This year’s update will be a bit more frequent, with one technical article per week plus something else, whether it’s Internet personalities, insights or this type of thing.

This story will not be a eunuch. It will mainly focus on personal history, starting from college. By now, there should be no more than 10 chapters at most.

The article started from zhihu’s question “Since when did your programming ability begin to improve dramatically?” .

In 2008, the year of the Olympic Games, the year when the college entrance examination ended, I was admitted to a second-grade school in Hunan province. All my dreams came to an abrupt end at that moment.

Originally the first choice to fill in is “Wuhan Minzu University”, asked the teacher, the teacher said OK, the problem is not big.

Next, discover this school han nationality to recruit 3% only finally, minority nationality is priority, because other volunteer is blind fill, fortunately major all is plan division, so, the problem is not big.

The school is very partial, it should be the second poorest place in Hunan.

The train at 4 o ‘clock in the morning, after the train, there are to meet the station and the bus, the road in the early morning looking at all the desolate, the initial a little excited look forward to has disappeared, this may be one of the reasons for the degenerate life in the next few years.

The life of the university is boring extremely, perhaps is the reason of the key school all the time since childhood, perhaps the reason of the bad here, anyway did not have any idea that wants to study hard, what’s more, I have inquired clearly, the university, is used to play, which SX reads the university to still read again?

After all, the heart of the gap is very big.

Freshmen, they do radio gymnastics every morning, 6:00 in the morning! Anyway, it subverts my knowledge. It’s impossible to do exercises.

After finishing the exercises, there is morning self-study. The dormitory is 8 people a room, there is no toilet, and there is only one public toilet on each floor.

This is not a problem, after all, I am hardly in the dormitory.

At that time, the daily routine was to sleep until noon, then spend afternoons and evenings in the Internet cafe, rushing back before closing, sometimes not at all.

Everything else was fine except the dorm manager, an old man who knocked on my door every day and threatened to fire me.

Go ahead, fire me if you can, and you made me laugh.

Then one day, he called the counselor in, and I was half asleep when I heard a woman calling me. I thought I was dreaming.

It was probably one of the few days I went to morning self-study when I answered the door wearing a pair of briefs and squinting eyes.

The day that follows does not have what to say really, be Internet bar – dormitory 2 points one line, the game is QQ sound speed, still have world of warcraft, at that time like DNF did not give still did not have fire zha? But having played Warcraft, I would have an idea about NC games, right?

Young people, always feel their own things to be superior to others, as they do not know, wan such as sand sculpture.

Freshman also spent 1000 dollars to a guitar, thinking about liao younger sister, the results learned 3 day I gave up, learned to play a primer “green sleeves”, “childhood” and a “Jane’s you”, increasing difficulty didn’t learn to cry of the people, to sweep, too difficult, but this guitar backstage sent a classmate to fulfill their dormitory many people learned to How irritating!

Nothing but the hand.

Boring big one is so quick to end, the head teacher looks for me, say to me you this semester went up 10 to class, as if there are one or two PE classes, usually cent is 0, accounting for ratio should be 30% or so.

But I didn’t fail in the end. I just had to cram for the last two weeks and I would have gotten close to full marks. I don’t usually share. Genius. Next year.

This year ended, 2009 New Year’s day, full 18 years old.

One day during my sophomore year, I took a Java class on a whim.

Int A = int A = int A = int A = int A = int A = int A

The monitor said positively, yes.

I was shocked. I knew it. It was awesome!

Yes, I was white for four years in college, so white that I didn’t even know what “Hello world” was.

What am I learning?

At that time sophomore branch class, choose network or software direction, what I choose is the network, it is to install a software in the system configuration of all kinds of router switch what relation, anyway basically equal to did not learn, MAO also won’t, MAO also don’t understand right.

Until the end of the third year, the school and a training institution signed a contract, if you go to the training of the senior students will not come, professional courses all over the exam, otherwise you will honestly study in school, examination.

Not too much hesitation, reading tests, that doesn’t exist.

These three years of life, summed up.

