The used Mac Pro trash can arrived, and the new system configured the development environment from scratch

Prerequisite software

  1. UTools, a replacement for Alfred, cross-system, Linux, Mac, Windows, Written by Chinese, plug-ins are also very useful

    Free software, free plug-in, cross-platform synchronization configuration is a down payment, very conscience

    Common plug-ins

    Vscode: find vscode project history and open the project directly through vscode

    Tinypng: Compress the image directly and replace the original file

  2. iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh

    Development of more than 50% of the time and terminal dealing, to make a high level of good appearance of the terminal or the first demand

    Download the iTerm software, configure oh-my-zsh, set the default sh for iTerm to ZSH, set the theme skin for ZSH, and set the character set for iTerm

    Install Homebrew so that the software is installed directly from the brew install command line

  3. Git configuration

    Ssh-keygen produces public and secret keys and configutes them to git online services (Github, Gitee, Gitlab)

    Different git domain name servers automatically set different user names and mailboxes: use git-hook to automatically configure user information of different repositories

  4. vscode

    Settings Sync adds Gist to synchronize the vscode configuration on different computers

  5. NVM NodeJS version management tool, front-end development is inseparable

    Install the brew install NVM development environment

    NPM configuration download source registry NPM config set registry at

  6. Spectacle makes it as easy to adjust Windows and split screens as it is on Windows

    Commond + Option + left and right arrow keys. Let the current window occupy the left and right half of the screen

  7. The MAC Command and Control keys are recommended

    Try for a long time, I am very special computer is command option intertune, laptop used to use, now tune into the same

    Before from the Windows system is not used to, the external keyboard and mouse were respectively set, touch pad and mouse and different Settings

    Windows uses logitech’s mouse and keyboard, with usb transmitters inserted into the Mac to switch between input devices. The default keyboard mapping on the Mac is a bit different from the layout on Mac laptops. Through the following Settings:

    1. The keyboardSystem Preferences — Keyboard — Modifiers maps Windows on the keyboard to the Option key and Alt to the Apple key
    2. Mouse “System Preferences” – “mouse” – “Scroll Direction: Natural” check off, so that you can use the mouse as naturally as you would under window

    There is a reversreversreverses the direction of the trackpad on a Mac. You can only use an external device when using a diplomatic device. SCROLL Reverses the direction of the trackpad when using a laptop

The optional software

  1. Typora Markdown writing tool

    I’ve used The App before and found shortcuts to work, but I like what YOU see is what you get. I also like the theme, which is GitHub’s default

  2. Vanilla

    Hide menu bar icons on your Mac

    The ICONS toolbar manages the tool, which allows you to select which software ICONS to hide and display

  3. Nut cloud synchronization files between different machines, free users have traffic restrictions, usually synchronization documents with, has saved the software installation package

  4. Itsycal is a good notification bar calendar software

  5. Fliqlo screen saver

  6. RescueTime Time logging tool

    Record usage time on each piece of software, early on the Mac system screen usage time function, and web viewing statistics tables

  7. Tomato and Potato time management tool

  8. Wakatime has a vsCode plug-in that measures usage time on each project

The resources

  1. How to improve Mac development efficiency greatly

  2. Mac keyboard shortcuts

  3. macbootstrap A bootstrap script for new Mac

    To set up the new MAC steps, do not search the tutorial step by step Settings, one command to do, and detailed Settings details

  4. What are some of macOS’s less-popular apps that you can’t get out of once you find them?

    Itsycal is a good notification bar calendar software

    PDF Expert PDF tool

    Fliqlo screen saver

    ScreenToLayers Screen capture saved as PSD

    IPack decompresses software, does not need to compress MAC specific files

    Hammerspoon Lua footstep custom automation tool

    You can look for the software you need