A,Load balancing: Essential basic means
1.1 Find more cows to pull the carts
Currently most of the Internet system USES the technology of server cluster, the cluster is the same service deployment on multiple servers constitute the overall foreign service, a cluster can be a Web application server cluster, the cluster can also be a database server cluster, can also be distributed cache server cluster and so on.
There is an ancient saying that when one ox cannot pull the cart, instead of looking for a stronger ox, use two oxen to pull the cart.
In practical applications, there is always a load balancing server before the Web server cluster. The task of the load balancing device is to select the most suitable Web server as the traffic entrance of the Web server and forward the client request to it for processing, so as to realize transparent forwarding from the client to the real server. In recent years very the fire “cloud computing” and distributed architecture, is essentially a backend server as computing resources, storage resources, by one management server encapsulated into a service providing, client does not need to care about real which machines, providing services in its view, as if it is facing an almost unlimited capacity of the server, but in essence, It is the back-end cluster that provides the services.
1.2 Load Balancing Types
Load balancers can be hardware devices (such as the oft-heard F5) or software loads.
Commercial hardware load devices usually cost a lot (hundreds of thousands of millions is normal), so we use software load when conditions permit;
Software loads solve two core problems: who to select and forward, the most famous of which is LVS (Linux Virtual Server).
Portal -> For more information on how load balancing can be implemented, please refer to my other blog post: Technical Architecture for Large Web Sites Book Note # 6: Scalability Architecture for Never-ending Web sites
LVS: Linux Virtual Server
2.1 What is LVS
The LVS is short for Linux Virtual Server, namely the Linux Virtual Server, is a free software project launched by Dr ZhangWenSong, its official site is www.linuxvirtualserver.org. LVS is now a part of the Linux standard kernel. Before Linux2.4 kernel, the kernel must be recompiled to support LVS functional modules. However, since Linux2.4 kernel, each functional module of LVS has been completely built in, without any patches to the kernel. You can use the various functions provided by LVS directly.
2.2 What is the role of LVS
LVS is mainly used for load balancing of server clusters. It works at the network layer and can achieve high performance and high availability of server cluster technology. It is cheap and can combine many low-performing servers into a single superserver. It is easy to use, very simple to configure, and has a variety of load balancing methods. It is stable and reliable, even if a server in the cluster does not work properly, it does not affect the overall effect. The scalability is also very good.
LVS has been a mature technology project since 1998. LVS technology can be used to achieve highly scalable and highly available network services, such as WWW service, Cache service, DNS service, FTP service, MAIL service, video/audio on demand service, etc. Many famous websites and organizations are using LVS cluster system, such as: Linux portal (www.linux.com), Real (www.real.com), the world’s largest open source website (sourceforge.net), and so on.
2.3 Architecture of LVS
The server cluster system using LVS consists of three parts:
(1) The front-end Load balancing layer, represented by Load Balancer;
(2) The Server cluster layer in the middle is represented by Server Array;
(3) The bottommost data Shared Storage layer is represented by Shared Storage;
From the user’s point of view, all internal applications are transparent and the user is simply using a high performance service provided by a virtual server.
Portal – > about architecture in detail, please visit the south blog:http://ixdba.blog.51cto.com/2895551/552947 ants
2.4 LVS load balancing Mechanism
(1) LVS is a four-layer load balancing, that is to say, it is built on the fourth layer of OSI model — transport layer. The transport layer has TCP/UDP which we are familiar with. LVS supports TCP/UDP load balancing. Because LVS is a four-layer load balancing solution, it is more efficient than other high-level load balancing solutions, such as DNS domain name rotation resolution, application layer load scheduling, and client scheduling.
(2) LVS forwarding is mainly achieved by modifying IP addresses (in NAT mode, source address modification SNAT and target address modification DNAT) and target MAC (in DR mode).
