With digging friends mutual encouragement

Stop making resolutions for 2021 — set rules for your life!

I used to love setting New Year’s goals, but I actually love setting them more than achieving them. But about eight years ago, SOMEONE introduced me to another ancient tradition — setting rules for life, and when I did it, I discovered that it was a better use of time and energy.

Back in the 2020

One. At work

No1. Breakthrough at work

Due to the clear division of labor of front-end positions, I completed the operation management system of a learning platform by myself, using the technology (Vue+iView). The breakthrough was that I completed the difficult module functions such as authority management, authentication and login independently

No2. “Tech guy “, should have a personal blog (nuggets are sweet, and gifts)

Build personal Blog system based on Vuepress, Grace’s Blog

Vuepress official document: vuepress.vuejs.org/zh/


Thanks Shanyue if you want to build a blog

No3. Self-study and active progress

1. Small program cloud development

Learning reference: mu courses coding.imooc.com/class/373.h… [Support authentic]

2. Dabble in the Jest front-end automation testing framework. I have not used it in my work at present, so I have no further study and practice! Jest official website documentation

Learning reference: Vue unit test exploration, front-end automation test

3.Nginx getting started in practice, in update….. Nginx is a lightweight HTTP server, using event-driven asynchronous non-blocking processing framework, which allows it to have excellent IO performance, often used in the server side reverse proxy and load balancing, understanding the basic knowledge and practice of Nginx environment building, basic common scene command operation, configuration, etc. Nginx runs on local VIRTUAL machine CentOs

Learning reference: Nginx Chinese documentation, Nginx from the beginning to practice, a thousand words of detailed explanation, Nginx and front-end development, a front-end must Nginx free tutorial

Typescript is a free and open source programming language developed by Microsoft. It is a superset of JS. It extends THE SYNTAX of JS and mainly practices the basic syntax

Study reference: knowledge point mind map, a rare TS study guide

Two. In the family

No1. The family welcomes a new member

Zan zan’s birth, this year to accompany his wife’s birth, birth, confinement, see the great mother’s love.

No2. The house loan has been paid back $5 million

Two. In life

No1. Read

Books read: Bible, Vision: How to Plan Your Career in 3 Stages, Gilead’s Trilogy: Letters from Gilead, I’ve Heard of You, Worth, The Biography of Tim Cook

Outlook 2021,

One. At work

In-depth study of basic knowledge front-end (JavaScript), back-end services

Computer foundation, for those who are not trained in science, has always been a pain in the heart

Management related objective management, time management, team management (interpersonal management)

Two. In life



Buy a mobility car

Insist on running


Set rules for your life.


I will sleep an average of eight hours a night (11:30 PM – 7:30 am)

I will work no more than 50 hours a week, and overtime will be limited to two evenings a week.

I will exercise twice a week

I’ll review our spending every Friday and discuss our finances with my wife at the end of each month

Every Sunday I review the last week and make plans for the week ahead

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…