Jenkins won’t say much about what he is. We agreed to use it. Jenkins was using someone else’s setup. Recently joined a new company without Jenkins and decided to take matters into his own hands.

I found a lot of articles on the Internet. For me, none of them could be successfully used according to the steps. In the middle process, there were problems.

Most articles manage certificates through Keychains and Provisioning Profiles Management. But in the latest version of Jenkins, the plugin doesn’t respond to clicks. If you must use this plug-in to manage certificates, you can only install the older version by other means than installing Jenkins directly through the brew command. To be clear, this plugin can be used in older versions of 2.263.4, which version is not supported at the beginning, unknown.

In the installation process, Docker version 2.263.4 was also installed, but another exception still appeared when using the plug-in Keychains and Provisioning Profiles Management. No solution was found, so it was finally abandoned. Switch to a scripted approach.

Install the Java

Since Jenkins needs to use the Java environment, it is necessary to install Java first. According to the guidelines, the registered account will be registered, the agreement will be agreed, and finally directly download the installation package to install.

Java comes in two versions, Java 11 and Java 8. Why install java8?

Because the official installation instructions say to install Java 8.

Jenkins installation

Go to the Jenkins website download page. There are many ways to install Jenkins. Generally, two ways are used:

1. Brew installation

1, check whether brew is installed:

Installed, will output something like the following:

Homebrew 3.3.5-28-g3ab140e
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 4c5cbc9cd34; last commit 2021-11-24)
Copy the code

If not installed, output will be displayed

-bash: brew: command not found
Copy the code

If not, you need to install BREW as follows:

  • Official – [not recommended], download speed in KB

    Enter/usr/bin/ruby – e “$(curl – fsSL”. Wait for automatic download.

    If a curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443 Connection refused indicates a problem with the network environment can switch try different networks

  • Mirror mode is strongly recommended for NB fly-ups

    Five easy steps to install BREW

If there is any problem in the installation process, please baidu by yourself.

2. Start installing Jenkins.

Jenkins is divided into stable releases [LTS] and regular releases (known as development releases). Official recommended stable version (LTS). Specific differences can be viewed by yourself.

Install Jenkins, scroll down, find MacOS,

We want to install stable version [LTS], select the left, we do not specify the version [test specified version failed], directly install the latest version. On the command line, follow the instructions and enter brew install Jenkins -lts quietly to wait for the installation to complete:

==> Installing dependencies for jenkins-lts: openjdk@11 ==> Installing jenkins-lts dependency: Its @ 11 = = > Pouring its @ 11 -- 11.0.12. Big_sur. Bottle. Tar. Gz 🍺 / usr/local/Cellar/its @ 11/11.0.12: 679 files, 297.9 MB = = > Installing Jenkins - LTS = = > Pouring Jenkins - LTS - 2.303.3. All. The bottle. The tar. Gz = = > Caveats Note: When using launchctl the port will be 8080. To restart jenkins-lts after an upgrade: brew services restart jenkins-lts Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: /usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/bin/java -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true -jar /usr/local/opt/jenkins-lts/libexec/jenkins.war - httpListenAddress = httpPort = 8080 = = > the Summary 🍺 / usr/local/Cellar/Jenkins - LTS / 2.303.3: 8 files, 72.3MB ==> Running 'brew cleanup Jenkins - LTS'... Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP. Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`). ==> Caveats ==> jenkins-lts Note: When using launchctl the port will be 8080. To restart jenkins-lts after an upgrade: brew services restart jenkins-lts Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: /usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/bin/java -Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true -jar /usr/local/opt/jenkins-lts/libexec/jenkins.war - httpListenAddress = httpPort = 8080Copy the code

There two useful information: 1, Jenkins installation directory: / usr/local/Cellar/Jenkins – LTS 2, the default port number: 8080

2. Docker installation

There are two methods: 1. Install Docker by using brew: brew install –cask Docker 2 Manually download directly Docker package for installation:… According to the chip type of the computer to download the installation package for installation

Once the download is complete, you need to run the program to make it work. You can search for the tag you want, for example: [2.263.4-lts] after running, execute the command

