learn, the more you grow!

* I am very glad to get to know Yuming. I think highly of him, me and many colleagues who know him. In 2013, due to the rapid development of mobile Internet, various external environments required the company to iterate quickly. As the core developer of Android, Yuming was of great help to the whole project. In our spare time, we also discussed the underlying principles of game engine and the efficient application of design patterns in work. His attitude and learning ability let a person admire very much, until now I still keep in touch with yu Ming, from the usual chat I can see you again on the technology of chasing the road, he has been don’t slack off, management ability, he has been surprised me, from a development step by step walk to now leading a team, his growth really make people sit up and take notice again, look good and bless him, I hope there will be stronger promotion and better development in the future. * – maomao

Second Job

From an Android programmer to the director of mobile Department, a company engaged in mobile medical. When I first joined the company, the total number of employees was only more than ten, and they were developing in the basement. I started to work as an Android developer, and within about half a month, I stood out from three Android programmers and was called to talk with CTO. In charge of the Andorid team, he said: “I saw your performance during this period of time, the efficiency is higher, the code writing is ok!” At that time, I felt very lucky, but I was at a loss and did not know what to do. I thought: “Write code first”, so I started working overtime every day to write code mode, (but the pain is in the basement development, mobile phone no signal, when doing the registration function, SMS received, but also have to go up).

At the same time the company also in the development of high speed, a few months later, the number of companies have multiplied, so in the new office location, the Android team from 3 to 6, I from the beginning the main routine role into a management role, but the heart or not put technology, so as long as you have free time on the Android relevant technical information, books.

When I was studying, I had the habit of recording. One day, I suddenly thought, can I share it with others? Therefore, IN August 2014, I started my own blog in CSDN. Some people may ask, why do I write blog? My idea: WHEN I first learned Android, I learned from others’ blog materials. Now I have accumulated some information, can I repay in the same way? So I started blogging (I just thought of something, and I did it.) In the beginning, I uploaded my notes of learning Android one year ago, and then I began to write articles on principle analysis. Several articles were published on the CSDN homepage. After more than half a year’s efforts, I was awarded the title of CSDN blog expert. – My blog address

Input (learning) requires output (blogging), and teaching others is one of the best ways to learn.

As this company is a start-up company, it is inevitable that sometimes there is a shortage of staff. When there is a shortage of staff in other groups, I will voluntarily offer to assist in development, instead of studying. Thus, I have participated in the development of all technical positions in the R&D Department. – IOS development (learning IOS by brushing a Macbook Pro with a credit card)

Because I knew both Android and IOS development, and had hands-on experience with enterprise projects, the company later put me in charge of the entire mobile r&d department (10+ people).

What kind of technical talents the company is short of, we should use our spare time to learn relevant skills, learn quickly, join the actual combat to help the company, so as to enhance personal value.

Third Job

Is currently doing a wedding venue as the CTO of the company, to set up research and development department of it at first, from 0 to 1 (now 20 +), a research and development team in this period of early nobody on their work, but it is not difficult for me, because in most of the time or before development, I think the hardest part is dealing with people.


Although I will also be able to develop app in the background, I still need to recruit people, so as to produce products and iterate more quickly. Recruitment is mainly through two different channels – social recruitment. During the interview, it is found that many candidates have worked in Internet companies and prefer the environment and atmosphere of Internet companies. Many candidates even have such questions: is the R & D team of traditional companies stable? “My answer: The advantage of our company lies in the stable income of offline industries, which can provide a platform for sustainable development. At present, the situation of many Internet start-ups is not very good, mostly because of the lack of stable income. Every enterprise wants to make a good product. In my opinion, a good product needs continuous improvement by good talents. It cannot be said that the product we make will be good, but as long as there are good talents who continue to improve by trial and error, the product will be better and better. Moreover, most Internet products serve traditional industries, while our company is a traditional enterprise, and our products serve our industry, so we have more advantages. Hearing this, the applicant’s doubts were dispelled. If we talk about anything else, we’ll basically get the people we want. – Internal promotion contacts competent friends around to come and have a chat. After working for a period of time, they feel good and will naturally invite their friends to come, thus forming a virtuous circle. According to statistics, the quality of internal promotion personnel is much higher than that of social recruitment.


How do you get people to stay? What I did: Talk to company owners about solving practical problems for them, such as flex time. And the ability to learn knowledge to improve themselves, such as technology sharing. Let them feel free, grow, and push in.


Agile Development model

When there are not many people, it is ok to have several people sitting at a small desk, just saying what things, very efficient. Later, I learned about the Agile development mode, so I read a lot of materials and tried to explore and ask for advice. At the beginning, there might be some discomfort, but I gradually adapted to it and wrote two articles on Agile: – Agile Development introduction – Agile development practice with JIRA use.


At the beginning, I was not used to it. Most of my working time was occupied by meetings. I felt a little scared because I had no sense of achievement from technology. So in my spare time to write a open source project – BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper

After reading some books, I realized that I was wrong. I paid too much attention to my own growth.

* Success is all about self-growth before becoming a leader; When you’re a leader, success is all about helping others grow. * — The Nature of Business

I used to think that good technology is king, but now I find it is not so.

Know the world martial arts and useless, in fact, and do not go out of the house of the scholar is not too big difference; There is no point in learning all the technology in the world but not making a successful product. The so-called unity of knowledge and action is indispensable! — MacTalk Life Metaprogramming


Before, I would only read technical books blindly, addicted to technology. In the past, I did not like to chat with unfamiliar people, and even some partial introversion. Before I, can only use the fastest speed to complete the task arranged. The old me, all I cared about was growing.

Now I read books of management, psychology, business and humanities. Now I like to talk, listen, discuss and share my ideas with others. Now, BEFORE I receive a task, I think more about whether it is reasonable and whether there is a better solution. Now I pay attention to the growth of everyone in the team.

The above is my three years of experience, feeling, I hope to help you.

* I like programmers, they are simple, stubborn, easy to feel achievement; In the face of pressure, can burn the midnight oil without sleep; Facing difficulties, able to rise to the challenge of self. They can feel confused and confused, but every programmer has a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs dream of “starting their own business with intelligence.” I want to say, in fact, I am a program ape * – Tang Youhua