
Over the years of using the Mac, there have been some handy tools to use. I hope you find some useful to share with others.

PicGo figure bed

While writing Markdown files using some notes, I often encountered some problems (upgrading to a member allows me to use Markdown’s local image uploading function), but I didn’t want to spend money on it, so I found this app.

PicGo is a free tool for building your own chart bed. Supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux. PicGo ontology supports the following bed: map bed, Tencent Cloud COS, Weibo map bed, GitHub map bed, seven niu map bed, Imgur map bed, Ali Cloud OSS, and shoot cloud map bed

In addition to these default beds, we will of course need some free beds. I am currently using the domestic Gitee chart bed, compared with GitHub chart bed, the speed has improved a lot.

Provides five link formats: Markdown, HTML, URL, UBB, Custom. In addition to upload, album and other basic functions, picGo also provides a wealth of plug-in functions.Official PicGo plug-in

To make a graph bed with the code cloud, you need to install the Gitee upload plugin.

PicGo + code cloud build map bed

  1. First, open picgo’s official website and download the installation package.
  2. Open the page after installation

3. Open the plugin Settings at the bottom and download the Gitee-Uploader plugin.

Note that node.js must be installed to install the plugin. If not, install it yourself and restart it.

  1. Apply for code cloud account, establish code cloud bed library.

5. Configuration PigGo

With the Gadee-Uploader 1.1.2 plug-in installed, we started to configure the plug-in

  1. The test. After uploading, copy the link by default and paste it directly into your Markdown editor.

IShot + uPaste Desktop clipboard


IShot preferences IShot is a free and excellent, full-featured tool for area capture, window capture, multi-window capture, long capture, delay capture, quick annotation, mapping, color capture, screen recording on Mac. What I like most is the texturing feature. The copied image or screenshot can always be displayed on the top layer.

UPaste Desktop clipboard

UPaste is a very useful clipboard management tool. It summarizes the contents copied to the system clipboard and groups the contents by type for easy management and organization.

UPaste software features:

  1. Click a record item to preview the details.

  2. Double-click the entry to paste content.

  3. With the application blacklisted, the uPaste desktop clipboard does not record content copied from the application to prevent leaks.

  4. Can be used as notes and temporary storage.

The important thing is, the reason WHY I put them together, if they work together it’s a great convenience. UPaste stores historically copied images, while iShot pastes the current copied image to the desktop as a map.

This combination is very convenient. Usually, I will post some requirements and development notes on the desktop, which is convenient to view during the development process.


There’s a lot of software out there that can increase our productivity so that we can spend more time on actual development.