“This is the 28th day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

17. Alphabetic combinations of telephone numbers

The title

Given a string containing only the numbers 2-9, return all the letter combinations it can represent. The answers can be returned in any order.

The mapping of numbers to letters is given as follows (same as a telephone key). Note that 1 does not correspond to any letter.

Example 1

Input: who = "23" output: [" AD ", "ae", "af", "bd", "be", "bf", "CD" and "ce", "cf"]Copy the code

Example 2

["a","b","c"]Copy the code

Answer key

Full permutation idea: recursion + backtracking

The first thing to do is to convert the argument to a string; To build a hash table will be number one to one correspondence relation with letters: map = {2: ABC, 3: def, 4: ghi, 5: JKL, 6: mno, 7: PQRS, 8: tuv, 9: wxyz,} map = \ {2: ABC, 3: def, 4: ghi, 5: jkl, 6: mno, 7: pqrs, 8: tuv, 9: wxyz, \}map={2:abc,3:def,4:ghi,5:jkl,6:mno,7:pqrs,8:tuv,9:wxyz,}

Get one – to – one correspondence between numbers and letters

List =[ABC,def]list=[ABC,def]list=[ABC,def]list=[ABC,def]

Return all combinations of letters that it can represent.

According to the idea of full permutation, recursion + backtracking can definitely solve the problem

How do I recurse?

const len = list.length
// Start recursion
dfs(0[]);// idx: indicates the subscript in the list
function dfs(idx, path) {

    // The resulting string length must be equal to list, and this is also the termination condition for recursion
  if (path.length === len) {
  for (let i = 0; i < (3||4); i++) {
      / / (| 3 | 4) : either 3 or 4, because the number seven PQRS said letters, there are four, so I may be less than 3 or less than 4, is dynamic;
      / / here to reflect the value of independence idx, independence idx said subscript in the list, I < (| 3 | 4); I < list[IDx].length}}Copy the code

How to backtrack?

for (let i = 0; i < list[idx].length; i++) {
      const s = list[idx][i];
      // Qualifying letters are added to the path and saved
      // Recursive next step
      dfs(idx + 1, path);
      // Backtrace, delete at the end of recursion
Copy the code

Why use arrays to store letters in paths? Because it’s easier to backtrack with arrays than strings

Edit the code as follows:

The complete code

const map = {
  2: 'abc'.3: 'def'.4: 'ghi'.5: 'jkl'.6: 'mno'.7: 'pqrs'.8: 'tuv'.9: 'wxyz'};var letterCombinations = function (digits) {
  const len = digits.length;
  if (len === 0) return [];
  const list = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    const k = digits[i];
  const result = [];
  dfs(0[]);return result;
  function dfs(idx, path) {
    if (path.length === len) {
      const t = path.join(' ');

    for (let i = 0; i < list[idx].length; i++) {
      const s = list[idx][i];
      dfs(idx + 1, path); path.pop(); }}};Copy the code