If a programmer work more than eight years, also simply just do the pure development, really is a very embarrassing things, because you will find that in 93, 95, is the group leader, were they to, there really is a kind of impulse want to smoke his big mouth, really want to say to him: “Lao tze to come out to work, you is still in high school!” .

Think carefully, oneself than he is older, is really worth the awesome thing? It seems that the outside world has really changed, I suddenly felt a mid-life crisis, fulfilled that sentence, too easy day can make a person degenerate, warm water boiling frog ah!

This is my feeling as a senior programmer, here I would like to share my summary with younger programmers, not necessarily correct, but I am telling the truth.

1, never stay too long in a comfortable environment, even if nothing to do, also want to find something to do, to know that the machine is not moving will rust.

2, programmers, can rely on technology alone, and finally lead very cattle force, few and few, because you are not much smarter than others, nor others how much effort, technology and cattle force where to go? So, in addition to development, pay attention to things other than development. However, does not mean that you can give up technology, you can not pursue the depth of technology, but must pursue the breadth of technology, or even if to a certain position, bragging force do not know what to blow!

3. Always have your own ideas, no matter what situation you are in. You may not be able to change it, for historical and other reasons, but at least you know right from wrong. A person without his own ideas can only be regarded as an ordinary labor force. With the progress of science and technology, artificial intelligence may eventually replace him.

4, everyone has shortcomings, we must distinguish which are character defects, which are personality defects. You can do things that lack character, but never do things that lack character, or you will not have a heart to heart friend in the workplace.

5, don’t always think about how long IT can not be done, work for two years to make money selling cakes, before you have a complete plan, doing this industry is the only relatively decent job you can do. Except for those with money and background.

6, people should have a dream, even if there is no big dream, to achieve a small goal, look at others Wang Jianlin. Advice is a quantifiable goal. For example, “I have to get up early tomorrow.” It’s not a goal, it’s a dream. “I’ll get up at 5 a.m.” that’s the goal.

7. If youth is the water you can not pull back, so is time.

Of course, sometimes work has to strike a good balance with one’s family, “another brother wrote about how IT people shoulder the two mountains of work and life”. Sometimes it can be complicated, but you need to look at the problem rationally and know how to make trade-offs. Speaking of this, I suddenly want to sing a song: “Life is not only the casual existence at present, but also the poem and the distant field……”

Thanks for sharing, it’s always good to think. If you happen to be a young programmer, you might want to think about the above, if you can skip the previous step of the pit, BELIEVE that you will have a faster growth.

There is a saying that I have shared with some friends recently, and I will repeat it here: The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, and the next best time is now.

Read more:

  • Details that hinder the growth of programmers [1]

  • Details that can hinder a programmer’s growth [2]

  • Details that hinder the growth of programmers [3]

  • Details that can hinder a programmer’s growth [4]

  • How can IT professionals overcome the two mountains of work and life

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