①NAT mode: network address translation
Network Address Translation (NAT) is a mapping technology between Intranet and extranet addresses. In NAT mode, inbound and outbound network datagrams are processed by LVS. LVS need to act as a gateway to RS (real server). When the packet arrives at the LVS, the LVS performs destination address translation (DNAT), changing the destination IP address to the IP address of RS. RS receives the packet as if it had been sent directly from the client. When the RESPONSE is returned, the source IP address is RS IP and the target IP address is the CLIENT IP address. In this case, the RS packet is forwarded through the gateway (LVS), and LVS will do source address translation (SNAT) to change the source address of the packet to VIP, so that the packet appears to the client as if it was directly returned to it by LVS. The client cannot sense the existence of the back-end RS.
②DR mode: Direct route
In DR mode, LVS and RS cluster need to bind the same VIP (by binding VIP to loopback). However, the difference between RS and NAT is that LVS accept the request and the RealServer (RealServer (RS) directly returns the request to the user without passing through LVS. In detail, when a request comes in, LVS only needs to change the MAC address of the network frame to the MAC address of a CERTAIN RS, and the packet will be forwarded to the corresponding RS processing. Note that the source IP and destination IP are unchanged at this time, and LVS just grafts. When RS receives the packet forwarded by LVS, the link layer finds that the MAC is its own, and the network layer above finds that the IP is its own, so the packet is accepted legally, and RS cannot perceive the existence of LVS in front of it. When RS returns a response, it simply returns to the source IP (that is, the IP of the user) without going through LVS.
(3) In DR load balancing mode, the IP address is not changed during data distribution, but only the MAC address is changed. Since the actual physical IP address of the request is the same as the destination IP address of the data request, there is no need for address translation through the load balancing server, and the response packet can be directly returned to the user’s browser. Avoid the bandwidth bottleneck of the NETWORK adapter of the load balancing server. Therefore, DR mode has good performance and is the most widely used load balancing method for large websites.
Three, build combat: LVS+Keepalived load balancing
3.1 Overview of experimental structure
(1) A server cluster consisting of four Linux (CentOS 6.4) systems is set up based on VMware Workstation, in which two load balancing servers (one is the host and the other is the standby) and the other two serve as real Web servers (providing HTTP services externally). In this case, only the HTTP service provided by CentOS is used, and other services such as Tomcat and Jexus are not installed.
(2) Based on the DR load balancing mode, this experiment sets a VIP (Virtual IP) as Users only need to access this IP address to obtain web services. The value is for the load balancing host and for the standby host. Web server A is, and Web server B is
3.2 Basic preparations
The following works for all servers, which means that the configuration is done on all four servers:
(1) Bind a static IP address
In command mode, you can run the setup command to go to the setup page and configure a static IP address. On the X-Window screen, right-click the network icon to configure. Run the service network restart command to restart the network service.
Verify: Run the ifconfig command
(2) Set the host name
① to change the hostname in the current session, run hostname XXXX (where XXXX is the name you want to change to).
② To change the host name in the configuration file, run the vi /etc/sysconfig/network command (√ This step is required to permanently change the host name).
Verification: Restart the system reboot
(3) Bind the IP address to the host name
Run the vi /etc/hosts command to add the following line: LVS – master LVS – slave
# Below are the two real server nodes for this experiment LVS – for webserver1 LVS – webserver2
Exit after saving
Verify: ping LVS-master
(4) Disable the firewall
① Run the service iptables stop command to disable the firewall
Verify: Service iptables stauts
② Run the chkconfig iptables off command to disable automatic firewall running
Validation: the chkconfig — list | grep iptables
3.3 Configuring Two Web Servers
The following operations must be performed on the two Web servers instead of the load balancing server:
(1) Enable the HTTP service
Command: service HTTPD start
Add: chkconfig HTTPD on — > set HTTPD to auto-start service
(2) Access the Web page on the host computer and upload the customized Web page through FTP tool: Here, upload a static Web page and change the HTML to distinguish two Web servers, as shown in the following figure. One shows from and the other shows from
(3) Edit the realServer script file
① Go to the specified folder CD /etc/init.d/
② Edit the script file: Vim RealServer
SNS_VIP = / etc/rc. D/init. D/functions provides a case "$1" in the start) ifconfig lo: 0 $SNS_VIP netmask broadcast $SNS_VIP /sbin/route add -host $SNS_VIP dev lo:0 echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/lo/arp_ignore echo "2" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/lo/arp_announce echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_ignore echo "2" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_announce sysctl -p >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "RealServer Start OK" ;; stop) ifconfig lo:0 down route del $SNS_VIP >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/lo/arp_ignore echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/lo/arp_announce echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_ignore echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_announce echo "RealServer Stoped" ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}" exit 1 esac exit 0Copy the code
Here we set the virtual IP to
3 Save the script file and change the file permission to chmod 755 realServer
4 Run the service realServer start command to start the realServer service
3.4 Configuring the Active Load Server
(1) Install Keepalived package
yum install -y keepalivedCopy the code
In CentOS, you can easily install software packages using the yum install command, but only if your VM is connected to the Internet.