  1. I don’t participate in most activities, but I paid for them. Why? Because play I still want to go, is to pay the money every morning 5 o ‘clock 6 o ‘clock start I can not get up, every time can not catch up with the trip, the impression went out twice, to my old life.
  2. What association, student union do not participate in, I thought at that time this rubbish school also play what association student union, sand sculpture? Later I heard that there is a chairman of the student union to get a lot of student id card to get that train ticket, because the train can be 50% off or free, it seems to say that graduation years are still using this… Talent. (Of course, I think student union is of great use to college students.)
  3. Didn’t test driver’s license, at that time a classmate test driver’s license, I still think now see test driver’s license why? When can you buy a car? Is there something wrong with it?
  4. Didn’t fall in love, didn’t have that kung fu, warcraft 10 I can’t practice, still play that thing.

You see, the time is not too long, not too short, it is also three years, but when it comes to words, it is only 1-2K words, because there is really nothing to write, playing cards, games, all night, and so on.

Well, it wasn’t long before a teacher from a training institution came to school one evening.

That night, I remember it was at a hotel or something in front of the school gate, a lot of people, lined up, gave a lot of choices on the spot.

Java, PHP, ios, and a lot of crap. It was a string of English letters to me at the time, but god only knows what that meant.

Because my brother is a computer student, so I did not hesitate to choose the only one I know: Java.

Maybe another reason was that the teacher was pretty.

At the end of June, a group of people will go to Kunshan.

I remember it was the train in the evening. As the school was at a small station, the train only stopped for a few minutes.

But there were so many of us, I think there must have been about a hundred of us, and we hired several carriages of the train, that we had to wait for about half an hour to get on the train. I can still remember that scene.

All kinds of quilts and luggage could not get on, and people came in through the Windows. They were in a hurry and there was no way. Fortunately, I was more intelligent, I stood in the first, I was the first to get on the bus, as intelligent as me.

When I finally arrived in Kunshan, I found that the dormitory was right beside Yangcheng Lake. There were 4 people in one dormitory. Many people from all over the country were in cooperation with the rubbish school and training institution.

It is very interesting that I still remember a man from Shaanxi. He got up at 6 o ‘clock every morning to brush his teeth in the public bathroom and I found him washing his hands. Then I saw him washing his hands there until I finished packing and left. Unlike other people who take a bath and just wash down for a few minutes, he takes a bath with that brush… You know, the kind that brushes shoes on your body… And on top of that, he used it to brush… Forget it, you know…

Haha, back to business.

Obviously, most of the people in this place are jerks, and some of the people are, like, crazy.

Because for most of them, they haven’t faced the pressure of life at all, still partying every night and playing the hormones of youth. Almost every other night there was a room where a group of people played cards, but I had no interest in them at the time, just too small and boring.

I’m kind of a normal person, maybe, yeah.

I university 3 years how come over, MY own heart is actually very clear, I am to play, I play enough, next, I want to work hard, otherwise, I will starve to death after graduation.

After all, we don’t have any mines at home.

The first class, to be honest, according to the international convention, let’s play hello World, everyone laughs, I laugh too, although, I don’t know what they laugh at, but I have to pretend that I understand, for this skill, I learned at a young age.

Then, three months of training career began, from Java foundation, SSH framework (Spring, Struts2, Hibernate), mysql, HTML + CSS.

I remember teaching a very strange thing, it seems to be called Flex, I don’t remember, said it might be popular, the result, of course, is ha Ha.

Anyway is the programmer should master the basic skills training institutions all with you to learn again, so far, I am still very grateful to them, if you rely on your own to learn, you think 3 months you can learn to find a job level?

I think 90% of you can’t, because you don’t even know how to get started, what to read, how to study.

However, here, you pay only 1.2 million RMB, but also installments.

Up to now, I think, those who say training school pit, is not to see the advertisement package graduation, package distribution, package monthly salary of 5K work?

Want to eat? Oneself play every day, get online to play games, play cards, thinking to 10 thousand 2 training institutions have to give you arrangement work, when the social borers?

Apparently, a lot of people take it seriously, even years after graduation.

To those of you, I really want to say, I wish you success.

Although there may be a conflict of interest between the school and the training institution, I think it really may be the best choice, at least for those students whose school is not good.

Teachers, leaders in order to employment, training institutions in order to make money, garbage students only know to play, university hair did not learn, here can find a job.

It’s a win-win-win, and I appreciate it.

Back to the topic of study, at the beginning, I really can not learn, do not lie, I always think IQ is OK, but this time, really hit.

