Create the macOS installation disk in Windows

1. Prepare tools

  • The USB flash drive is larger than 8 GB
  • U disk size is not limited to do PE disk
  • Tool download access code: 9xri
  • etcher
  • System mirroring (strongly recommend the mirroring in the pawn blog)
  • Download a dedicated EFI file (here is the list of EFI for each model)

2. Create an installation image

Image creation: DownloadetcherOr use transMac, open the image, select a USB Flash drive, and click Flash

3. The partition

1. Go to DiskGenius, create a blank partition, change the disk partition table type to GUID mode in the format of Mac OS X (HFS+) Partition, and ensure that the ESP partition exists.

2. Create a new partition, then it will pop up to create ESP, MS partition, we just need to check ESP (if there is please skip), the default size is 300M

When you’re done, it should look like this

4. Replace the EFI

General pawn firmware is applicable to many CPUS, if you can not enter the installation interface, please find to replace EFI, find after using DG to change.

Method one:

1. Open Diskgenius and copy the dedicated EFI file to the hard disk installed with Apple OS, that is, to the ESP drive

Method 2:

Copy the EFI in the mirror to the EFI partition of the USB installation disk. Open the terminal and enter the command :diskutil list. It will display the following information:

/dev/disk4 (disk image): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme +8.0 GB disk4 1: EFI EFI 209.7MB disk4s1 2: Apple_HFS XiaoMiPro 10131 7.7gb disk4s2 /dev/disk5 (disk image): TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme +7.0 GB Disk5 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB Disk5S1 2: Apple_HFS 10131 6.7 GB Disk5s2Copy the code

The 8.0GB disk device shown here is disk4, which is the installation disk we just created. The EFI partition device is disk4s1.

The 7.0GB disk device is :disk5, this is the disk mirror we just opened, it contains the EFI partition device is :disk5s1; Mount the two EFI partitions using the diskutil command as follows:

Sudo diskutil mount Disk4s1 # Mount the USB EFI partition Volume EFI on Disk4s1 mounted Sudo diskutil mount Disk5s1 # Mount the USB EFI partition Volume EFI on disk5s1 mounted open .Copy the code

Copy the EFI to the USB EFI partition, as you want to replace the EFI can also refer to this method

5. Installation (the installation interface of each EFI is different, but the operation is the same)

1. Restart the BIOSSecure Boot Mode is disabled And set the black Apple installation disk as the first boot disk.

2. Select the first one when powering on. Disconnect the network before installation

If the installation page cannot be accessed, enable verbose mode to troubleshoot faults. For details, seeCLOVER Tutorial

3. Start the macOS

4. Language choice

appearMacOS utility worldSurface,Select Disk Tool

5. Disk tool

1. Select display all devices:Select the default Mac OS extension (log type), change the name to Macintosh HD, and click The Erase button3. Install the macOS

6. The start screen is displayed

1. Choose Continue

2. Agree

3. Select Macintosh HD Installation

4. Install the second stage

7. Setup wizard

Keep unticking all boxes and select later operations

Completed 8.

9. Add boot

Some friends installed successfully, unplug u disk can only enter Win10, this requires us to add boot files

First go to Diskgenius to assign a new drive letter to the EFI partition of the solid state disk

Open easyuefi and select the icon with the + signWhen you’re done and move the boot item to the first place, we’re good to boot

10. Network drivers

If WiFi is not available on the laptop, use Diskgenius to put the two Kexts in the archive (access code: RN5x) into efi Clover Kexts Other, and then install Heliport(access code: i2EX)

11. The upgrade

!!!!!!!!! First of all, you must replace the EFI of the corresponding version, or you will be directly hung after the upgrade

The EFI of the corresponding version is as followsAnd then:

Methods a

Upgrade from App Updates on MAC

Method 2

Download mirror DMG image and install directly

This method needs to check whether the EFI is replaced, if not, replace it