This is a summary of the Python tutorial series! “Like it” is a good habit

The Python Advanced tutorial has also been updated. To be honest, I never thought I would be able to organize a programming language in my own way and share it before I started writing the Python Introduction series. In the past, I would hide my tidy things shyly.

But now, NOT only have I written it down, I’m even happy to share it with other learning groups.

Sharing with other groups was another important step I took, and I’ll explain why later. Of all the programming languages I have learned, except C, which I learned by listening to my teachers carefully, all the other programming languages are my own inventions.

I didn’t learn C++ well, and even now I have a headache when I mention it. JAVA language to see their own writing small procedures in advance, feel that their line, class did not listen to; To want to learn the database of the time found the teacher a book all spoke half, behind just barely keep up with the teacher rhythm. (Now I really regret it!)

Now wait until I start to organize a programming language, only to find that knowledge is everywhere. As a result, THERE are a lot of things I’ve missed out on when sharing the basics and progression of Python.

This is how I deal with this problem: ACCORDING to my own data department in the process of analyzing the project, for each knowledge point to distinguish the degree of common and important, selective introduction.

So, there may be some points that are less important but I keep saying, there may be points that the teacher has highlighted but I haven’t mentioned. By the way, I am currently engaged in data analysis. My main language is Python, and I will use Hive and Spark when there is a large amount of data. I will also write some crawler and algorithm content later.

If you want to do Python WEB development, I suggest you go back to a teacher as soon as possible, I’m not very reliable, very unreliable and will even convince you to switch to data analysis. Recently, I am summarizing and thinking of a crawler from the beginning to the advanced tutorial, because I have stepped on the pit in this aspect before, feel very unnecessary, but also a waste of time, so I will start to share. Finally, I would like to mention some things I have encountered recently. One is that when I shared my articles with some leaders in their communication groups, some of them took the initiative to communicate with me, encouraging me to stick to my original ideas. People hold tens of thousands of iron fans, but also because of one of my articles and take the initiative to communicate with me, that moment, really touched.

Another thing is that in the process of sharing, I will have some like-minded friends to learn and communicate with me and correct the problems in my article, which also gives me the motivation to keep going. Love you all! I this number to now did not open appreciation, feel that everyone is not easy, can save a is a, save some money to buy a book to see not sweet!

If you really can’t help yourself, click on it and share it, that’s your biggest support for me!

Finally, a summary of Python basics:

Start with the link to get started:

Python Basics summarized in sections 1-8

9. Object oriented

This section is kind of the core of the programming language, but for Python data analysis, it’s not the core. I envy you guys who are in a relationship. I’m nothing but handsome.

Python Advanced Tutorial – Object Oriented

Regular expressions

This is the section I patiently thumbed through and then concluded. For regular expressions, I gave up several times when I was learning the JAVA language because I couldn’t understand them. However, after finishing the sorting this time, I suddenly became clear, probably because my summary was in place. “CSDN has been recommended to the home page! Do not know true or false, anyway I did not find in the home page “delimit key ah, to I must master

Regular expressions for Python

11. Multi-threading and multi-process

Master this verse, which sounds like it’s useful for data processing

Python Advanced Tutorial – Multithreading and multiprocessing

12. The JSON

Just like in the last video, get it. “Words you all see advanced, don’t point difficulty can call advanced!”

Getting started with JSON manipulation

13. Time series

Delimit the key point, must master, I in the data processing process, in the date processing had eaten more than once deficient!! “Also, because of this article was accosted by the big guy (secretly happy…) “

Time Series in Python

14. Database operations

Got it, got it, got to use it. “If you have the intention of learning SQL, I will talk to you privately backstage. I will see if I want to produce a SQL series and reply to SQL.”

Database Manipulation in Python

15. Email

This section, do you think you use to you learn “I use, every day regularly climb the microblog data, automatic send to my email”

Getting started with Python – Email

At the end of the very last, we give you some dry goods information, free for a limited time

Limited access, 100G+ data analysis dry goods data free access

There are also some ways to use small patches from the Python editor Pycharm

How can Pycharm be used permanently?

Python series

The Python series will continue to be updated, from basics to advanced techniques, from programming syntax to hands-on projects. If you find the article in the process of reading error, please correct, thank you very much; If you can learn something from the reading process, welcome to share with us.

If you want to learn Python with me, please follow me

Learning Python, we’re not just talking about it

Original is not easy, welcome to like oh

The first article: the official account [Xiao Yi’s study notes]

Articles: Gold digging, Jane books