Solutions from… .

1. Open terminal and run CD ~ to go to the current user directory.

2. Run brew install Shadowsocks-libev. (You’ll need to install Homebrew first, which is available online.)

What I’m doing here isbrew reinstall shadowsocks-libevBecause I have installed it before.

3. Look at the picture in the/usr/local/etc/shadowsocks – libev. Json, you need to remember the json file, because the inside of the next, you need to modify the data. (m1 MAC should be in/opt/homebrew/etc/shadowsocks – libev. Json)

4. Perform vim/usr/local/etc/shadowsocks – libev. Json, modify the data inside

    "server":"Fill in the service address here."."server_port": Port number,"local_port": Indicates the local port number1080),"password":"Connection password"."timeout": Timeout duration (default600),"method":"Encryption mode"
Copy the code

5. Brew Services start ShadowSocks-libev Or,if you dont want/need a background service you can just run: Brew services start Shadowsocks-libev shadowsocks-libev brew Services start Shadowsocks-libev brew Services start Shadowsocks-libev

6. Open your browser preferences as shown below

Your browser is ready to jump over the wall.

ZSHRC: /.zshrc: /.zshrc: /.zshrc: /.zshrc Then write the following methods, after which you can use proxy_on and proxy_off methods to turn on and off agents in terminal

At the moment when the terminal to perform similar git clone ~ /. Cocoapods/repos/trunk such statements will be much faster.