“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


โฐ time has slowly taken 2021 away from me. This year there are moved, there are surprises, there are regrets, there are insufficient, more lingering guilt. 2021 is destined to be an incomplete and imperfect year for me. Since I cannot change the past, I should seize the present.

๐Ÿ’ฆ “2021 Year-end Summary” by feeling, review my past, look forward to my future.

To introduce myself

The first year I met the gold digger

Review the writing process

On January 27, 2021, I officially joined the Nuggets community, which is still the ideal and only community for me to blog about.

I posted my first article in Denver on March 05, 2021 with a lot of trepidation. I’ll never forget that Lambda article was revised one day before and after. At first, I was always afraid that the article I wrote was too poor, so I hesitated to write. On second thought, I started to say again first. I could not always make plans but could not put them on the agenda.

On August 31, 2021, I finally wrote the article related to “LeetCode” that I had been longing for. I had put aside the algorithm for a long time.

September 09, 2021, created a “deep thinking” column, which provides a great help in planning and understanding life. Let me get rid of the fear of the future for a short time.

On October 20, 2021, I completed the first gold digging activity: “Programmers must Know Little Things” creation challenge to cure writing difficulty!

On November 29, 2021, actively participate in and complete the November activity punching task: the last text Challenge 2021!

๐Ÿ† flow is not the first goal of writing, but it is a great pleasure to motivate writing. ๐ŸŒน I will never forget the joy of receiving my first likes/favorites/attentions, which is an affirmation of my own writing. ๐Ÿ’ฆ The story of this year in Denver isn’t over yet, the journey of 2022 in Denver is about to begin…

2021 Nuggets loot

  • 2 Gold Nuggets badges (all badges will be collected in 2022)
  • Nuggets Yoyo pillow 2 pieces (1 is a prize, 1 is all assets of ore exchange)
  • 1 Bluetooth speaker (participated in “Programmers must know little knowledge”)
  • Nuggets custom slippers 1 pair (unfortunately winter arrived, wear next year)

2021 — Go with the flow

College life and work

Unconsciously, I am a junior student, and I am honored to serve as the monitor in my junior year. Even though it is hard, I feel really good that I can shine for the collective. This is also a small breakthrough in my life.

Looking back at the end of this semester, there are mountains of documents (more than the picture below), which have been accumulated bit by bit. They have witnessed my work in the past six months, so as to commemorate it.

Of course, college life is not limited to work, life is also a major theme of college. Can speak of his life this year, it is unsatisfactory, in the first half of the year I smug, in the second half of the year I mix to eat such as death indulgent unruly. The only thing I am satisfied with is that I have not lost my habit of cleanliness and that I am still somewhat organized. Ah! Recall the big energetic oneself, look again now in the mirror unable to recover after a fall, the heart of shame arises spontaneously. Of course, one has to look forward, and learning lessons is the best answer to the past.

At the same time, this year (early) for the first time try perm, why perm, not confident? Maybe a little bit, but it’s more about experience. Life has many choices. If you just stick to the old and don’t dare to try new things, life would be boring. I have to say one thing about this bold attempt: it was a ‘good’ perm, no more! ๐Ÿ˜…

The iPad purchase in August added to my already poor family’s woes. But I have to say, the iPad feels good, hahaha. After failing to maximize the iPad’s productivity this year, next year will be the year to discover its value.


๐Ÿ”ฅ Academic achievements: RANKED first in the major for two consecutive years (2019-2021) in GPA

Here’s a picture to remember, but look ahead, computers are more about programming than paper.

๐Ÿ”ฅ GitHub: The 2021 commit seems a bit watery, hopefully every commit in 2022 will be a symbol of acquiring knowledge!

๐Ÿ”ฅ Gitee: Don’t repeat yourself like 2021!

๐Ÿ”ฅ 2021 Book list: Reading is not the same as learning, every book is worth chewing over and over again; Although but, post my book list.