Later I knew that the teacher who trained us at that time was the best teacher in the training institution, so I felt that he was knocking on the code with his eyes closed, and I could only barely keep up with the speed. If I had not reported any mistakes after knocking on the code, it was really lucky.

To this day, I still think the speed of typing code is amazing… That’s good. That’s awesome.

I typed the code, but I had no idea what I was writing, hundreds of lines, not a single line of it.

Then, can only ask other students, because there are a lot of students are very awesome, they are really learning in college, and some people are even better than the training school intern teacher, they can write a minesweeper out, at that time, I thought, my god, this kind of people also need to train? There’s a mine at home.

Now I can understand, because they are students, have not seen the world, for a peace of mind, come to study, more may be confused and at a loss for the future.

Then, ask the teacher, ask classmates, read books, look for videos online, slowly, I do not know how long, I finally can see it.

Day after day, and then knock on the code, watching video, at that time the horse soldiers teacher video really great help to me, the teacher said I could not understand, but the teacher’s video I can understand, so till now I still will say to others, if you look at the horse soldiers video you don’t understand, I suggest you don’t learn programming, I think your IQ disabled…

Okay, so I can read the code, but then I realize the embarrassing fact that I can read the code, but I can’t write it myself.

Very uncomfortable, I do not know how to do, helpless, I can only every day to the online video, the teacher’s code kept mechanical repeat write, repeat knock.

I don’t know how many times I copied that code by hand.

Until one day, I realized I could write code, and it felt like a 6.

Is this like copying thousands of times and writing like a charm?

Then, I found out that I was one of the top students in the class, although I didn’t have a grade, but NOW I think so.

At that time, we had just learned the SSH framework, which is Spring + Strust2 + Hibernate, but now Hibernate is not available.

I found that one of my classmates actually called the method of service layer in the DAO layer. Of course, I mocked him for my urine at that time. Still young…

This simple thing, I slowly found that these people are really poor, this will not…

They may be divided into several groups.

The first group of people, the ones mentioned above, are already doing so well that they don’t have to waste their money to come here, so they come here as tourists.

A second person, is that most people like me, pure white, P don’t know, but here some people didn’t want to know, the purpose of I this is really to learn some, more is in the back chat, play games, back to the dormitory and play games, knows a lot of, this kind of person I am still with my relationship is good, why, because you really is still a child, I haven’t grown up yet, but I can be friends. I don’t care if he’s good at programming.

The third group of people, real travelers, the only difference may be to cope with school, do not want to take exams, want to get credits to graduate, move to a different place to attend college.

Yangcheng lake lived next to really horrible, to the thunder of the weather like someone in the robbery, you can go to live to experience, too horrible, thunder blast in the ear.

As soon as it rains and thunders, it always seems that someone is Shouting in the dormitory: which road friend is robbing here?

The story of Kunshan is almost here, summed up is bitter, is really bitter. How bitter, on their own experience, anyway, I now recall more bitter than my senior three, cramming 3 months to learn things comparable to 3 years.

And then, coming back to the question, when did you notice that your programming skills started to take off?

I really don’t know. I just know how many nights I slept at 1 o ‘clock, got up at 6 o ‘clock, and knocked and knocked and knocked, and then I knew.

For me, it’s been a real leap forward, a rocket.

As for the continuous CRUD in the later work, and then progress again, it is only qualitative change brought by quantitative change.

Because, during that time, I always find, wow, I wrote this code last week? Why do you write that? How can it be written so badly!

This state has been continued for 1-2 years, until the latter seems to be a long time has not changed.

I would like to add a short story that during the training, some head teachers are those who manage students. Many local people in Kunshan, whose families are selling hairy crabs in restaurants, came to work as head teachers after graduation with a BMW and earned 3000 RMB a month.

They tell us the same hairy crabs sell for 50 yuan a pair and no one will eat them, sell 150 pairs and have to wait in line… There are the kind of hairy crabs that their own to take a bath in Yangcheng Lake, placed on the roadside 30 yuan a pair of no one to buy, sold to the restaurant and then +100 many people queue up to buy.

This is what I heard, as to whether it is true, maybe people who have been to Yangcheng Lake to eat hairy crabs will have some experience, because, in October, the luxury car under the dormitory building, is to stop from the dormitory to the software park gate.

Hairy crab, so fragrant!

To be continued…