There are 4 categories of awards in this event. Without further ado, we will announce the list now. Come and see if you’re here.

First award: individual award

The winning conditions

Users who clock in within the agreed time for 5 consecutive days will not be counted

Award gift

A gold coin to dig

The winners are as follows

Second award: Rest award

The winning conditions

Users who clock in within the agreed time for 5 consecutive days will not be counted

Award gift

Byte nap blanket

The winners are as follows

Third award: Participation award

The winning conditions

Users who have participated can draw prizes

Award gift

Three in one rechargeable lanyard

The winners are as follows

Fourth award: Team Award

The winning conditions

Of the three groups, the group with the most clock-ins combined.

Award gift

Random badge

The winners are as follows

The boiling points of the three groups are as follows:

5:30-6:30 group: 254 pieces

6:30-7:30 group: 152 pieces

7:30 -10:30 group: 124 pieces

So, this time it’s our friends from the first group

Fill in the questionnaire

Please fill in the questionnaire before 12 noon on June 18 (Friday). Prizes will be mailed on next week, please don’t worry ~…

Finally, thank you for your support. If you have a good idea, you can leave a message in the comment section