Some time ago, one of my friends went out for an interview. This time, he had a clear target for the interview. I went to a lot of companies, several big factories, and he said what impressed him most was byte

**3 rounds of technical interviews +1 round of HR interviews, ** He finally got an offer of 30K *16 salary.

The first round mainly focused on the basis of Java, while the second and third rounds focused on the mastery of corresponding technologies and business understanding of past projects. The reason why he was impressed was that each round spent more than an hour and a half chatting, which really benefited him a lot.

He chose Byte not only because it was the core of his project, but also because byte’s benefits were touted as the best in the industry and its pay was among the highest in its category.

“High salary, good development, good welfare” seems to have become the label of byte.

And many people think dachang has a high threshold:

“Slag this double non education can not enter the big factory!”

“If you work for less than three years, you can’t enter a big factory!”

“Those who do not graduate from a professional class cannot enter a big factory!”

Maybe for my friend who is not a graduate, it seems not so difficult to get into bytes. In his words, entering a big factory depends on technical strength.

You just need good technical skills and a good performance in the interview to get an offer.

However, he was also very clear that he could not solve the technical requirements to be promoted to Dachang in a short period of time by himself, so when he saw ali Daniu’s “Golden Three Silver Four Advanced Promotion Notes” on Github, he decided to seize this opportunity.

After learning systematically, the result was as he expected. He passed the interview and got the Offer of byte.

In order to help more friends get their dream jobs, I hereby share this Java note. This note is divided into 8 parts, namely Java, Networking, Linux, Data Structures and Algorithms, Databases, System design, Required Tools, and interview guide.

Due to space reasons, xiaobian can not show too much here, this note xiaobian has been organized into an electronic PDF, friends in need, you can click here to get free screenshots!

Module 1 Java


The container



Module 2 Network

(I) Computer network knowledge

(2) TLS in HTTPS

Module 3 Linux

(A). Start by understanding the operating system

(2). A preliminary study of Linux

(3) Linux file system overview

4. Linux basic commands

The fourth module is data structure and algorithm

(I). Data structure (Bloom filter)

(2) algorithm

Fifth module Database

(一). MySQL

(二). Redis

The sixth module system design

(1).restful apis

(2). Common framework

(III) Authentication and Authorization (JWT, SSO)

(4) distributed

(v). Large website architecture

(vi) Micro services

Module 7 must know tools

(a). The Git

(二). Docker

Module 8 Interview Guide


If you still have no direction because of the interview, this note is enough to help you.

There is a need to organize the book of Java advanced upgrade notes, you can click here to get free screenshots!