Plug-in class

QuickLook is a popular extension

  • Qlmarkdown: Quick preview of markdown format content
  • Qlcolorcode: Highlight to view the code
  • Quicklook -json: Highlight to view THE JSON
  • Qlimagesize: Displays the image resolution and file size in the title bar of the preview window and the image format in the Finder.

The installation

Brew install cask QLmarkDown QLCOLORCode Quicklook -json qlimagesize brew install Cask QLmarkDown QLCOLORCode Quicklook -json qlimagesizeCopy the code

Terminal type

HomeBrew is installed

I won’t go into details here as I did in another article, but check out HomeBrew’s Quick install and image changes for details

ITerm2 + oh – my – ZSH installation

Refer to my other article for a detailed installation of iTerm2+oh-my-zsh

  • Terminal configuration to improve efficiency

The terminal shell used by individuals is ZSH, so the terminal configuration is usually stored in.zshrc, or.bash_profile if bash is used

Alias disableBrewUpdate="export HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=true" # enable automatic update when homebrew is installed Alias enbleBrewUpdate="export HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE= false" function proxy_off(){unset ALL_PROXY echo -e } function proxy_on(){export ALL_PROXY= echo -e "open"} # open an application alias openSafari='open ' -a "/Applications/"' alias openChrome='open -a "/Applications/Google"'Copy the code

Ack lookup file

  1. Find. -name ‘keyword’
  2. Install ACK lookup
Brew install ack # ack + the ack keyword you are looking forCopy the code


Effect: Output file directory structure

Brew Install treeCopy the code

Common commands

# display the level of the project, n indicates the number of levels. Example: display the three-layer structure of the project, tree-l 3 tree-l n # display only the structure tree of the folder tree-d # export to a file tree-l > test.mdCopy the code


Open it directly in finder

 brew cask install go2shell
Copy the code

Utility class

IShot (Screenshot tool)

IShot [appStore download]

Alfred (similar to Spotlight)

Brew Cask install AlfredCopy the code
  • The good: Alfred’s strength is its custom Workflow.


Go to the XtraFinder website to download the latest version. Brew Install Cask installation is not currently supported.

Online to see a cracked version address:…

Mine is 10.15.3. But they all failed.

Xcode related


Here I downloaded a codeSnippets file from the Internet, and then directly added or replaced the codeSnippets file in the MAC path

GitHub download address: code portal:

# the default codeSnippets file path: ~ / Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/codeSnippets /.Copy the code