Path recall is so twists and turns, to share some of his own experience with the programmer brothers and sisters, although time is changing, but it’s possible that you will walk the course of a decade, I have done some comments you can draw lessons from, feel sense of acceptance, see no sense to speak of is abandoned, Here’s some advice from the heart, especially for those of you with little brothers and sisters.

1. Take good care of your household registration files, endowment insurance, medical insurance and housing accumulation fund.

Since the programmer industry changes jobs every year, I have to be honest with you that I have moved at least 5 jobs, jumping around in between, even 3 cities. Fortunately, the registered permanent residence did not lose, others have been disorderly, in several cities, have made three gold, even in the 2 districts of a city, have those things 10 years later, will become very important. If you buy a house provident fund, you can take it out, loan interest rate will be lower, there are children still need to go to school, sick still need medical insurance. Especially when buying a house, the interest rate difference that wants commercial loan and accumulation fund loan is very big still, there may be the difference of 100 thousand. Usually pay attention to these will lose the least, for example, every month pay 300 yuan of provident fund, the company also pay 300 yuan, you can save 600 yuan a month, a year is 7200 yuan, 10 years is 72,000 yuan. , ignore these before, and need to buy a house in the provident fund may be only a few thousand yuan, 10 years passed quickly, the results failed to save the number of provident fund, medical insurance, pension, etc. Not to mention, all already muddleheaded, these losses is 10 years to accumulate large Numbers, we should pay attention to, move move, also want to protect their own interests Now the house price is very expensive, you may be like me, out of the mountains to struggle, the family does not have rich savings, only to rely on their own struggle, buying a house is a major event in life, wait for 10 years to think of this thing, it is too late, especially children to go to school kindergarten and other needs a complete household registration.

2. Don’t change your laptop easily, don’t follow the trend, don’t buy too many electronic products, and don’t change your mobile phone too often.

The lessons have also been painful. Recently, I bought one laptop for my girlfriend for more than 10,000 yuan, and I bought one for 7,500 yuan. I have changed nearly 10 mobile phones, and the money adds up to more than 100,000 yuan, so I may accidentally buy these electronic products. But time too long time to think about, why to earn a lot but why still so poor, because they spent too much money to buy these electronic products, laptop at ordinary times what valuables to protect good, I lost a colleague accidentally 2 laptop, the loss of nearly 20000, 20000 net is not so easy, and you This hole is not a joke, someone once stole a brand new notebook and lost around 15,000. What’s worse, the latest code was also lost and stolen.

Nowadays foreign language, educational background, professional title and driving license are quite important.

Want to find a high salary, foreign capital enterprise is the right choice, in the same work, the foreign capital enterprise income is generally high, I don’t understand, how could our ability to make money than the somebody else, however, the social development, have gone to foreign, like a string in the future, also perhaps, foreign language good employment opportunities in the future will be more and more widely. Record of formal schooling does not represent what, but record of formal schooling also is steping-stone, for example have 300 applicant, that at least key undergraduate course below, all did not look, because it is too late to see, you again fierce also was blocked outside the door of opportunity, same sometimes you want to change line of what, title is also very important, at least comment intermediate title, There might be a chance to get into college or government or something. If there is plenty of time, should have the driving license test, because you are the behind to the busy work and family, don’t have chance to student driver also maybe, don’t patronize work hard at ordinary times, you found that after 10 years of work, because all the people around at least a master’s degree, you automatically eliminated by the society, I have the feeling now, though I took too many masters, Their job opportunities are better than mine. They often get into famous companies, which I have never been able to get into.

4. Don’t talk about too many girlfriends.

I talked about 2 girlfriend, average every girlfriend before and after spending would probably have 100000 or so, well I don’t have to talk about the third girl friend, if the investments, it is very cruel and talk about the girlfriend also consume a lot of time and energy, will also consume a lot of money, to speak of the truth and, yes, others girl also valuable, Why so easily with you ah, when I break up with the first friend, my life is back at least three to four years, everything from scratch, everything from scratch, I advise you to talk about girl friend is the greatest a sale of investment mistakes can have painful consequences, not only is the loss of the money, there will be more mental, spiritual, We should learn to cherish the girlfriend, to learn to coax a good girlfriend, let the wife happy every day, although the fish hooked, do not need to bait, occasionally don’t forget to put some rice, if the fish hook, it is not joking.

5. Don’t change your job too often. If you choose your industry direction, you’d better not change your job too often.

Changing job or industry direction is just like the bear breaking corn. Sometimes it is a matter of picking up seeds and picking up seeds. I won’t go into this more, and everyone should be able to understand it.

6. Be nice to people around you, gain the trust of your boss, the recognition and support of your colleagues, and cherish a good working environment.

A friend’s QQ name is very interesting, “Only love strangers”, strangers are very interesting, but the most critical moment, you still need to rely on non-strangers, you live with colleagues every day, to maintain good people around you. 30 or 40 people around you often determine your success or failure. Around you is the world’s richest man, he is so not more than 100 people in his life, when you work for 10 years, not a boss trust you, not many good colleagues, friends, you miserable, you are lonely in this world, your income, it is mostly from the nearby of friend to introduce business, It’s hard to lose a few pies online. You are surrounded by people who could offer you great opportunities in the near future.

Money is important, but quality of life is more important than money. Work is important, but family is more important than work.

