PK creative Spring Festival, I am participating in the “Spring Festival creative submission contest”, please see: Spring Festival creative submission Contest
Finally liver finished, I believe you see this article, has been on the way home, I still insist on the post. There will be people like me who stick to their jobs. You are the best. I wish I could get more thumbs up, for all the work I’ve done
Some time ago, Shenzhen also joined the national fight against the epidemic moment, after everyone’s unremitting efforts finally picked the star today. At the moment, I just want to say: “Shenzhen General Health, ox” (here the general health is shenzhen Health Commission). I hope the epidemic will end soon
I also draw a tiger here, president Xi said that the tiger is a symbol of wisdom and courage, but also a symbol of our epidemic prevention personnel in the war of resistance in the line of courage, pay tribute to them, come on, China come on. By the way, my baby will be born in the year of the Tiger. I haven’t decided on a name yet. I want you to give me a name
See the effect
In the code
There are so many codes that I can’t even watch the Nuggets anymore. Let me have a good rest for the New Year and sent me a Gift box for the Spring Festival. Ha ha ha, thank you. (Here directly triggered the nuggets editor’s maximum word count, want to see the source can find me, I will be sent to Github. And I will not talk about this time, too many, time is too late, sorry, everybody)
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style="fill: rgb(214, 91, 50);" transform="matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)"/>Ten thousand words of code omitted here...</svg>
Copy the code
The whole code hundred thousand + code amount, really not easy oh. In order to draw a realistic tiger, let everyone tiger tiger.
There is CSS code here, I will not post out, posted for a long time only to find that more than the word count, the eyes are spent. I believe you see here eyes also spent, hard, if you think you can, help to point a praise, thank you, I wish you a happy New Year, next year big rise.