  • Introduction to Operating Systems
  • “The algorithm”
  • Principles of Computer Composition
  • “Modern operating system” : the basic knowledge has been over again, advanced knowledge is not touched
  • ใ€Š
    Data structure and algorithm analysis J a v a Language description Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis _{Java language description}
  • ใ€Š
    The computer network winding Top-down approach Computer networking _{top-down approach}
    I got up at 5:30 every morning to read this book for a month. It doesn’t hurt to have some knowledge that is difficult for me at the moment
  • “Big Talk data Structures” : Read it twice, but forget it fast enough
  • “Birdman’s Linux Private dishes” : operations oriented book, for reading and learning instructions is enough
  • Illustrated TCP/IP: as a reference manual
  • Illustrated HTTP: plain and easy to understand
  • “Coding” : This book gave me a great opportunity to learn the principles of computer composition class, and I haven’t had time to chew on the second half of the book
  • “High performance MySQL” : I thought this semester’s advanced database is about MySQL, but it is NoSQL wow
  • MySQL Must Know must Know
  • ใ€Š
    J a v a S c r i p t Advanced programming meter The third edition JavaScript Advanced Programming _{third edition}
    “It’s really good
  • “Mathematical Modeling” : As much as I love math, I can’t beat the time constraints
  • Critical Thinking: Jargon is too technical
  • How to Win And Lose People: My favorite book. It taught me a lot about life
  • “Circle justice” : There is a reason why Luo Xiang is so popular
  • “The road to wealth and freedom from the Fund” : the basic knowledge of funds can be presented here in the most accessible way
  • “Puppy Money money” : a good primer on financial management
  • The Index Fund Guide: Why to Read It All starts with Warren Buffett’s 20-year bet
  • Poor Dad Rich Dad: The best of the best
  • What’s Best about Human Nature

  • . . . .


2021 is not the first year of my fitness, but the year of 2019 college entrance examination is the beginning of my dream. At that time, I could do 235 push-ups in a row (I still remember that it was the result of a year’s persistence). However, in 2021, my physical condition declined. I realized that I had to combine work and rest with study and life, and I could no longer consume my health wantonly, so I started running and fitness.

This November is the darkest moment of my life. Not only fitness, even life and study are in a trance state. Idle belong to be!

๐Ÿ’ช All past, are prologue!


Emotional respect has been very stable, indeed, single can not be stable.. ๐Ÿ’ฆ

At the end of the year, I met a wonderful girl (I don’t know if it was official or not) and that’s when I knew what it felt like.

A straight man speaking?

Hesitation will be lost, decisive will give in vain…

2022 — Wait

Looking forward to the advancement of technology stack/knowledge

  • Improve Vue level
  • Improve Spring Boot level
  • Docker
  • kubernetes
  • LeetCode insists on brushing
  • Python
  • Jenkins
  • Spring Cloud
  • Spring Security
  • MySQL Database optimization
  • Mongo relearn
  • Redis relearn
  • Improve your personal blog
  • โœจ write more projects!

Change your writing style

๐Ÿ˜ญ So far, most of the articles I have written are some notes, unable to delve into a certain knowledge point and study, which is also a big pain point for me to write blog.

๐Ÿ˜  in 2022, I will focus my writing style on specific knowledge points, rather than notes and blogs with generalities, lack of depth and focus on the back end.

๐Ÿคช is looking forward to their performance next year, come on.

Vision and desire

๐ŸŽฏ2021 is slipping away, and 2022 is ready to go. For the New Year of 2022, I have some hopes and wishes:

๐Ÿงจ rich people laugh in good times, peace dogs do not surprise

I wish my family peace and peace all the time. I also wish my loved ones and my loved ones good health and good luck in everything, especially my dear parents.

At the same time, we should share our worries for our parents and not be angry with them.

๐Ÿ’– May all good things come as expected and all good things happen by chance

I hope the year 2022 will bring me luck, and I will be able to achieve everything I want in this year.

๐ŸŒŠ life is an excuse for the weak, but luck is a modest word of the strong

College is the best time for trial and error. Don’t be afraid; Overconfidence at least has the courage to try, and cowardice will make all opportunities disappear, be confident! Don’t let him say “it’s too hard, you can’t” get in the way. Your destiny is your own. Step out of your comfort zone and reap new rewards.

  • Is not a cold biting, how fragrant plum blossom.
  • The most painful thing in life is not failure, but that I could have.
  • Other people’s stories, after all, is someone else’s life; My life is written by myself.
  • If you know you can’t do it, you don’t know.
  • How do you know if your life is going up or down? Feeling tired is uphill, feeling relaxed is downhill.

Are you feeling tired now? ‘!