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Use Mac development for several years, accumulated some efficiency tools and development tools, today sorted out and share with you, the tools are almost open source free, but also look forward to you have more good tools to recommend to me, I add.

A package manager


Homebrew is a software package management tool for The Mac OS platform. It has many useful functions for installing, uninstalling, updating, viewing, searching, and more. It’s a must have environment for Mac systems.

With this, if you want to download the node environment mentioned below, you don’t have to worry about where the node goes. You just need to run brew install node.

If you’re not comfortable using commands, you can also use Cakebrew, a visual tool.


Npm is a package management tool for Node.js. Install Node and you will have an Npm environment. There are many NPM packages that are great tools, but let’s take one that I use a lot


It can turn your current directory into the root of a static file server anytime, anywhere, just by executing the anywhere command in the current instance.

In this way, a local area network, file transfer function, I often use it to transfer files between colleagues, after all, Intranet transfer speed is fast.


Gem is the package manager for Ruby modules. If you’re an iOS developer, you’re familiar with this, because CocoaPods itself is a Ruby module. You can install CocoaPods via gems, and of course Homebrew.

Daily tool


It not only has the normal screenshots, editing and other functions, but also a feature that other software does not have and I often use – stickers, which can directly stick pictures on the desktop like notes.


Professional Markdown writing, notes, static blog generation software, it is really convenient to use, in fact, there will be friends recommend Typora this software, but I do not like the preview area and editing area together, if you are interested in Typora, you can also go to see.


Go2Shell can have a terminal window open in the Finder that points to the current directory.

Parallel Desktop

Vm software on a Mac. Some software does not have a Windows version and more or less requires a VM to install other systems.

I sometimes use this method to copy files from a Mac to a hard drive that doesn’t support writing on the Mac.

Mircrosoft Remote Desktop

Microsoft’s official free remote desktop control Windows software, I use this software, because my last company Server system is Windows Server, if you have similar needs or need remote Windows system readers, can see this software.

Remote Desktop – VNC

A tool to remotely connect to a Mac. I only use it because I recently needed to connect to a Mac Mini to do some iOS automated packaging, and for those who need something like that, this is the app.


This is a break reminder app, perfect for those of us who write bugs and forget to get up and move.


I don’t think there’s any need for an introduction to this, but if you use macOS, you probably know that. In short, Alfred is macOS’s most efficient application, capable of vastly increasing productivity in the real world.


Productivity toolset


It is a visual tool for managing and switching multiple hosts schemes.


Mac file decompression tool.


A free Mac menu bar icon hiding app. When you start the app, two dots will appear in the Mac menu bar. Drag the two dots to the right of the app icon you want to hide.

The development tools


Sourcetree is the best Git client I’ve ever used.


Very good packet capture tool


ITerm2 + Oh My Zsh can achieve command auto-completion, custom theme and other functions, highly recommended, related to the installation of a lot of tutorials, you can find their own.

Only on a renderings, you feel it


If you don’t want to install the software, you can also install the Google Chrome extension.


FinalShell is an integrated server and network management software. It is not only an SSH client, but also a powerful development and operation and maintenance tool, which fully meets the requirements of development and operation and maintenance.

Chinese development of SSH client tools, easy to use.

IOS tools


JSONConverter is an iOS/Flutter development aid for MAC. It can quickly format JSON data and transform it to generate the corresponding model class attributes. It currently supports Objective-C, Swift, Flutter and other popular third-party libraries: SwiftyJSON, HandyJSON, ObjectMapper, can flexibly choose to build class/struct, and support to configure class name prefix, save the trouble of hand typing model, so as to improve the development efficiency.


Used to find unused images and resources in an Xcode project.


Show Swift compile build time.


Image compression tool


Lookin can view and modify UI objects in an iOS App, similar to Xcode’s built-in UI Inspector tool, or Reveal software. But with the “console” and “method listen” capabilities, Lookin can also debug outside of the UI. Also, while Lookin is primarily a macOS App, it can be embedded into your iOS App and run on an iPhone or iPad on its own. Finally, the Lookin is completely free.


This tool is designed to analyze the LinkMap file of a project, and get the size of each class or library (code snippet + data snippet), so that developers can quickly locate the class or static library that needs to be optimized.

SwiftFormat For Xcode

SwiftFormat is a code base and command line tool for reformatting Swift code on macOS or Linux.


Reverse engineering tools that allow you to disassemble, decompile, and debug applications.


I’m not going to go into this as much as anyone who does iOS development knows.

Network Link Conditioner

This is an official tool from Apple, it can simulate any network environment, such as 3G, Edge, etc., also can redefine the current network environment, such as network latency, bandwidth or packet loss rate.


XCode Emulator Manager, developer tools for managing iOS emulators.

  • List of installed emulators.
  • List of installed developer applications for each emulator.
  • Allows you to open the application package or sandbox folder directly.


Debug app for Apple’s Push Notification service (APN)


Allows you to incrementally update the implementation of functions and any method of a class, structure, or enumeration in the iOS emulator without having to rebuild or restart the application.


Didi’s APP efficiency tool


Mobileprovision File manager tool

Online tools


JSON parsing, used to format JSON


Online compression


Turn tables into MD, Excel, etc. I often write some tables to turn into MD


Download a specified file or folder from the Github repository


Quickly convert objective-C code to Swift

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  • Wechat official account: CoderStar
  • Blog: CoderStar’s Blog