
As a general catalogue of front-end algorithm series, this article mainly analyzes the learning algorithm knowledge from common algorithms, data structure, algorithm thinking and common skills. It realizes deliberate practice through LeetCode platform, and practices Feynman learning method through digging gold and the output of B station. I will continue to update the high-quality content and synchronize it to Nuggets, B station and Git in the future to record the complete process of learning algorithm. Welcome to exchange, like and collect more, let’s make progress together, daydayUp 👊

Code address: Github

Bilibili – 100 days algorithm series

Algorithm article

(1) sorting algorithm

[Lufei] front-end algorithm – algorithm (a, sorting algorithm): the first knowledge of ten sorting algorithm

[Lufei] front-end algorithm – algorithm (a, sorting algorithm): quick sorting and optimization

[Lufei] front-end algorithm – algorithm (a, sorting algorithm): from the two way merge to multi – way merge

[Lufei] front-end algorithm – algorithm (a, sorting algorithm): topological sorting

(2) Search algorithm

(3) Path finding algorithm

(4) Maximum value algorithm

(5) Go algorithm

Data structure

(1) Stack

[Luffy] Front-end algorithm — Data structure (a, stack): the first stack

(2) Queue

[Lufei] Front-end algorithm — Data Structure (two, queue): the first recognition queue

(3) pile

(4) linked list

(5) binary tree

(6) hash table

Algorithmic Thinking

(1) Exhaustive

(2) recursion

(3) Divide and conquer

(4) greed

(V) Retrospective

(6) simulation

(7) Dynamic programming

Common Skills

[[Luffy] Front-end algorithm – Tips: Dual Pointers]

[[Luffy] front-end algorithm – Tips: fast and slow pointer]

[[Luffy] Front-end algorithm – Tips: block and]