Docker run -d p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v Jenkins -data:/var/jenkins_home Jenkins/Jenkins :2.263.4Copy the code

If you do not understand, please refer to the section [ii, Installation through Docker] in the Mac Jenkins environment construction

Special note: When you first enter Jenkins, you will need a password, which can be stored in two places:

1. Console inside Decker: SINCE I have deleted Decker, I can’t take screenshots

2, Docker file directory (also saved an old image)

Create Jenkins environment

This step is required by brew command installation, Docker installation is not required. CD to Jenkins. The war directory: (above the brew after installing the Jenkins, have directory prompt, search in the directory/usr/local/Cellar/Jenkins – LTS/version number/libexec)

War –httpPort=8080 httpPort refers to the HTTP port Jenkins uses. 8080 is specified here (the default is this one), which can be modified as required.

Terminal final output:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************* Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated. Please use the following password to proceed to installation: 80ebeb3c30f74ec0ba861c1bc43e37f1 This may also be found at: /Users/hc-101/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Copy the code

The useful information here: the initial password: 80 ebeb3c30f74ec0ba861c1bc43e37f1 and initial password storage directory: / Users/hc – 101 /. Jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Configure Jenkins [script]

Enter http://localhost:8080/ in the browser to enter a local password for the first time. This password is the one described in the previous step. Find it and copy it.

The plugin is recommended. After the next step, wait for the download to complete.

When you get to Jenkins, you don’t need to worry about anything, you need to create a task first:

Enter a name and select a free-style task

After clicking Next, enter the configuration interface:

Description: Write your own

Source management: Select Git,

Build triggers regardless of the build environment regardless of the build environment this is important, choose to execute the script

Enter in the input box:

#bin/bsah - l export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Decide whether to pod install CD AutoPacking./ AutoPacking. ShCopy the code

Save. To finish. Save. To finish. Save. To finish.

So the Jenkins configuration is basically complete. I now have the task I just created in my view

Click on the task you just created,

Don’t panic don’t panic don’t panic

The build will not succeed at this point. We still need two files.

1. One of them is a script file. The last line of the build step is CD AutoPacking. 2. Export the configuration file

Create a text file: autopack. sh and copy the following [script file] contents into it to modify it according to your project. Create a folder named AutoPacking and place it in the project directory

The script file

This script is used to automatically package and upload PGYER/FIR. This script comes from the iOS automatic package script

In this script, you need to select from the console, which is definitely not appropriate for Jenkins. And for me, everything is clear (Releas version, adHoc certificate, upload pgyer) with minor changes like this:

# 该脚本使用方法
# 源码地址:
# step 1. 在工程根目录新建AutoPacking文件夹,在该文件夹中新建文件,将该脚本复制到autopacking.sh文件并保存(或者直接复制该文件);
# step 2. 设置该脚本;
# step 2. cd 该脚本目录,运行chmod +x;
# step 3. 终端运行 sh;
# step 4. 选择不同选项....
# step 5. Success  🎉 🎉 🎉!
# 注意:可以全文搜索“配置”,看相关注释选择配置,因为不同的项目配置不同,最好有相关的基础知识

# ************************* 需要配置 Start ********************************

# 【配置上传到蒲公英相关信息】(可选)

# 【配置上传到 Fir】(可选)

# 【配置证书】(如果只有一个证书时该项 可选)
#__CODE_SIGN_DISTRIBUTION="iPhone Distribution: xxxxxxxxxxxCo., Ltd."
#__CODE_SIGN_DEVELOPMENT="iPhone Developer: xxxx xxxx (5xxxxxxxxxx2V)"

# 发布APP Store 账号密码
#__IOS_SUBMIT_ACCOUNT="apple id"

# ==================== 公共部分 =====================
# ######### 脚本样式 #############
__TITLE_LEFT_COLOR="\033[36;1m==== "
__TITLE_RIGHT_COLOR=" ====\033[0m"



