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Today, in machine learning article 28, we will talk about SVD algorithms.
The English full name of SVD is Singular Value Decomposition, which translates to Singular Value Decomposition. This is actually a linear algebra algorithm for splitting matrices. After splitting, key information can be extracted to reduce the size of the original data. Therefore, it is widely used in various fields, such as signal processing, financial field, statistical field. This algorithm is also used in many areas of machine learning, such as recommendation systems, search engines, and data compression.
Introduction of SVD
We assume that the original data set matrix D is an MXN matrix, then using SVD algorithm, we can decompose it into three parts:
Of the three matrices, U is an m x N matrix,It’s an m x N diagonal matrix, all zero except for the diagonal elements,The diagonal element is the singular value of the matrix. V is an n x N matrix. Both U and VThe unitary matrixThat meet the
. That’s it times its transpose is equal to the identity diagonal matrix.
We can take a look at the figure below to get an intuition for these three matrices.
The following is a simple derivation of the SVD solution process. It seems complicated and has many concepts, but it is not difficult to solve. The concept of eigenvalue decomposition of matrices will be used. If you are not familiar with it, you can review the related content of linear algebra.
Essence of linear algebra — eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices
First of all, if we calculateI get a square matrix of n x n. For the square matrix we can eigen factor it, and let’s say that the eigen values are zero
And the eigenvector is
, can be obtained by substituting the properties of eigenvalues:
There are n of these eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and if we combine all of its eigenvectors together, we get an n x n matrix V. It’s just V after our SVD factorization, so some books will call it a right singular vector.
Similarly, let’s calculateWe can get a square matrix of m x m, and we canWe can do the same thing with eigenvalue decomposition, and obtain an eigenmatrix U. U should be an m x M matrix, which is the U in SVD, which we could call the left singular vector of A.
We have U and V, and we’re left withI haven’t figured it out yet. And since it’s a diagonal matrix, everything is zero except for the diagonal elements, so let’sYou just have to figure out every diagonal element in itThat’s the singular value. Let’s assume that the singular value is zero
, we deformed the formula of SVD:
This derivation takes advantage of the fact that V is a unitary matrix, so we multiply by V and eliminate it, and derive the formula for singular values,And it’s not hard to figure out the matrix.
The whole process wasn’t difficult, but there was one problem,whyThe eigenmatrix of is the U matrix in SVD. What is the principle? Where does this step come from? I honestly don’t know how genius mathematicians got there, and I can’t imagine the thought that went into getting there, but it’s not hard to prove it’s true.
Here we also use the properties of unitary matrices, and the properties of diagonal matrix multiplication. And we can see that U isThe matrix of eigen vectors also proves V. In fact, you can see it if you have a sharp eyeThe eigenvalue matrix is equal to the singular value matrix squared, so
So let’s solveMatrices can be computed without the hassle of matrices, but can be computed with matrices
Take the square root of the eigenvalues of.
The purpose of the SVD
So what does this SVD algorithm really do?
It doesn’t seem to make any sense, because we’ve turned one matrix into three, and the size of the three matrices has increased rather than decreased. But if you look at the singular value of the decomposition, you’ll find that the singular value decreases very quickly. A 10% or even 1% singular value is more than 99% of the total singular value sum.
In other words, we do not need the complete SVD decomposition results, but only need to screen out a few k singular values, and the corresponding left and right singular vectors can approximate the original matrix.
If we look at the figure below, we can filter a small part of the decomposed matrix to replace the whole and retain information that is similar to the whole.
Let’s write the formula:
Here k is far less than n, so we can greatly reduce the number of matrix parameters obtained after SVD decomposition.
In other words, we decompose a big m x N matrix into three much smaller matrices by SVD decomposition. And through these three small matrices, we can restore most of the information of the original matrix. I don’t know if you think of anything? Yes, this is the same as the PCA algorithm we introduced before. Not only the ideas are similar, but also the calculation process is very high. In fact, one of the solutions of PCA algorithm is SVD matrix decomposition.
Let’s briefly look at the relationship between SVD and PCA.
So let’s review the PCA algorithm firstCompute the covariance matrix X of the original dataAnd then toPerform matrix decomposition to find the largest K eigenvalues. Then, the matrix composed of the corresponding eigenvectors of the K eigenvalues is used to perform matrix transformation on the original data.
In this process, weNeed to computeWhen X is large, this calculation is also expensive. Notice that we used that when we calculated the V matrix in SVD
Eigenvalue decomposition of matrices. But the point isSome algorithms to calculate SVD do not first compute the covariance matrix
You get V, and you get around this expensive step.
Therefore, currently popular PCA is almost based on SVD as the underlying mechanism, for example, PCA tools in skLearn library are SVD.
Code implementation
We do not need to implement SVD algorithms ourselves, because numpy encapsulate existing SVD decomposition methods.
We can directly call the np.linalg. SVD interface to complete the matrix decomposition:
Sigma here returns a vector instead of a diagonal matrix, saving storage overhead. We can make the sum of K singular values occupy more than 95% of the total singular values by finding the smallest K. As can be seen here, we have selected 5 singular values that account for more than 99% of the sum of all singular values:
Today we have shared with you the principle of SVD algorithm, and a general calculation method. SVD and PCA are all linear operations based on matrices at the bottom level. With the properties of SVD, we can compress and transform the original data. Based on this, many algorithms and application scenarios are derived, among which the most classic is collaborative filtering in the recommendation system. Due to space constraints, we will share this with you in the next article to get a practical look at the application of SVD and deepen your understanding.
SVD is more popular in practice because of its ability to parallelize computation. However, SVD is not a panacea, and a big disadvantage of SVD is that, like PCA, its interpretation is poor, and we cannot know the causes of certain values or certain phenomena. We’ll talk about this in the next article.
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