(2) Edit the keepalived.conf configuration file
① Go to the keepalive. conf directory: CD /etc/keepalived
Keepalived: > keepalive.conf
③ Edit the keepalived configuration file vi keepalive.conf
global_defs { notification_email { edisonchou@hotmail.com } notification_email_from sns-lvs@gmail.com smtp_server smtp_connection_timeout 30 Router_id LVS_DEVEL # Set the LVS ID. } vrrp_instance VI_1 {state MASTER # specifies Keepalived role, MASTER is the primary, BACKUP is the secondary interface eth1 # specifies Keepalived role, Virtual_router_id 51 # Priority 100 # Define the priority. The larger the number, the higher the priority. Primary DR advert_int 1 # Default: 1s authentication {auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111} virtual_ipAddress { # Port virtual_server 80 {delay_loop 6 Lb_algo WRR # Set load scheduling algorithm for WLC LB_kind DR # set LVS implementation load mechanism, Nat_mask Persistence_TIMEOUT 0 protocol TCP real_server 80 {# Specifies real Server1 IP address weight 3 TCP_CHECK {connect_timeout 10 nb_get_retry 3 delay_before_retry 3 connect_port 80}} real_server 80 {# specify the IP address of real server2. TCP_CHECK {connect_timeout 10 nb_get_retry 3 delay_before_retry 3 connect_port 80}}}Copy the code
(3) Enable keepalived service
service keepalived startCopy the code
3.5 Configuring secondary Load Servers
The slave load server is basically the same as the main load server, except for the following two changes in the Keepalived configuration file:
(1) Change state from MASTER to BACKUP
(2) Change priority from 100 to 99
Vrrp_instance VI_1 {state BACKUP interface eth1 virtual_router_id 51 priority 99 Master priority is 100 advert_int 1 authentication {auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111} virtual_ipAddress {}}Copy the code
3.6 Validation tests
(1) Specify balanced forwarding of requests: since the weight of two Web servers is the same, they will be forwarded to two Web servers in turn;
(2) When the Web server fails:
(1) If user A is faulty, user B obtains services only.
If fails, run the following command: service HTTPD stop
If you access a VIP from an external source, you will only get the page from
② After the fault is rectified, A obtains services from A.
If is restored, restart its HTTP service: service HTTPD start = = =
(3) When the active load balancing server fails, the standby server immediately acts as the host to provide request forwarding service:
Keepalived stop: service keepalived stop
If you want to access the VIP from the outside, you can still get the webpage:
Study summary
LVS is a widely used software load balancing solution, which is used in some large-scale enterprise systems and Internet systems. This time, take a brief look at LVS and build a small test environment under Linux with Keepalived to achieve a minimal load balancing test environment. The LVS is a work in the fourth layer network load balancing software, so it is relative to the Nginx type of work in the seventh layer of load balancing software has incomparable performance advantages, and it is our country’s Dr ZhangWenSong (now ali’s vice President, taobao’s technical experts) as a founder, now has become a part of the Linux kernel.
Of course, the current popular LVS solutions, in the Web server side also use Nginx+Tomcat collocation type, static files and dynamic files separately processing, is also an effective attempt. In the future, I will try to run ASP.NET MVC projects in Linux with Jexus. NET project in Linux under the running effect, hope to do some sharing then. All right, that’s it for today.