# 红底白字
__ERROR_MESSAGE_LEFT="\033[41m ! ! ! "
__ERROR_MESSAGE_RIGHT=" ! ! ! \033[0m"

# xcode version
XCODE_BUILD_VERSION=$(xcodebuild -version)
echo "-------------- Xcode版本: $XCODE_BUILD_VERSION -------------------"

# 等待用户输入时间

# 选择项输入方法 接收3个参数:1、选项标题 2、选项数组 3、选项数组的长度(0~256)
function READ_USER_INPUT() {
  echo "${__TITLE_LEFT_COLOR}${title}${__TITLE_RIGHT_COLOR}"
  for option in ${options[*]}; do
    echo "${__OPTION_LEFT_COLOR}${option}${__OPTION_RIGHT_COLOR}"
  expr $__INPUT "+" 10 &> /dev/null
  if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
    if [[ $__INPUT -gt 0 && $__INPUT -le $maxValue ]]; then
      return $__INPUT
      echo "${__ERROR_MESSAGE_LEFT}输入越界了,请重新输入${__ERROR_MESSAGE_RIGHT}"
      READ_USER_INPUT $title "${options[*]}" $maxValue
    echo "${__ERROR_MESSAGE_LEFT}输入有误,请输入0~256之间的数字序号${__ERROR_MESSAGE_RIGHT}"
    READ_USER_INPUT $title "${options[*]}" $maxValue

# 打印信息
function printMessage() {
  echo "${__LINE_BREAK_LEFT}${pMessage}${__LINE_BREAK_RIGHT}"

# 1. 请选择 SCHEME
#if [[ $__SELECT_TARGET_OPTION -eq 1 ]]; then
#  __BUILD_TARGET="AutoPackingDemo"
#  __SCHEME_NAME="AutoPackingDemo"
#  printMessage "这里请填写好你工程的所有target, 如果只有一个建议写死如下"
#  # __BUILD_TARGET="AutoPackingDemo"
#  exit 1

# 2.Debug 或者 Release 选项
#__PACK_ENV_OPTIONS=("1.Release" "2.Debug")
#if [[ $__PACK_ENV_OPTION -eq 1 ]]; then
#elif [[ $__PACK_ENV_OPTION -eq 2 ]]; then

# 3. 工程类型(.xcworkspace项目,赋值true; .xcodeproj项目, 赋值false)
__IS_WORKSPACE_OPTIONS=("1.是" "2.否")
#READ_USER_INPUT "请选择是否是.xcworkspace项目: " "${__IS_WORKSPACE_OPTIONS[*]}" ${#__IS_WORKSPACE_OPTIONS[*]}

# 4.# AdHoc, AppStore, Enterprise, Development
#__PACK_TYPES=("1.AdHoc" "2.AppStore" "3.Enterprise" "4.Development")
#READ_USER_INPUT "请选择打包环境类型(输入序号,直接回车): " "${__PACK_TYPES[*]}" ${#__PACK_TYPES[*]}
#if [[ $__PACK_TYPE -eq 1 ]]; then
#  __EXPORT_OPTIONS_PLIST_PATH="./AutoPacking/Plist/AdHocExportOptionsPlist.plist"
#elif [[ $__PACK_TYPE -eq 2 ]]; then
#  __EXPORT_OPTIONS_PLIST_PATH="./AutoPacking/Plist/AppStoreExportOptionsPlist.plist"
#elif [[ $__PACK_TYPE -eq 3 ]]; then
#  __EXPORT_OPTIONS_PLIST_PATH="./AutoPacking/Plist/EnterpriseExportOptionsPlist.plist"
#  __BUILD_METHOD_NAME="Enterprise"
#elif [[ $__PACK_TYPE -eq 4 ]]; then
#  __EXPORT_OPTIONS_PLIST_PATH="./AutoPacking/Plist/DevelopmentExportOptionsPlist.plist"
#  __BUILD_METHOD_NAME="Development"

