GitHub 8.5K Star’s Java engineer path to god

GitHub 8.5K Star Java engineers become god’s path, really not to learn?

GitHub 8.5K Star Java engineers become god’s way, really sure not to check out?

Stack Overflow, the world’s largest question-and-answer site for programming, releases a developer survey every year. Recently, the Stack Overflow unveiled its ninth annual developers report (… Survey of Stack Overflow users. It involves many fields. Today, I’d like to introduce a few key survey results that are most relevant to developers.

The respondents in this report are mainly foreign developers. The data in this report cannot fully reflect the actual situation of Chinese developers, but it can also reveal some information about the whole industry from some aspects.

The report also reveals the answers to several questions that have plagued developers, such as:

1. Which programming languages make the most money for developers? 2. Which is more popular, Eclipse or Intellij? 3. How old can programmers work? 4. Which programming languages are most popular with developers? 5, foreign programmers really do not have 996? 6. Should WE do Code Review or not?

Next, we will analyze the report from four aspects: technology, jobs, developers and salaries.

First, about technology

In its annual Stack Overflow report, it takes a closer look at the technologies developers are using, including programming languages, common frameworks, and even operating systems.

Start with a Stack Overflow technology panorama to help developers understand where their technology is and how it relates to other technologies.

The most commonly used development language

Among all technologies, programming languages are an essential element of the survey, and this year’s survey shows that the top five most used programming languages are JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL, Python and Java.

For the seventh year in a row, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language. Python has rocketed into the top five from seventh last year, passing Java to fourth place.

Favorite programming language

As in years past, Rust is the most popular programming language among developers worldwide. Python moved up one place from last year to second place in this year’s survey.

Most widely used development frameworks, databases

Among the most commonly used frameworks, jQuery ranks first and Spring for Java is sixth, down one place from last year.

Among the most commonly used databases, MySQL tops the list

Favorite database

In a survey of favorite databases, non-relational databases are more popular than relational ones, with Redis being the most popular.

The most popular development tool

Below is a list of the most common development tools used by developers. IntelliJ and Eclipse, which Java developers use every day, rank fourth and eighth, respectively. Compared to last year, IntelliJ moved up one place, while Eclipse dropped one.

It seems that IntelliJ vs Eclipse, the developers have given us the answer.

Second, about work

Every year, the report discloses some data related to the work of programmers, and this year is no exception. Here we briefly present some data that may be instructive.

Work hours

In this year’s report, more than half of us work between 40 and 44 hours a week, which translates to 8-9 hours a day based on five working days a week.

Based on the work of 996, about 72 hours a week is required, so only 2% of the interviewees can reach this work intensity.

If the survey were conducted in Korea, the results would be very different.


Software development covers a wide range of industries, with other industries, information technology, financial banking, SaaS services and Web development topping the list.

Don’t know where your industry falls on this chart?

How long ago was the last time I changed jobs

As for job changes, more than 30% of them have just changed their jobs within a year. I wonder if some of them are also affected by the cold winter of the Internet. I wonder how many of you got an N+1?

It seems that foreign developers change jobs more frequently, and this is not too different from domestic.

What matters most to job choice

Stack Overflow asked developers to pick their top concerns when choosing a job, and found that more than half were most concerned about their company’s tech Stack, followed by the work environment and company culture, and flexible hours.

It seems that foreign developers are not short of money, when choosing a job, the salary is not very important.

Whether to do CodeReview in your work

In terms of CodeReview, more than 70% of developers do CodeReview at work, mostly because of the value of coming to CodeReview on their own, and a few because of company requirements.

Well, what about you? Do you do Code Review?

Ii. Developers


Software has always been an age sensitive industry, and many people worry about how old programmers can work.

The report gives the answer. For all respondents, nearly 50 percent were aged 20-30, 30 percent were 30-40, and about 15 percent were over 40.

As a result, many people worry that programmers can only work until they are 30. The report shows that there are plenty of programmers over 30.

But on the other hand, China’s population base is larger than that of foreign countries, so the competition will be bigger. As a kind of technical work, it is suggested that all readers should establish their own technical barriers and improve their irreplacability.

Fixed number of year of the programming

The working years of programmers vary widely, with reports ranging from 5 years to more than 50 years. More than one-fifth of programmers have programming experience within 5 years, and more than half have working experience within 10 years.

Programming is not your hobby

Hobby is the best teacher, so programming is your hobby?

Over 80% of developers love programming.

About salary

The impact of annual salary and developer type on salary

The chart below illustrates the impact of years of service and type of developer on salary. Obviously, the longer you work, the higher your salary. However, some types of developers can earn more over the same number of years.

As you can see from the figure, developers who work with data (data scientists and engineers) and those who work on DevOps and site reliability have higher levels of experience, while academic researchers and educators have lower levels of experience.

Annual salary and the impact of programming language on salary

In the figure below, there is a solid blue line, and developers of languages on the solid line, such as Clojure, Scala, Go, Rust, and R, get paid more for having more experience. But real language, such as PHP, VBA, etc., even with years of experience, pay is lower. You can see that Java is currently at the edge of the shaded range of the solid line.

The size of the circles in the figure indicates how many developers are using this language compared to other languages.

Which programming language developers make the most money

The chart below shows annual salaries for developers of various programming languages. The more commonly used the development language, the lower the salary.

Java language developers make about $52,000 a year (up from $90,000 last year), the least of all developers. The relatively lucrative development languages are Clojure, F#, Go, and Scala.

Domestic Java developers, have you reached $50,000 engagement, what is your opinion on the fact that Java developers make the least money?

Ok, that’s the interpretation of the report, if you have anything to say, feel free to leave a comment.

Analysis of previous reports:

Stack Overflow 2018 Developer survey is out

10 Ways to learn New technology effectively — from StackOverflow 2017 Developer Survey