Money is not everything, but without money you can do nothing. Money earned, the body brags, gave the hospital completely, money earned, exhaustion of body and mind, the person is alive for what? Isn’t that all about having a good time? Work is important, but when you lose the love of your family, you lose your girlfriend, you lose your wife and kids, what’s the point of it? Your job is easy to change, but you can’t change your family. You can’t change your wife when you want, you can’t change your children when you want. If you are not responsible for your own family, how can you be responsible for your company? I have been this concept, to the interview feel that the work is more important, we generally do not admit, that is too false, or too ignorant.

8. Don’t play too much when you’re tired. Sometimes you need to think about how to make money.

Time went quickly over, and work is tired can relax appropriately, but don’t be naughty, it is easy to the past 10 years, ten years later you want to buy a house, marry a wife, want to buy a car, you give birth to baby, your body will become weak, need good habits and customs, also can not stand all night, all night, you would slow lead to depressed for several days, As in his early 20 s is completely different, more money, the parents will become older, may also need your care, the whole family are counting on you to make money, don’t at this point, you realize that making money is so important, especially now prices, is prone to 1 million, with mortgage interest, You’ll probably have to pay $1.5 million. You might need to redecorate, buy a car. Maybe the pressure on you is 2 million. Don’t think money is vulgar, you have to learn to make money, to have a good sense of the need to make money, of course, you are from a wealthy family, do not have to consider these factors.

9. Every day a little bit of progress every month a little bit of accumulation, to be dedicated to love industry, we provide services to others.

One day, you will be tired, you will be old, at this time, what do you rely on? Rely on your usual accumulation, your 10 years of accumulation, can beat down a lot of competitors, no matter how powerful they are, no matter how, it is also difficult to be worth your 10 years of accumulation, especially the accumulation of the next 5-10 years, the results will be obvious, the first 1-5 years, is to do software entry bar, unless you have a high-level person to guide, Software is still going to be worth a lot of money in the future, because life is getting smarter and more digital, and the demand for software is still very promising, at least in the next 10-20 years you don’t have to worry too much about unemployment.

10. For programmers, developing ideas, architecture and code is wealth. Don’t always throw away the fruits of your work.

I probably 7-8 years ago code is in the hand, often go, improve to improve maintenance to maintain, to a certain extent, make my life easy, because I don’t need anything from the beginning, I as long as the pain once, later will be reused repeatedly, the value of the software is reuse, rather than every thing, have developed from scratch, That is always a hard programmer, the quality of life is not mentioned, no matter their own code ugly or not to hand, to learn to carefully maintain, improve a little bit every day, a small progress every month, a big progress every year, years of accumulation is precious, this will bring you rich benefits sooner or later.

11 when programmers to prevent standing still, not long working years rich experience is strong, the older the job is more difficult to find.

One of my friends joked with me that after working for 5 years, there might be a big difference in ability. Why? Because they did the same thing in the first year, both wrote programs, two people may be due to different values, five years later there will be a big gap, even too big to catch up with, why? Because there is also the opportunity factor in the inside, some people do 5 years, or in the same place, every day will only write those additions, deletion, modification of the code. Then you have to pay attention to the need to constantly improve themselves, is the absolute truth. For example, if you know SQLServer, you should try to learn Oracle, you are doing C/S, you need to improve to B/S, you are doing stand-alone software, you need to improve to network software, you only focus on their own work, need to learn to manage, care about the work of others. You are a programmer, try to improve as a project manager, department manager, director of the company and so on, people have ambition and goals will continue to progress, the most common in order to make more money, improve the job position, the job unit, is understandable. The older work is hard to find, for example, 3-4000 job is to find out casually, to play, but after 30, you are sure to find at least a month in 100000, the chance to work is also less, generally small company also can’t afford to give, can also have to find a good company, good company is not hiring everyday, lack of good jobs, everyday say not nice, How much does the owner of a small company make? He had a hard time getting money, too, and a small pond couldn’t hold a big shark.

12. Don’t start a business when the income is less than working. It won’t hurt to find someone who is better than you.

Start a business income, than working less, that is nonsense, spoof. The real meaning of entrepreneurship is not to suffer without money, that is to fool ignorant people. When you start a business income, more than working, then you can consider starting a business, no salary of what, what shares, are nonsense. Do not start a business with their ability is weak, that the biggest loss, is likely to be you, to start a business, but also to find stronger than their own people to start a business, at least earn less money, but also can learn a lot. There won’t be too much loss. Don’t start a business with a boiling blood, start a business, don’t burn their own money, family money, it is very not burn, not a few hundreds of thousands of dry. Actually works, also is the beginning of the business, every month can get money, also can learn knowledge, what is the company’s shares are empty, a few small companies can succeed, can’t go to open up the 3 years of separation, fool kids to play, unless really have technology or customer resources, or shares is penny’s worth, Even if you start your own business, you should get your salary on time every month.

In the future, the pace of life will be faster, the pressure of life will be greater, the competition will be more fierce, and the social service system will be better.

In the future, while we enjoy good service, we will also provide better service to others, and we will have higher and stricter requirements on skills and service quality. At ordinary times should pay attention to improve yourself, don’t eliminated by The Times, since the childhood friend wave after wave of ruthless eliminated by the society, I was born in a border of grasslands and mountain, a childhood playmate in the mountains, I followed the family killed out, my elementary school, high school, college, at work, this decade has been a tough fight down, It was not easy to settle down in the big city. To tell the truth, the past ten years have been a decade of constant struggle and improvement. Authority management, workflow management to the best of my ability, a person can only do so few things. Looking to the future, let’s summarize the last 10 years of my career as a programmer and give some general advice to all of you