# 5.上传安装包到指定位置
__UPLOAD_IPA_OPTIONS=("1.None" "2.Pgyer" "3.Fir" "4.Pgyer")

# 6. 成功出包后是否自动打开文件夹

# 7. 是否立即开始打包
__IS_NOW_STAR_PACKINGS=("1.是" "2.否")

if [[ $__IS_NOW_STAR_PACKING -eq 1 ]]; then
  printMessage "已开始打包"
elif [[ $__IS_NOW_STAR_PACKING -eq 2 ]]; then
  printMessage "您退出了自动打包脚本"
  exit 1

# ===============================自动打包部分=============================
# 打包计时
# 回退到工程目录
cd ../

# 获取项目名称
__PROJECT_NAME=`find . -name *.xcodeproj | awk -F "[/.]" '{print $(NF-1)}'`

# 已经指定Target的Info.plist文件路径 【配置Info.plist的名称】
# 获取 Info.plist 路径  【配置Info.plist的路径】

# ✅:确保此路径正确 printMessage "info 路径 = ${__CURRENT_INFO_PLIST_PATH}"

# 获取版本号
__BUNDLE_VERSION=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleShortVersionString" ${__CURRENT_INFO_PLIST_PATH}`
# 获取编译版本号
__BUNDLE_BUILD_VERSION=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" ${__CURRENT_INFO_PLIST_PATH}`

# Xcode11 以上版本
if [[ $XCODE_BUILD_VERSION =~ "Xcode 11" || $XCODE_BUILD_VERSION =~ "Xcode11" ]]; then
  __PROJECT_ROOT_PATH=`find . -name *.xcodeproj`
  __BUNDLE_VERSION_11=$(grep "${__BUNDLE_VERSION_TAG}" $__PBXPROJ_PATH | head -1 | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | awk -F ';' '{print $1}' | sed s/[[:space:]]//g)
  __BUNDLE_BUILD_VERSION_11=$(grep "${__BUNDLE_BUILD_VERSION_TAG}" $__PBXPROJ_PATH | head -1 | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | awk -F ';' '{print $1}' | sed s/[[:space:]]//g)

  if [[ -n "$__BUNDLE_VERSION_11" ]]; then

  if [[ -n "$__BUNDLE_BUILD_VERSION_11" ]]; then

# 编译生成文件目录

# 指定输出文件目录不存在则创建
if test -d "${__EXPORT_PATH}" ; then
rm -rf ${__EXPORT_PATH}
mkdir -pv ${__EXPORT_PATH}

# 归档文件路径
# ipa 导出路径
# 获取时间 如:201706011145
__CURRENT_DATE="$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)"
# ipa 名字

function print_packing_message() {

  printMessage "打包类型 = ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION}"
  printMessage "打包导出Plist路径 = ${__EXPORT_OPTIONS_PLIST_PATH}"
  printMessage "工程目录 = ${__PROGECT_PATH}"
  printMessage "当前Info.plist路径 = ${__CURRENT_INFO_PLIST_PATH}"


if [[ $__IS_WORKSPACE_OPTION -eq 1 ]]; then
  # pod install --verbose --no-repo-update

  if [[ ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} == "Debug" ]]; then
    # step 1. Clean
    xcodebuild clean  -workspace ${__PROJECT_NAME}.xcworkspace \
    -scheme ${__SCHEME_NAME} \
    -configuration ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION}

    # step 2. Archive
    xcodebuild archive  -workspace ${__PROJECT_NAME}.xcworkspace \
    -scheme ${__SCHEME_NAME} \
    -configuration ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} \
    -archivePath ${__EXPORT_ARCHIVE_PATH} \
    CFBundleVersion=${__BUNDLE_BUILD_VERSION} \
    -destination generic/platform=ios \

  elif [[ ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} == "Release" ]]; then
    # step 1. Clean
    xcodebuild clean  -workspace ${__PROJECT_NAME}.xcworkspace \
    -scheme ${__SCHEME_NAME} \
    -configuration ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION}

    # step 2. Archive
    xcodebuild archive  -workspace ${__PROJECT_NAME}.xcworkspace \
    -scheme ${__SCHEME_NAME} \
    -configuration ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} \
    -archivePath ${__EXPORT_ARCHIVE_PATH} \
    CFBundleVersion=${__BUNDLE_BUILD_VERSION} \
    -destination generic/platform=ios \


  if [[ ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} == "Debug" ]] ; then
    # step 1. Clean
    xcodebuild clean  -project ${__PROJECT_NAME}.xcodeproj \
    -scheme ${__SCHEME_NAME} \
    -configuration ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} \

    # step 2. Archive
    xcodebuild archive  -project ${__PROJECT_NAME}.xcodeproj \
    -scheme ${__SCHEME_NAME} \
    -configuration ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} \
    -archivePath ${__EXPORT_ARCHIVE_PATH} \
    CFBundleVersion=${__BUNDLE_BUILD_VERSION} \
    -destination generic/platform=ios \

  elif [[ ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} == "Release" ]]; then
    # step 1. Clean
    xcodebuild clean  -project ${__PROJECT_NAME}.xcodeproj \
    -scheme ${__SCHEME_NAME} \
    -configuration ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} \
    # step 2. Archive
    xcodebuild archive  -project ${__PROJECT_NAME}.xcodeproj \
    -scheme ${__SCHEME_NAME} \
    -configuration ${__BUILD_CONFIGURATION} \
    -archivePath ${__EXPORT_ARCHIVE_PATH} \
    CFBundleVersion=${__BUNDLE_BUILD_VERSION} \
    -destination generic/platform=ios \

# 检查是否构建成功
# xcarchive 实际是一个文件夹不是一个文件所以使用 -d 判断
if test -d "${__EXPORT_ARCHIVE_PATH}" ; then
  printMessage "项目构建成功 🚀 🚀 🚀"
  printMessage "项目构建失败 😢 😢 😢"
  exit 1

printMessage "开始导出ipa文件"

xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ${__EXPORT_ARCHIVE_PATH} \
-exportPath ${__EXPORT_IPA_PATH} \
-destination generic/platform=ios \
-exportOptionsPlist ${__EXPORT_OPTIONS_PLIST_PATH} \

# 修改ipa文件名称

# 检查文件是否存在
if test -f "${__EXPORT_IPA_PATH}/${__IPA_NAME}.ipa" ; then

  printMessage "导出 ${__IPA_NAME}.ipa 包成功 🎉 🎉 🎉"

  if [[ $__UPLOAD_IPA_OPTION -eq 1 ]]; then
    printMessage "您选择了不上传到内测网站"
  elif [[ $__UPLOAD_IPA_OPTION -eq 2 ]]; then

    curl -F "file=@${__EXPORT_IPA_PATH}/${__IPA_NAME}.ipa" \
    -F "uKey=$__PGYER_U_KEY" \
    -F "_api_key=$__PGYER_API_KEY" \

    printMessage "上传 ${__IPA_NAME}.ipa 包 到 pgyer 成功 🎉 🎉 🎉"

  elif [[ $__UPLOAD_IPA_OPTION -eq 3 ]]; then

    fir login -T ${__FIR_API_TOKEN}
    fir publish "${__EXPORT_IPA_PATH}/${__IPA_NAME}.ipa"

    printMessage "上传 ${__IPA_NAME}.ipa 包 到 fir 成功 🎉 🎉 🎉"

  elif [[ $__UPLOAD_IPA_OPTION -eq 4 ]]; then

    fir login -T ${__FIR_API_TOKEN}
    fir publish "${__EXPORT_IPA_PATH}/${__IPA_NAME}.ipa"

    printMessage "上传 ${__IPA_NAME}.ipa 包 到 fir 成功 🎉 🎉 🎉"

    curl -F "file=@{${__EXPORT_IPA_PATH}/${__IPA_NAME}.ipa}" \
    -F "uKey=$__PGYER_U_KEY" \
    -F "_api_key=$__PGYER_API_KEY" \

    printMessage "上传 ${__IPA_NAME}.ipa 包 到 pgyer 成功 🎉 🎉 🎉"


  # 自动打开文件夹
  if [[ $__IS_AUTO_OPENT_FILE_OPTION -eq 1 ]]; then
    open ${__EXPORT_IPA_PATH}

  printMessage "导出 ${__IPA_NAME}.ipa 包失败 😢 😢 😢"
  exit 1

# 输出打包总用时
printMessage "使用YJShell脚本打包总耗时: ${SECONDS}s"

Copy the code

Export the configuration file

This file can be written by yourself, but I can not novice, never mind, let Xcode write for you.

Package as your normal Product->Archive. The exportoptions. plist folder is stored in the adhoc/develop folder on the desktop. Copy it to the directory in the script: ./AutoPacking/Plist/ExportOptions.plist.

Test whether the script is normal.

Before letting Jenkins build automatically, see if the script works as you expect. Place the files as shown in the diagram above. Execute this script from the command line

1. CD the script directory and run chmod +x autopack. sh. 2. Run sh autopacking.Copy the code

If it works, it’s OK. At this point the AutoPacking files in your Jenkins project directory/Users / < name > /. Jenkins/workspace/Jenkins created task name/project name

At this point, with the task Jenkins created, the immediate build should be ok.

If the automatic script build fails, verify that your project INFO file is in the same path as the script

Choose your own branch to build

Developers typically create multiple branch development tasks, and tests need to be packaged for different branches.

Installing a plug-in

You’ll need the Jenkins script: Git Parameter

The plug-in configuration

After the plug-in is installed and the service is restarted, go to “My View” -> “Click the task you just created” to enter the configuration

Two changes need to be made:

1. Parameterize the build process

2. Add a line to the build -> execute script

echo ${branchName}

Save. To finish.

Add a pin notification

Use plug-ins. Refer to this article

Intranet access

Normally, after the installation is complete, you can only access it through http://localhost:8080/. But in the development, automatic packaging, in fact, most of the testers to use, how to make the LAN, other computers can also use Jenkins?

Note: remember your administrator account and password first, after modifying the configuration, you can not access through localhost, only through IP access. My account password is automatically saved through the browser. After the modification, the host was changed due to IP access, and the account password could not be matched automatically. Finally, I retrieved it from the browser record.

<? The XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? > <! DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "- / / / / DTD plist Apple / 1.0 / EN" "" > < plist Version ="1.0"> dict> <key>Label</key> <string> Homebrew.mxcl.Jenkins -lts</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/bin/java</string> <string>-Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true</string> <string>-jar</string> <string>/usr/local/opt/jenkins-lts/libexec/jenkins.war</string> <string>--httpListenAddress=</string> <string>--httpPort=8080</string> </array> <key> </dict> </plist>Copy the code

I installed Jenkins via BREW. The installed version is: Jenkins-LTS.

Step 1: Modify the configuration file: (in the directory, install stable version: Jenkins – LTS development version: Jenkins) change to Path:

/ usr/local/opt/Jenkins - LTS/homebrew. MXCL. Jenkins. Plist / / or / / / usr/local/Cellar/Jenkins version number/homebrew MXCL. Jenkins. PlistCopy the code

Step 2 Restart the Jenkins service

brew services restart jenkins-lts
Copy the code

Multiple account assignment and permissions

When other computers in the LAN are accessible, such as testers, they need an account to log in, and it is impossible to give them an administrative account, only an account can be assigned.

Refer to the following article for details. Refer to article 1 (2)

1. Download role-based Authorization Strategy plug-in.

2. Enable the plug-in function: Choose “System Management” >” Security “>” Global Security Configuration” >” Authorization Policy “and select” Role-based Strategy “- Save.

3. Configure permissions. \

First understand a process: to assign permissions to users, if many people need the same permissions, it is troublesome to assign permissions to each person. The simple method is: first confirm the department to which the person belongs, and then assign the person to the corresponding department.

After saving the above, go back to “System Administration” ->” Security “and add “Manage and Assign Roles”.

1) Enter Manage Roles. Add a test group (this group is for testers who can only build tasks)

Save return.

2) Enter Assign Roles.

Save. Done!